NonSewing Partner’s Knowledge Level

Over breakfast this am, DH casually mentioned it was too bad I had passed out early last night. There had been some sort of award show on, with all the fancy dresses. We like to watch them together and pick them apart. At least I do, and I thought he just sat there.
Turns out he absorbed far more over the years than I thought. He described several serious sewing faux pas, ripples in wide shoulder straps, folded fabric sewn where eases should have been, darts that were in the wrong places, and ill fitting, and “pookie” darts. His comments were: “Arn’t these supposed to be custom dresses from those fancy designers? I expected them to be sewn better than that.” “Shouldn’t they have taken the seam out and resewn it?” “The strap must have been sewn in two different directions.”
His other comment was that most of them were Mermaid Dresses and that they pretty much all looked the same.
Ok, so my question is this: How many of you have nonsewing partners or family that take an interest (or support) your creative efforts, and How???? Cathy
Wow Cathy...who'd have thunk it! My DH doesn't notice anything ever. I've tried to get him to help some of the more mathematical stuff in instructions (i.e. my kilt) and he won't. He's a journeyman carpenter and has a tremendous knowledge of drafting and proportions etc. His math is way better than mine. He has however made me clapboards etc. and I filch his T-squares, levels etc. He's fairly supportive though--except if the stash grows too much! However, you've been doing this a very long time and I haven't. My DH knows a lot about clinical lab and medicine from being married to me.
I'm in the same situation that you're in. My DH, also a journeyman carpenter, could care less. Especially about his own clothes. I, unfortunately, introduced him to bibbed overalls many years ago. It was, in my defense, a fashion trend for young women at the time. But he is still there. He even owns a pair of 'herringbone' denim ones that he refers to as his 'Sunday' bibs. LOL
He is occasionally impressed with some of my creations, most recently the two wedding gowns I did this last summer; but for the most part, refers to my sewing business as my 'expensive hobby.' Of course, when he does custom carpentry, I'm supposed to go gaa gaa over his work. And I must admit, it is excellent...but what goes for the goose......
I love to watch 'Project Runway' and Gunn. Lots of info and ideas, but must watch them after he goes to bed, or he complains. That is one of the perks of being married to a carpenter....they go to bed early. And after 26 yrs., I can get away with staying up later.
As far as getting him to help with my sewing room....I might as well ask him to go to a fabric store. NOT!!!! But I can't count the number of times I've gone to a lumber, home improvement, plumbing, or lighting store to get material for his projects.
Cathy.....count yourself one of the lucky ones!!!!
Yes, it's a waste of money when I sew. He has a metal lathe and collects and rebuilds guns.. Hmmmm... I occasionally gently remind him of that lathe. He's spent over a year making a gun from scratch, making every bit of machinery, steam bluing himself. etc. Time is the bigger issue for me. Take care of the house and kids, so I can sew!! However he is appreciative of my rather pathetic sewing ability. If I produced a wedding gown, I think he'd die of shock!
He won't dress well either. Drives me nuts. I basically decide what he'll wear and he compliantly wears them. I throw out his crappy jeans and replace them. He wears unironed cotton work shirts. I'm rather fussy and iron everything. My dad was an immaculate dresser. Nothing exciting but he always looked well turned out. Fortunately my son is more like him then his dad when it comes to dressing. DH hauls me in to help him with colours and furniture design. He could help me with the same.
I've heard that we in Canada might get Project Runway on a channel I get. I'll have to look into that. I've watched some on Youtube and I find the contestants rather whiney and backstabbing. Makes me glad I don't work in that industry.
The other side of the coin is that I have had to take the hard knocks course in farming, and tractors, and machinery repair. Just up until now did not realize he had absorbed as much as he did. I have known for years he has a pretty good eye for what looks good on me, and has been pretty helpful at some fitting, within limits. He is a welder, not a carpenter. His machinery know-how has been helpful as well. I also know his support for my creative needs has been pretty good as well. Most of the time. I guess that my sewing pickiness he picked up on at some time, and never realized it. Cathy
BTW he is not the snappiest dresser either, comfort over looks!
