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Conversational Threads


rodezzy | Posted in General Discussion on

Well, September Challenge is over and here is my October Challenge List:

1.  Make a coat out of the fleece I purchased today.  Got to pick a pattern and buy the notions if needed.

2.  Finish crocheting the coat I started & worked on last night out of Crochet! Magazine  Only have right front, sleeves and hood to do.  (whew!)

3.  Knit the cabled purse I bought yarn for today after practicing and seeing how incredibly easy knitting cables are.  I have a awesome pattern for a cabled sweater that I just love and I promised myself I would learn to cable in order to make that sweater.  It’s beautiful.  I’ll find the pattern and show you guys next time.

4.  Make a list of coat fabric yardage from my stash of coat patterns and start searching for material.  I want a black & white houndstooth.  Making my 2007/08 Fall & Winter Outer Wear gear (giggle).

5.  Study Threads Magazines steps for sewing fur and gather materials.  I have some red fox fur I took off a second hand shop jacket I bought last season.  Want to make a purse and winter hat band.  Threads Magazine had a great magazine article on faux fur and fur sewing that’s been sitting by my bedside for the last month.  I look at it and read it, and stare at it, and I’ve GOT to do something! (smile)




  1. solosmocker | | #1

    So glad you started the thread. I see a lot of knitting in your future! Can't wait to see pics!Here's my goals for October:* Finish my boy Christening gown and make slips for the gowns. * Do two faux leather pocketbooks. This fabric is something new for me. I have done all my research, have the tools, and am ready to go. If any one has used faux leather, please let me know how it worked for you. * Start smocking my two little sailing outfits for the twins.* Start making and freezing lots of healthy casseroles for nursing DD and twins, of course DSIL, too!* Should I get all of this done, and I doubt it, I will make more bags for holiday gifts. Oh, I have to teach a sew along online as well, a bag of curved woven pieces. Oy,..... I guess that will get priority when I come back from my visit to New Hampshire for DDs baby shower. One of my plans while down there is to go to my favorite fabric haunt, Fabric Fix in Manchester, and check out the wools. I feel some felting coming on. I thought I would hit the thrift store as well to see what kind of pickings they have. I am leaving very early tomorrow AM so you won't hear from me for a while, solo

    1. Teaf5 | | #5

      Some tips on working with faux leather:

      *Use a long straight stitch with fairly loose thread tension.  Short, tight stitches will slice the f.leather right along the stitching line, as will removing a line of stitching and re-stitching it.

      *To test your pattern, the sequence of steps, the assembly and finished size, make a sample out of thick paper towels.  Make any changes on the pattern before you cut the f.leather.

      *Clear or masking tape works well to hold pieces together before stitching--avoid pins.

      *If the f.leather sticks to the sewing surface, use tissue paper underneath and on top, or dust the bottom layer of f.leather lightly with baby powder or cornstarch.

      *A sharp #16 or 18 needle works fine on f. leather; a winged leather needle is unnecessary.

      Share your results with us!

      1. solosmocker | | #20

        Thanks so much, Teaf. I really appreciate it. I am so glad about the cornstarch hint. I read about the talcum and was going to pick some up in town tomorrow but now will go with the cornstarch. One of my bags is a combo wool and faux leather. I think it will be really pretty. I hit my favorite fabric haunt in NH this past week and picked up some nice cashmeres at ten dollars a yard so am excited about those. I am thinking either a coat for little grandaughter or some felted for my bags.

  2. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #2

    October will be a busy month!  Here's what I plan do do:

    ~ Finish an afghan for Project Linus.  I've been working on this for a couple of months on and off, and I only have about a dozen more rows to crochet.~ Finish a quilt for Project Linus.  One very talented and generous lady donated 22 quilt tops and some fabric to the local PL chapter.  I have volunteered to finish 2 of them, and I plan to do one this month.~ Make a jacket from some tapestry fabric that I recently purchased.  Hopefully it will be cool enough to wear it soon.  Enough of this hot weather!~ Embroider a towel set for a Christmas present.  I already have the embroidery design and thread; just need to purchase the towels.~ Make a list of other Christmas gifts to make, and start collecting the supplies that I'll need.

