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New Brother Innov-is 950

Homesew | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on


I am the proud owner of a Brother Innov-is 950 and I am very excited to get the grips with its functions.  However, the CD will not play on my computer, can anyone recommend a way to play PES formatted CD on a regular player.

Your help is appreciated.


  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    Reading Machine Embroidery Files

    No computer's operating system will read a machine embroidery format.  You will need a machine embroidery software product for this.

    What to purchase will depend on what you wish to do.  A bit of editing along with viewing will run around $150.  Creating your own designs (digitizing), add another $200, or more.

    This one is free - http://www.wingsxp.com/index.php/my_editor/  It offers the basics, no digitizing.  Be sure to review the computer reqirements before accessing or purchasing any software  to be sure the computer and software are compatible.

    1. Homesew | | #2

      Hii Spicegirl

      Yet again you have come to my aid you seem to have a broad knowledge of all subjects thanks.  I will have a look at the wingszp.com and see if that can help.  The hubby says that I can possibly download onto the USB stick whether I can view it or not, so I am trying that as well.  I love the machine itself it is so much more of everything than my previous machine.

      1. Pattiann42 | | #3

        Viewing The CD

        I had considered the suggestion your husband offered when I first answered your question.  Embroidery machines are limited as to how many design files they can accept (each design is considered a file).  From what I read in the manual for your machine, the CD contains 100 designs.  That may be too many.

        Again, the pes files on the USB stick can only be viewed on the LCD screen of the embroidery machines and not on the computer, unless you have a catalog or editing software program.

        Although I was trying to find a free program for you, there is a software program that I use for viewing and sorting that is very inexpensive.

        Embrilliance Thumbnailer is around $40.  This vendor offers a download or CD - http://www.annthegran.com/brw/all.aspx?SearchText=thumbnailer&gclid=CIzqzYfYqbYCFYI-MgodL3YA5Q

        When this product first came out (about 4 years ago) I already had Brother PE 6 and Designer's Gallery.  Both have catalog viewing, but Thumbnailer is so quick and easy, I could not resist and purchased the CD.

        Once you get set for viewing, you may want to sort the files by category.  Any design files stored on the computer's hard drive can and should be backed up on a CD or USB drive.  I have mine on USB drives.  Since these are small and easy to misplace, I bought a storage folder for them.

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