Edited 1/17/2009 3:38 pm ET by ThreadKoe
My ex did compliment me often about my sewing, for him and for the boys. He never questioned the size or price of the stash. He particularly liked the frugality aspect I think as once he said to me after a friend complimented my outfit "you didn't have to tell her it cost you $4.00 to make".The four of us, teen-aged boys by this time, built a large house. I mean, literally built the house, did almost all the work on it. Ex had been an aircraft engineer so everything he did was meticulously measured, and with me being a sewer we took a lot longer than the usual tradesmen would have, getting everything to fit exactly right. It should last through to the next millenium and was an excellent way to channel teen-age sons' energies. Each of them picked up many skills that they continue to use in their adult lives.
My DH is not only supportive, he's the ultimate enabler! You should just see my big sewing table....
How wonderful for you! (Grumble, grumble...)
DH bought over $8K in specialized woodworking equipment 3 yrs ago...we're still paying on it...'cause he needed to upgrade so he could do 1 job. Now all the neighbors and his work buddies are using them.....'cause he's working as a carpenter in a factory and hasn't touched anything resembling carpenter tools here for at least 3 yrs. He's even hired a laid off journeyman to do most of the work on the addition to our house. (DH will probably be laid off himself within this yr., so work will halt on that.)
I'm still trying to convince him that my old Kenmore is on its last legs and I could do so much more, so much quicker, with a machine that has a tension knob that actually works! He says to save up my sewing money and buy one......Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! (Smiling sweetly)
Consider yourself VERY lucky...and smart enough to marry a guy who 'gets' what you do!!!!
Believe me, I KNOW how lucky I am. I hear so many stories about husbands that grumble about every little spool of thread purchased. Granted, I've been a professional quilter, so the table was needed for my job, but I definitely don't NEED 60 sewing machines, but I've got them!
The other side of the coin. Years ago, my partner, Bob, had a friend over and they had the dining room table covered with stamps. I was sitting in the living room reading a book. Bob was as compulsive about his stamps as I was about my hobbies.
The friend said something like, your wife is really good about you having all this mess on the table, my wife would have a fit. He just smiled and said, yes she is.
He knew the mess I could make on that table when I was sewing.
It is one of my sweet memories of him.
This was a lovely little cameo and conjured up such a homely picture in my mind. How good that Bob had a male buddy to share his hobby with too.
Has your DH priced curtains lately??? Perhaps if he knew how expensive they were to buy, he would consider the purchase of a upgraded sewing machine to handle the work of doing the heavier sewing required for such a job would tweak his perceptions of your needs. Put your tool requirements on par for what is required to do your JOB on a level he understands. Make sure he understands that it is THE TOOL that you need. When you frame your need for a tool in terms that relate to a job the way he thinks of his tools for his job or work, you are likely to make him understand better. When you price out work you take in, make sure that he sees that the cost of the tool is included in the markup. Cathy
Tried that...didn't work. Suffice it to say its his $$, since I'm not working outside the home, and I don't earn enough sewing to buy my own.
I really feel for you! I am in sort of the same boat, in that the farm equipment always comes first. I want an embroidery machine. So I have been saving. I have been throwing my change, and part of my earnings in mason jars. I use my earnings from my sewing and crafting towards my future purchase as well. Maybe if you can save up half, he would kick in for the other half? I saved up for my first sewing machine this way, it took a couple of years. But I was young and frivolous then, maybe I am older and smarter and it will not take as long this time. Cathy
"it's HIS money?" sorry, he signed on for a partnership honey, so that's "family income" in my humble opinion. Don't want to cause problems for you, I know it is not good to "rock the boat" but you might benefit from some councelling. I went through much the same thing, hoping things would improve, 30 years later they haven't....your self esteem may suffer as he gains more and more control over all the decisions and you may become alienated from your family and friends. God bless you and I hope things work out for you.