    Rodezzy, mentioning that you want a houndstooth coat brought back memories of my grandmother.  She wore one for many years, and even when I was a little girl I always thought that was a very stylish coat!

    1. rodezzy | | #3

      Your list of things to do sound great.  They are going to love your afghan and quilt for Proj. Linus. I just know it.  What patterns are the quilts?  How are you going to quilt them.  Echo quilting, Stitch in the Ditch, or Meaner?  Does your machine have quilting stitches that meander for you? 

      I went and bought more fleece.  This time I got their solid fleece at 50% off $7.99 Alpine Anti-pill Chocolate and Alpine Anti-pill Blue Jewel making them $3.99 per/yd  ($15.97 for both pieces 4 yds total).  I plan to maybe make that swing coat again with the pocket insets blue and the collar/scarf in the blue.  Make a choco and blue hat and if I have enough left over a pair of mittens.  The swing coat is the one I made in the blk & wht oriental printed fleece in my pics.  Also got the zipper to make my mock Burberry Plaid jacket w/hood.  I will knit a wine colored scarf for that one and purchase some leather wine colored slick gloves.    I found some at an awesome sale price last year and promptly lost one.  Only wore them twice.......I never loose the cheapo gloves I buy.  I can't throw them away, they turn up like a bad penny every time.

      I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ready to sew!

      1. User avater
        VKStitcher | | #4

        Not only are you a Fiber Artist, you are a Bargain Queen!  :-)  What pattern do you use for your swing coat?  I have the Simple Swing Jacket by Indygo Junction , but I haven't made it yet.  I have been thinking that a fleece one would be nice.

        Most of the quilt tops that the woman donated are just 8" squares with 2" sashing between them; a couple are Yellow Brick Road or a similar pattern.  Lots of bright colors and kid prints.  She really put a lot of time into making them, and used top quality fabrics.  They are so cute!  I picked one with a sports theme (soccer, basketball, football, baseball, etc.) and one with flowers and hearts.  I'm not sure how I'll quilt them yet--I'll have to take a better look at them when I get ready to stitch, and wait for an idea to come into my head.  :-)

        1. rodezzy | | #6

          That is a cute pattern and I'll be looking forward to seeing the finished jacket, whenever (smile).

          I'm doing the one from Green Pepper patterns.  This is the pattern for two coats in my pictures in the photo gallery.  One is black w/white oriental writings, the other is black w/red collar/scarf.

          Do you have a long-arm quilting machine?  You can do anything with that hunk of heaven!

          View Image

          1. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #7

            Oooh, I like this coat pattern too.  I saw the pictures of your coats.  You are very talented, and have a good eye for color.

            No, I don't have a long-arm machine, only my Janome MC4800.  But I have quilted a queen-size quilt on it, so these kid-sized quilts will be a breeze!

            Too many ideas, not enough time!

          2. rodezzy | | #8

            Thanks for your kind words.  I am an O.K. sewer, on the lazy side with it.  I don't like anything too detailed anymore. 

            Oooooooo....when I was young (and thinner he he) I would customize the pattern to my body and fuss over every detail.  Oooo this one yellow dress I made was so flattering with its flared skirt, heads would turn.  I had a small neat waist and wide hips w/big legs.  That dress always got me attention.  (I know I'm a ham he he).  When I learned to adjust the pattern (I was about 26 then) I made many flattering dresses before I stopped sewing all together for about 15 years. 

            Now with my gut to go along with those wider hips, I make coats and use fabric to flatter and fulfil my need to preen.  (ha ha ha).  I love making stuff.....its chicken soup for the soul.  (I'm still a ham giggle).


        2. rodezzy | | #9

          This is the cable sweater I am aspiring to.  I will knit this one day, believe me you!!!!!  It's a free pattern from http://www.interweave.com and I love it.  It's more than a notion and I have to practice smaller projects until I'm ready to give it my all.  Isn't it beautiful!?!


          View Image

          1. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #10

            That is a beautiful sweater!  I love cable knits.  I know you can make this--you can do anything you set your mind to.  :-)

          2. fabricholic | | #17

            It sure is a beautiful sweater.

    2. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #62

      I'm making good progress on my October goals.  I've finished crocheting the Project Linus afghan, and made my jacket.  The quilt for PL is quilted, but needs binding. 

