New to sewing and need help with a pattern
Hi. I hope someone here can be of help. I am attempting a pattern for the first time. I am stuck. It is a pattern for a skirt. It says to “pin yoke to skirt, matching notches, centers and seam,” all which I understand, until it continues, “having raw edged even. Stitch. Press seam toward yoke. LAYER seam.”
i don’t understand how I could have the raw edges even and then stitch them together… And then what does it mean by layer seams? I think I understand all steps before and after this, but this part has me baffled. Any explanations will be appreciated. 🙂
New To Sewing
The cut edge is the raw edge. Press toward the yoke, then trim the yoke seam allowance, not the skirt' s seam allowance; this is layering.
New To Sewing
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