DH and I were at a post-Christmas wedding for which I had made the bride's gown and bridesmaids' dresses. I've just told him I'm reading about sewers' husbands on my sewing forum, and commented that I didn't think he'd noticed any of those dresses at the wedding.
His reply? 'I noticed that they were wearing something'. That says it all!
My DH is also very supportive and an enabler to my sewing habit. He has created an sewing room for me that is fantastic. He often asks what I am working on and complements me after I have finished it. I am even encouraged to add to my stash even though I tell him I really don't need that piece of fabric. He is very creative with his hands in working in wood, etc. so he understands the concept of putting pieces of fabric together. He is doing some major remodeling in the kitchen now so he is happy working there being a cabinetmaker, electrician, plumber, etc. while I am sewing.
Your question made me DH, a corporate salesman at the time, joined me in a startup clothing design and manufacturing business in the 80's. Besides his sales chores and computer work his designated title was "head cutter" with all the lovely double entendre intended! He learned a lot about fabrics, pattern layout, production cutting, "designer vocabulary" and even today, many years later, he'll watch "What Not to Wear" with me and add his pithy commentary. (But that's probably his sense of justice at play because of the enforced football watching during Green Bay season.) ;o)
Too funny. I'm the one whose a football nut around here. I have to watch every game that I can pick up on our satellite dish. One yr. DH bought me the big package so I could watch them all. Not this yr. DH got so tired of listening to it (he plays games on the computer while its on) after this Thanksgiving weekend that he threatened to jerk the cable out.... So...for the next two Sundays I drove the 25 miles to our friend's restaurant/pub and watched it with the rest of the 'guys.' They wanted to know where he was...and why he wasn't I told them.....After 2 weekends of my going to watch football on my own he changed his attitude. I'm sure the ribbing he got from the 'guys' helped enormously. LOL
Brilliant! I, too am a football fan... but I think I learned it along with sewing at my mother's knee. She used to listen to 49ers games on the radio on Sundays and do sewing projects while I was either napping in my bassinette or playing with my toys in my playpen. So, when I got old enough to learn to sew, it just seemed natural to listen to sports (either on the radio or t.v.) while sewing. I still do that. It's relaxing, you know. My husband is great about it (and about the size of my stash and about my sewing).
OMG. I have been a die hard 49ers fan for YEARS, even though I live in Indiana. Back in the early 70's a neighbor boy graduated from IU and then went on to play for the 49ers. He looked like a Greek god and when he was in HS, he used to plow my dad's fields (shirtless) before Dad got a tractor. My sister and I would sit and drewl while we watched him. (Tee hee hee) I followed his too short career (injury) and became a fan for life. Sadly, he passed last yr. His family was friends with both mine and DH's.
Wow. That's totally cool! May I ask what his name was? I bet both my dad and mom remember him!
His name was Mike Fulk, and he would have played during the mid '70's, if my memory serves me right. I actually ran into him at a local event after his football career. I thought I would faint when he asked me out....I'd had such a crush on him yrs. before, and he was still a hunk...but I had to decline; I was engaged to DH.... I always have wondered what would have happened if I had gone out with him...LOL
A daughter of a journeyman carpenter, I have a lot in common with you! My dad was in charge of making everything with wood and metal, and my mom made everything from fabric, fiber, yarn, and string; they combined talents on furniture restoration and functional design for the whole family.
My DH, formerly a journeyman auto tech, also appreciates the results of my sewing, so he's very, very supportive. At 6'5", he loves the long-enough robes, pj pants, soft shirts I make him, as well as the soft coverlets, throws, and pillows I've made for the house.
Since he also does carpentry and numerous other hobbies, his stashes are far bigger and more extensive than mine, so I don't hear any complaints there. He's really helpful when I'm modelling a new garment and need his advice, though he tends to be overly positive. The best is when his eyes light up, and he says, "Wow, you look beautiful!"