      This is the tapestry jacket that I made from an upholstery remnant, lined with navy blue Ambience lining.  The pattern is Butterick #3573, View C, with a couple of slight changes.  It was actually cool enough yesterday morning that I could wear it to work!

      Oops!  The photo is in the next message....

      Edited 10/23/2007 10:30 am ET by VKStitcher

      Edited 10/23/2007 10:30 am ET by VKStitcher

      Edited 10/23/2007 10:32 am ET by VKStitcher

      1. User avater
        VKStitcher | | #63

        Sorry--the first photo was too big.  And I couldn't delete that photo and attach a new one.  Here's a smaller photo of the jacket:


        1. Gloriasews | | #65

          VERY nice!  &, with all those colours, very versatile!  You'll be wear it for ages!


          1. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #67

            Thanks you!  My "bottom" wardrobe colors are mostly neutrals--navy, black, tan--so this jacket will go with a lot of my pants & skirts to add some color on "top".

          2. Gloriasews | | #69

            Yes, it's definitely dressier than fleece or a sweater & a nice change from a blazer - a good choice.  The upholstery area is where I've found all of my tapestry fabrics, too.

        2. Crazy K | | #66

          Love it!  Gorgeous!  I've been thinking of making a jacket for those times when a winter coat/jacket is too much but shirt-sleeves just don't work.  I have a wind-breaker but gosh......how stylish is that??  ha LOL  I love your fabric..........

          Inspiration has the wheels a-turnin'!!


          1. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #68

            Thanks, Kay.  I found the fabric at G Street Fabrics in Virginia.  I had never been to the store before and was browsing all around when I spied this tapestry in the upholstery area.  I liked the colors and thought it would make a nice little jacket to go with jeans and pants--a little dressier than a fleece jacket, more tailored than a sweater, but different from a blazer.  The winters here in NC are a bit milder than yours, so I'll be able to wear it a lot from now until spring.

        3. rodezzy | | #71

          How great it looks on you.  The fit is great.  I've seen that fabric somewhere, but I look and so much stuff.  Beautiful workmanship.

          1. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #73

            Thanks for the compliments.  You've probably seen the fabric on somebody's living room chair!  :-)

          2. rodezzy | | #75

            You make me laugh, no........It was in the clothing arena.  Probably fabric in a store.  I'm always searching, especially when I have money.  Your jacket is beautiful. 

        4. solosmocker | | #76

          VK, this is a beautiful jacket and I like the way it fits. Very, very nice. Great job matching your motifs. solo

          1. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #81

            Thank you!  Since it was a remnant, I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough to match the design, but it worked out.

        5. pinkit | | #82

          Hi VK: Your jacket is beautiful has a perfect fit and lovely matching.  I love the tapestry jackets but have yet to try making one for myself.  Congratualtions on a great job.

          1. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #84

            Thank you for the compliments.  This was the first time I've used tapestry for a jacket.  You can do one--just find some beautiful fabric and pick a pattern with simple lines so it's easier to match up the design.

        6. celkalee | | #94

          Dear Vickie, what a nice jacket! So versatile too. You did a fabulous job! I have been to the Rockville, Md. G-street many times. Talk about a lot of fabric! Now that's a "stash!" Looks great on you.

          1. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #96

            Thanks for the compliments.  I haven't been to G Street in Rockville--maybe on our next road trip??  It was my sweet husband's idea to stop at the Potomac Mills store.  He browsed the other stores in the mall and enjoyed coffee & surfed the 'net at Starbucks while I ogled and touched all the fabrics.  We were both happy!  :-)

      2. fiberfan | | #72

        Your jacket is gorgeous!


        1. User avater
          VKStitcher | | #74

          Thank you, Joanne.

  3. Crazy K | | #11

    I think I'll enter the October challenge.........my goal........to stay SANE and start some of the Christmas projects that are dancing wildly in my head..........i.e. a reversible apron for an Auntie, a patriotic eagle embroidered on a ready-made shirt for Uncle, some of my famous embroidered bibs for two daycare infants........and who knows what else I'll dream up.....oh yes, some more of the lace snowflakes (Emb. Library) for those stuff-in-a-Christmas-card gifts.  Wish me luck!!  I'll need as we're going on a short trip mid-month as well........to visit DH's brother and SIL in Arkansas.....I've never been so there so I am excited to see new scenery.  I hope to squeeze in another trip to Nancy's Notions before winter also.