I've loved reading this thread! It covers the gambit and I envy those of you who have married someone who is also a collector or has a creative talent... it is like finding a kindred spirit. I met and married my DH in less than 6 months and if I had wasted several years getting to "know" him, it probably never would have happened because we are such opposites, but we are still communicating and agreeing to disagree after 45 years. He always considered my sewing an expensive hobby, but did make the comment one time that if I would make something for him once in a while maybe he would think more kindly of it! I actually did but he never liked what I made as well as his purchased clothing so I never made it a point to sew for him. Now that he is no longer a "dressform" size, he is more agreeable and more than likely has come to grips with the fact that my hobby is not going to go away, but he still cannot, for the life of him, understand my stash!
Edited 1/19/2009 3:23 pm by sewelegant
Well, my first husband pretty much didn't care what I did as long as all he needed to do was watch TV. He did catch on a little eventually - he was playing with my hair one day (which is very fine and soft) and said, "Your hair feels like very fine quality ... polyester."!!!
My current husband doesn't care what I sew as long as it is for him or his kids. Needless to say, I haven't sewn anything for myself, my daughter or grandson since my wedding dress, but have sewn a fair bit for him and his kids. He gets angry when I want to sew for my family, but is very helpful and loving when it's for his side. My sewing equipment is still pretty good (thank goodness I bought a cover stitch machine before I got married!) but I haven't come close to his expenditures of a new computer ($2000), a new mountain bike ($3000), and a new camera ($1000) since we've been married (1 year). All of those things, of course, are for "us" (even though I have my own), but my money is "ours" and his is "his". I'm not even allowed to drive the new car we just bought although he told me when we bought it that I would get to drive it. I make as much as he does working so that isn't the issue. Sometimes, it's overwhelming!! But he's not home right now so I have about an hour to sew - for myself - which I am going to do right now!!
Good day to all,
I can relate to this thread as well. When my husband and I had begun dating he was very supportive of my sewing, whether for myself or for my customers. He felt very privileged to be asked to help deliver a project to customers homes. We used to joke about his rise from the role of transporter to helper to apprentice. We have been married about 7 months now and when I opened up my sewing studio recently he wondered what his new title would be. I came up with the title installation director. He was ecstatic! He said "I am going to go have a work shirt made with my name on it with my new title "Installation Director" embroidered on it. We laughed when I blushingly told him others might want one to. ( I hope I don't get banned from this sight for this comment.)
That is just tooo funny! I am glad he is so enthusiastic, and has a great sense of humor! I often use my DH as a sounding board for ideas, even if his opinion is not always taken seriously, tee hee (blush). Sounds like the start of great things to come. Cathy
Yesterday DH asked if I wanted to go to Indianapolis with him. He wanted to look for a heated suit to wear on our Harley. I figured I'd been in the house for 3 days and needed to get out, so OK...its about 70 mi. to Indy. We went to 3 Harley shops; no luck with finding a suit. So we headed home...I thought.
DH knew that I'd been wanting to check out a well known fabric store in Noblesville, but with gas prices so high this summer, I wouldn't spend the money just to go look. He'd found out where it was and had planned to take me there. He actually had looked it up on the internet (he had to call one of my daughters to find out the name)...but he was really excited to be able to take me there. I found one piece of fabric that I can use to underline a top I've been wanting to make. Other than that I was really disappointed. I'd been told that they had a fantastic selection of fabric. Not so. Nice wools, and bridal/specialty fabrics and laces, for what they had, but there wasn't much of a selection. There was a lot for quilting...and they do a lot of machine repair.
The best part was that DH had actually thought enough to take me there. He's bi-polar, and not on meds, so one minute he is not so supportive; the next he pulls something like this! This place is geared for women, but has interesting things for our DH's to look at, so he didn't grumble a bit. We stopped for lunch and really had a nice afternoon. Who'd a thunk it!!!!
Edited 1/20/2009 9:44 pm ET by Ocrafty1
DH and I both ride, so that was a perfect anti-January blahs day! It was actually sweet of him to do that. He sure earned his Brownie Points that day! Cathy
Deb-Very familar with that store in Noblesville. I think they have gone more to quilting fabrics over the last few years. Seems like they used to have a lot more in the way of woolens. They are very good about ordering items for you. They have ordered bolts of Ambiance in shades that they didn't have in stock for me. Have also ordered various laces and trims. Glad you had a nice day even if disappointed in the store.
I spoke to the owner...I was looking for entredeaux, he didn't know what it was. He also told me that they are starting an online store. Went to the site, not much there yet. I'll give the store another try....I'm desperately trying to find a boucle. Maybe they can order it for me.
Deb--Have you tried Vogue Fabrics in Chicago for your boucle? I think you can call them and they will send you a sample. I have bought from them for years by mail order though going to their store is more fun. Have never been disappointed. and 1-800-433-4313.
I checked out their site...not seeing what I'm looking for, but I may call them. I heard just yesterday about Baer Fabrics in Louisville...4 stories. When I went to their site, I learned they closed last July after 106 yrs. I was just sick! There used to be a store in W. Lafayette called Newelt's. They had everything and had been in business for over 50 yrs. 3 floors, plus a bargain basement. They went out too. I got there in time to max out my credit card, but that was years ago and I haven't found anything else near here that compares. I just wish there was something closer than Chicago. I hate driving in more than 3 lanes of traffic...panic attacks...ya know. I did learn yesterday that they are going to move the Joann in Kokomo soon. Its to be a JoAnn, etc, but without the framing dept. Hopefully, they'll carry a bigger and better selection.
I wonder if we all sent emails to JoAnn, if they would carry quality fabric again. They used to have quality fabrics in the '60's and '70's. What do the rest of you think? Should we mount a campaign?? There is usually a JoAnn close to everyone. Even in Logansport, which is a very small town.
Have you tried Yoder's Department Store in Shipshewana? I would say they probably have the best selection of woolens in the state. While I haven't been there for a couple of years, many of our advanced 4-H sewers make yearly trips there to buy their fabric. Next time I decide to take a road trip to Vogue I will give you a call...Sue
Thanks for the info! I'll have to check out Yoder's. I haven't been there before, but daughter #1 lives in Osceola...almost have to go through Shipshewanna to get there...its kindasorta on the way. I'm just beginning to learn about the better quality fabric stores. Let me know about a road trip. : )
You can get entredaux at she has that PBS tv show Martha's Sewing Room and has lots of heirloom supplies. Have you tried making it? I have used lightweight cottons like batiste and a Wing Needle, then you can just insert it in the usual manner. (tear away stabilizer or water soluble stabilizer helps to support the fabric or even tissue paper but that's hard to tear away all the bits). The wing needles come in different sizes too. Hope this helps!
For the entredeux try Martha Pullen's website on-line catalog. It is This is a very comprehensive site. If you "google" Heirloom Sewing you will also come up with many options for the entredeux. Hope this helps. I know of the store of which you speak - very sad. There was probably some entredeux in a cupboard.
That's wonderful! I'm so glad to hear that he was so thoughtful. It is very difficult to cope with bipolar illness, both for the person who has it and their loved ones. I'm happy that you enjoyed your day together. Sometimes you can find good riding clothes for cold weather at Army Surplus Stores and Sporting goods stores. Lots of stuff that's made for hunting is good for riding too. Even Western stores can be a good source or know where to find leather goods and chaps if they don't carry them.
I loved reading your post about your husband's attention to and absorption of details of sewing and fashion. You're lucky to be able to share with him that way. Men can really surprise you sometimes, can't they? My DH seems to have the ability to let things go through one ear and out the other, and he's never wanted to learn anything about sewing, but he is always so proud of every bit of sewing I do - you would think I had invented the process. "Our" sewing machine was his parents' wedding gift to us, and in 43 years, a lot of clothing and home-dec fabrics passed over those feed dogs, and he's never begrudged me, or even questioned, the cost, the space, or the time associated with my "hobby." There've been times when we've eaten dinners out, for as long as a week, so I could sew uninterrupted by grocery-shopping or cooking, and he hasn't made the first snide comment about how much it costs. I feel lucky, too.