    Happy Stitching!



    1. rodezzy | | #12

      Go Crazy, go crazy, go crazy - Yea!  Please, please send pics of your embroidery and the snowflakes.  I'm drooling to see them.  I wish I had an embroidery machine.  One Day!!!!

      Good Luck!

      1. Crazy K | | #13

        Thanks for the encouragement........I need that sometimes!  A little push gets things done......guess that's why I joined the challenge.  Maybe that will keep me from procrastinating so much! ha ha

        I don't have a photo of the lace snowflakes but I do have one of the shirt....actually, the photo is of two shirts that I did for step-son and grandson a couple of years ago.  I think I'll use the eagle with the flag for my Uncle......he was in the Navy in the 50's.

        1. rodezzy | | #14

          Honey, they are picture perrrrrrfect.  You do awesome work.  They are more perfect than store bought.  You should be making millions!!!!!!!!

          Keep up the grand work!

          1. Crazy K | | #15

            Can't make millions when I give it away!!!  I don't know that I could sew for money.......it just might ruin the fun!  Yes, I probably could sell some of what I do.......just never really thought much about it!

            Glad you like.  Thanks!


      2. Crazy K | | #24

        I'm working on my challenge.......determined to get more done this month.  I've been helping my daughter with her business things (sewing) and it has left little time for my own projects.  Her factory is catching up which will mean more time for me!! Yay!

        I'm sharing a photo of a set of towels I embroidered for the season.  Gave them away but at least I have the photo!!  They're so cute, I think I may make a set for myself!

        Happy Stitching!


        1. rodezzy | | #25

          Oh my, those are so very, very cute and professional looking.  You're the greatest!  I just looooooooooooooooove them, let me see............how can I get a set?  Just kidding!  Does it take long?

          1. Crazy K | | #26

            No, actually, they didn't take long.  The first was done yesterday when grandson was here and wanted to 'make' a scarecrow....I did the second one this a.m.  Probably just over an hour each.  Not too bad considering how cute they are!  I just used inexpensive hand towels and eventually would like to make ones for all the different seasons/holidays.......just for fun.  The design I used was actually a FREE design from Emb. Library from Sept.  It is now in their regular line.  Cute, huh?

            Thank you for you kind words.  I am relatively new to embroidery even though I've had my machines for nearly 3 years..........I haven't done as much as some of the others............life gets in the way!!

          2. rodezzy | | #27

            They are so very wonderful, you should be getting paid. 

            Yes, I know life does get in the way.  I'm going to a craft get together tonight, let you know how it came out.  Looking forward to it.

            Keep stitching that beautiful stuff, a pair for every season.

          3. rsolish | | #29

            october chalange:
            change guest room back into sewing room - check!
            go through pile of fixing - almost done!
            sew a winter blouse and skirt for daughter (velvet?velour?)
            sew a shirt and pants for son
            sew a handbag for myself
            good luck to everyone!
            cute towels crazy k always wanted an embroidery machine...

          4. rodezzy | | #30

            Oh my, you are from Israel - I am astonished that this Thread reaches so far away.  How wonderful.  I'm so glad to be conversing with you here.  I'll be watching for pictures of your wonderful sewing projects.  I've got pictures in the Photo Gallery forum browse around.


            Edited 10/11/2007 10:39 am ET by rodezzy

          5. rsolish | | #36

            Dear rodezzy
            you'r the one with all the beautiful quilts!!!
            i'm more into sewing clothes. but, my grandmother in Michigan sews quilts. for every grandchild (twin size) and after every great grandchild is born she sews a crib size quilt. we love them all and enjoy looking at all the different fabrics and shapes they are made with.
            i don't get a chance of posting pictures too often but i did post a few awhile back of some dresses i sewed.
            and yes, isn't it wonderfull how we can converse with ladies from all over the world who sew! gotta love it!

          6. rodezzy | | #38

            Thank you for your kind words, yes I have made quite a few quilts in the past seven years that I took up with quilt making.  I prefer no clothes projects, but I respect and admire people who do make them.  When I sew for myself, it is outer wear because I don't like whats on the market, and I like to made unusual pieces that are quick and easy to do, with the punch factor in the fabric used.