Edited 1/20/2009 12:33 pm ET by Josefly
You are lucky to have him. I am seeing that even that level of support is considered very good. His mother must have sewn, for the wedding gift to have been what it was! Cathy
My husband has been a great support even before we were married. For my birthday prior to our wedding, he bought me a sewing machine, all on his own.About 10 years later, he bought me a new one with some decorative and stretch stitches for Christmas and a sewing cabinet for my birthday.He's helped with pickups, deliveries and furniture-flipping when I was doing upholstery or going to a craft show. Installed new lighting and plug-ins, shelves and cabinets and altered tables to accomodate changing needs.My serger and embroidery machines were my own purchases made with money I saved from sewing and from my budgeted 'spending money'.He has always complimented my work and speaks highly of it to others.The only negative, is 'the stash', which he can't understand. The only time I use house money for sewing materials is when they are going to be used for gifts.One thing he does appreciate, is that a gift certificate for the fabric store is always an easy, one-size-fits-all, right colour and shape, not-to-be-returned present for any occassion!Paddyscar
For years my DH has sort of supported my Creative Habits. Now that we are not milking, he is supporting it more fully. He has actively been supporting it by creating storage space for my stash. Where I had been feeling really neglected, he has turned his attention from his cows to me. It is really overwhelming. Where I used to have to fight to get time to do my stuff, now I feel guilty for not getting in there and working more. Who knew? Time will balance it all out. Right now, when I am able, I am sorting and clearing out the stuff that has been piled up, and can now actually see a path to my sewing table. Tee hee, when I can get some better heat up there, watch me fly! Cathy
"I am sorting and clearing out the stuff that has been piled up"That's next on my list!Paddyscar
It is a job that varies between Oh wow! and what was I thinking? to So that is where that went to! Some UFOs are now File 13s, some are repurposed, and some have gone back to the stash with thoughts of updated patterns, oh well. I am finding a growing pile of muslin fabrics tho. It is the frightening pile of yarn accumulated by myself and inherited from my Mom that is bothering me right now. She did Afghans, I knit sweaters. The yarns are not compatible. I think I am going to make some knitted afghans, Crazy Knits as you go. Stitches and colours as you feel like. Have done them before. Got to reduce the amount. Cathy
If you just want to get rid of some of the yarn, you could donate it to a local nursing home or senior center. Lots of older ladies love to crochet or knit and can't afford to buy the yarn. Lots of times they make lap afghans for the residents of the nursing homes.
I had the same problem when I cleaned/reorganized my sewing room last summer. I had a large Tupperware bin full of my own, then a neighbor brought down 2 that had been in his late mother-in-law's home. I went through and kept what I wanted, then donated to both of my suggestions...there was a LOT of yarn, and I feel like it went to a good cause. There was no way that I was EVER going to use all of that yarn.
Hmmm. Good thought. I donated a bunch to a Brownie Group a couple of years ago. They did an afghan to donate to a homeless shelter. And earn a badge. They had enough yarn to do this for a couple of years just from what I donated, tee hee. Never thought about the nursing homes. Thanks. Cathy
Maybe You and Rodezzy can teach me more about knitting when we all get together to make our duct tape doubles? My son showed me the first two stitches but I don't know if I will be able to do it or not. My fingers are stiff but it would be good exercise for them eventually I think.
Bless his heart! You are so blessed to have such a great hubby! I'm sure he is blessed to have you too! It does my heart good to know of your joy!
When I got married 46 years ago my mother told my husband she was going to tell him something about me and she never wanted to hear him complain about it. She told him, if I had two broken legs and we were down to our last dollar, I would crawl down town on my elbows to buy a piece of material.