            So glad to talk with you, don't stop posting your latest works in the Photo Gallery.  That's a big joy to see what others are doing and how wonderfully they are doing it.

          7. solosmocker | | #31

            You have a healthy list going, Raya. I take it the bedroom is now officially a sewing room? Congratulations if it is. I found such a difference in my productivity with an organized dedicated room and storage. Speaking of which, my goals have taken a back seat for a couple or three days. I have spent the last two totally disecting my studio and reorganizing. I touched and folded every piece of fabric I own. My stash is not as big as some of yours but thats a good thing because I still would be folding and touching. LOL! I moved all my wools to the forefront so they will hit me whenever I open the closet. Separated out all my heirloom fabrics in a sweater organizer and did some major cleaning out. The only thing without a home right now are my velvets which I keep clipped at the selvedge on hangars but they will find a home soon, I am sure. So I am feeling very productive, very inspired and think I have one more day of reorganizing the room that opens onto the studio so all has its proper place. Then I will be ready to roar at the machine once again. Can't wait but this needed to be done. solo

          8. rsolish | | #35

            my sewing room shares me guest room or maybe it's the other way around.
            so when i have guests i fold up my sewing table, hide all the fabrics and patterns, put my cutting table away (it covers the bed) and welcome the guests!
            i just added to my list a maternity top- growing out of all of my other ones!
            good luck on the organizing!

          9. solosmocker | | #37

            Raya, are you expecting? How wonderful for you, I hope! I love sewing children's clothing. They go together so quickly and there are minimal fit issues. My organizing has gone well. The velvets now have a hanging place of honor near the sewing room closet but not quite. I also decided that today was the day to rid that back room of ten years of unnecessary boxes of tax receipts and paperwork. As I showed DH what I had to shred, he said to just burn it and I did. Got the burn barrel going and spent the next three hours burning that stuff. I think we have used our burn barrel twice since we bought this house. Today you can't be too careful with your personal info. So that is a big chore out of the way. I think I have another day or so of work before I get back to my sewing but it will be done. Thanks for the encouragement. Then it will be back to sewing with a renewed outlook. Have to take a break every now then to come back fresh. solosolo

            Edited 10/14/2007 5:03 pm ET by solosmocker

          10. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #41

            Reorganizing your studio--what a job, but what a sense of accomplishment when it's done.  Bravo for you!

            One of my New Year's resolutions is to reorganize my craft closet.  It really was never "organized" when we moved in this house--things were just shifted from the old house to the new one.  The chest of drawers is full of fabric, ribbon, wrapping paper, & craft supplies; there are bags of yarn, fabric & wrapping paper, and piles of pillows & quilt batting on the floor.  I know where everything is, but it's a jumbled mess, and I can't stand it!  I need to put up some more shelves so I can organize it better and get things off the floor.  And those drawers need to be sorted and some things will be thrown out.  My husband won't believe that I said "things will be thrown out"!  He says I'm such a pack-rat.  :-)

          11. solosmocker | | #42

            Almost done with my reorganizing. I have been prepping and painting a jelly cupboard that I have wanted in my sewing room since its inception. I should finish tomorrow and that will be the end of the re organizing. The cupboard is soft green with a pale soft yellow inside, the better to show off some stash. In my reorganizing I found lots of "stuff" I really don't want. If I haven't touched it in 2 years, its out of here and off to the consignment store. I am hoping to have enough to purchase a felting machine and its looking good. At least I cut out and ironed a couple of patterns for my Christmas pcketbook gifts. So not all has been lost, sewingly. LOL!solo

          12. user-217847 | | #46

            Hello Solo,

            please forgive my ignorance but, What is a jelly cupboard?


          13. solosmocker | | #49

            Must be a New England/colonial thing but it is a cabinet about 5 feet tall or so with a simple door. You open it to shelves where you would put your jelly jars. I did use it for that at one point but now it is relegated to the sewing room. Mine was made with a dark pine finish, very 1970' and dated, so I updated it with the paint and will post pics shortly. I have one more coat of urethane for the door and then attach the hinges. The case is done and in the studio waiting for the door. Of course I filled it up already! I'll post as soon as the door is on. solo

        2. User avater
          VKStitcher | | #28

          Cute towels, Kay!  You sound like me, giving away things you make and not saving some for yourself.  But you kept a photo--lots of times I even forget to do that!