My husband loved this story and still tells it today to anyone who may not have heard it. If I was headed to the fabric store, he sticks his elbows out and moving them up and down, grins and reminds me that my mother warned him!
He takes me to the sewing Expo in Cleveland each year (coming up in March), and has a lot of patience while I shop the fabric stores for stuff he hasn't a clue what it is for. He knows I like fooling around with anything made from fabric. He goes to auctions as his hobby. He brings me home a box of men's neckties or a cheniile beadspread, knowing I don't see these objects; I see fabric!
I turned my hobby into a business when I was let go from an office job I held. I decided not to let anyone humiliate me ever again like that, and started my own business. I started doing dress making, but decided sewing clothes for others wasn't my nitch. I did clothing alterations for many years (actually started this when I was 14 years old and my mother's friends needed things hemmed).
Then I got the oportunity to make custom window treatments. At first, I did those for businesses. (I did that along with the clothing alterations until I retired.) Later I went on my own, and my husband became my installation man. He learned how to install rods and cornice boards etc. As to the switch to drapery treatments over dress making, I told people windows don't gain ten pounds between fittings!
I still do mending and alterations for my family, but now am trying to stick to what is fun for me. My husband has been very supportive all these years and still is.
Tee Hee! And he married you anyways! You are a lucky woman! He is one of a kind, and a cutie too!
My DH knew what he was getting into also. Since we met in College, and I was taking all the textile and sewing courses, he knew how important it was to me! You have a great story to tell, and that is even better, as it will go down as part of your family lore! Cathy
That is a great story! and I have a similar picture of my husband helping with an installation as well. His real proffession is as a sculptor, and he has a eye like none other. I tease him that he can see if one dart has one more stitch then the other. He is my harshest critic and my biggest supporter. We have collaborated on a number of projects over the years and he certainly gets the best work out of me because I know he expects perfection. His hobby is recreating the costume for the Adam West Batman t.v. show from the 60" We have made and remade this costume for him several times. He has fabric custom dyed for these projects, and has located the original manufacturer for a key fabric used to cover the "Cowls" We now own all that is left of it! I have tried to get him to sew, but he refuses to do anything other then serge fabric samples. This passion of his, which was once my major frustration landed me work with DC Comics, so I have quit complaining.....some. Working for DC allowed me to stop doing window treatments, not my favorite form of sewing but it did help support us for a number of years. Your swags are very nice by the way!
Just be thankful that your DH is not into Star Trek! Imagine the complexity of some of those costumes! Trekkers can be even more particular that the costumes are just right. It is nice to share different aspects of a hobby. Does he hover when you are working on the next incarnation of his costume? Cathy
Hover does not begin to describe it. He is a frustrated costumer, he loves to figure out the intricacies of the project, loves the research, loves loves loves hunting for all the correct elements. I struggle with not being insulted as he suggests different seam finish options, or pattern suggestions. I am not accustomed to my "clients" debating with me how to lay a pattern piece on the grain to acheive a different effect. You would think I would enjoy his involvement but it does take a lot of time to educate someone who has never sewn and has no desire to do so, but is just offering lots of suggestions that you did not ask for. That having been said he is so particular about the final result that I do not dare to sew a seam without talking it through with him and showing him samples. He is a trekkie in everyway but name. The flip side is that he loves fabric shopping!!! and you can't beat that!
Having to "educate" DH must really slow you down. How far are you from retirement? Friends who have retired now have to not educate, but to be "educated" themselves on how to do everything from laundry to dishwashing as their retired husbands, having played enough golf and done the boat thing now have more than enough to say about how the house is run!One friend, although she is glad of the help when hubby does the vacuuming, is now not allowed to walk on "his carpet" in the living room! One relative who during a long marriage did all the financial work for his auto dealership besides handling all the household cash had a terrible time when he retired and put her on a budget that didn't come near to paying for household expenses.
Your getting my point exactly. Thanks for understanding. I don't know that retirement will be an issue for us, as we both work out of our home, so we are together everyday, all day. We both have basement Studios and we are like an old Carol Burnett skit, meeting over the coffee pot and reminding each other to eat lunch.
he he he he, thought as much. He probably wants to learn, but realizes you can make the costume "so much better"!!!! At least the man has a hobby you both can be involved in, that overlaps yours! Right now, the overlap we share is making space for my stash, tee hee! Now he wants to try painting in the house, heaven forbid! The last try at that was a very messy disaster! It is only the back kitchen, so I am gonna let him have a go at it, so pray for me! Cathy
My husband recently retired, and like many others', watches TV ALOT! I've gotten him to tape Sewing With Nancy and Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting on a regular basis, and Martha (Pullen)'s Sewing Room and Needle Arts with Shay Pendray occasionally. Tonight, he specifically asked me not to watch Nancy and Frick & Frack (F&P) without him, because he didn't watch while taping, and he enjoys them too! We also gleefully critique the weather "girls"' and newscasters' outfits. His taste and eye are pretty good, too - that is, he usually agrees with me! (giggle - I think I'll keep him!)Kharmin
I am green with envy that you can view these shows! We have cable tv and I can find no sewing what so ever on any of the channels so was thinking maybe the shows were not around anymore. Do you have satellite tv? If that is the answer I am ready to switch!
Have you tried PBS? I believe Sewing With Nancy is going now. (and probably others)
Sewwelegant ~ No, no satellite, but we do get every cable channel Comcast offers in Chicago! Fortunately, that includes 3 different local Public TV channels, plus "Create", a nationwide channel that is exclusively HowTo programming - remodeling, cooking, gardening, travel, sewing, crafts of all sorts. I don't know what's available by you, but it may be worth looking into cable "package upgrades" for more options. My sister used to live in Madison, and I really miss Wisconsin Public Television!Bright Blessings to you! Kharmin
Public television only carries the shows people are willing to campaign for and I guess there are just not enough fashion sewers in San Diego area willing to support a show like Sewing With Nancy. There are a few quilting shows around. I'm not sure what comcast is, but have heard of it so will have to check it out. If it is just a cable provider, I do not have a choice in cable companies yet. I have two daughters who live in the Chicago area and have enjoyed watching PBS there. We do get DIY and they will occasionally carry something. Your link to Create TV sounds like it might be an answer so I'll check that out too. Thanks. It is truely amazing at how few of the cable channels available to me are of any interest to me or else how many are just repeats, but the bill keeps going up. It seems like there are endless cooking shows and I think I may have watched Anthony Bourdain eat his last gazoo! I do not know how to find a written program guide for cable tv, does anyone else? Our newspaper quit carrying it. This inflation thing is getting depressing.
Oh yeah, I know this phenomena well. My husband was a rock jouranalist for years. For years his uniform has consisted of a black Rock Band T shirt du jour jeans and athletic shoes for a normal day, Docs for a dressier day.Then we got engaged and he was introduced to Project Runway. I can't say that his wardrobe has changed dramatically but he is now wearing FAR MORE flattering Jeans and shoes. And the terms that come out of his mouth now amaze me. Even when he compliments me he's specific now, referring to ruching or tailoring, skirt length, fabric quality or embellishment. Personally, I love it, and I gotta give credit where credit is due: "Bless you Tim Gunn."
It is amazing what they say sometimes. I am finding he is still a battle to dress, do the words "It's a guy thing." really mean anything?
Perhaps the attire he wears to work has a lot to do with his change in attitude. When he "dressed better" he probably got more respect, and didn't realize it. Most guys do not. My guy works a dirty job where clothing really does not matter, so I have a feeling that I am on a losing track. Our barn clothes not longer have the feminine touch that our daughter's castoffs had, tee hee, so he no longer gets strange looks at the flowers on his old ratty sweat shirts when he runs to the machinery dealers anymore, tee hee! Cathy
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