        3. solosmocker | | #32

          Those towels are darling, Kay. I'd say they certainly fit the October theme. solo

          1. Crazy K | | #33

            Thank you!  I thought the designs were so cute.......just couldn't resist!  I love fall colors and designs.


    2. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #16


      It sounds like your embroidery machine will be humming this month!  I'm sure everyone will love the gifts you make for them.  I have lots of projects "dancing wildly in my head" too!  I plan to start on a couple of Christmas gifts this month too.  But no matter how early I start, something new pops in my head and I end up sewing something at the last minute.

      Pinned up next to my machine I have a long (and growing) list of everything I want to do, and sometimes I feel overwhelmed when I see how much there is.  These monthly challenges have helped save my sanity, and I've actually been more productive in the last couple of months.  By setting monthly goals I'm focusing on a few projects at a time, and not intimidated by the whole long list!  And I see progress when I mark off a completed project.  So come on and join in with us!


    3. Crazy K | | #51

      We're now past mid-month and I just re-read my challenge for Oct.  Sheesh!  So far, I've not been able to do any of it except the trip.   We just returned from a few days away.  Darling Daughter is having issues within her household and has needed extra help in terms of child care, etc. so now, even my sanity is in question!!!!!!!  The projects I mentioned are all relatively easy ones.........just have to find the time.  I keep dreaming of making myself some new winter clothes along with the Christmas gifts. 

      Just figured I would post an update.........maybe I'll shame myself into getting busy!! LOL  I guess I have been busy........just not 'sewing' busy.  I feel I must help my daughter.  She is busy running two businesses and now looking for a home for herself and her 5 year old son.  She needs help and support and I guess I can sew later...........family takes priority!

      Happy Stitching!



      1. solosmocker | | #52

        You are so right - family always takes priority. You will get back to your sewing when its meant to happen. Jelly cupboard is done except for screwing in the hinges. I moved it into the sewing room and am really pleased with it. DH wanted me to put it in the kitchen, but I said sorry, too late. I have another piece of furniture in the back of the basement that I can paint up in a similar fashion and make him happy. He really likes it. Today, drum roll please, I finally finished my twin christening gowns. This has been a long trip, I tell ya'. I will post them as soon as I sign off this post. Next on my list of to do's is fulfill a request for a valance for DGD's bedroom, and that will be a quickie. Then back to some smocking and big guns on Christmas gifts. At any given moment I could be called to run to Massachusetts for the arrival of the twins, so I will have to be fluid. Hopefully I will get some inserts pleated to bring to do while waiting for their arrival. solo

        1. Crazy K | | #53

          Boy!  You have been a busy bee.  Bet you're excited about the arrival of those twins.  Such fun.......and lots of work those first few weeks.

          I'm eager for daughter to find a suitable home for herself and her son.  They live in a very nice home in the burbs now but it was hubby's before the marriage so it will stay with him..........she must relocate.  The biggest hurdle she's facing is that she is a licensed in-home daycare provider.......which means she can't just run out and rent an apartment.  Life is so complicated at times!

          I will be sewing again soon.  I still have hopes of getting it all done..........not in the month of October perhaps but Christmas gifts will be made and sent and all will be fine.  It always is.

          Thanks for the support.  This is the GREATEST bunch of people!  Love this place......gee, maybe if I stayed away from the computer I would have more time at the sewing machine??!!!!  I'm hooked.........I do so enjoy the forum.

          Happy Stitching!


        2. rsolish | | #54

          dear solo
          love the gowns!! double the work, but also double the fun.
          i started sewing after having twins- a boy and girl, had lots of fun (and lot's of creativity) sewing matching outfits till they were about 5 and then they got too old and didn't want to where matching anymore.like i wrote in a differnet post my october chalange went down the drain- the one good fabric store around here didn't have anything suitable for my projects (boo hoo) so i'm changing my plans and insted plan on fixing up a jacket i sewed years ago that needs a differnt lining, and maybe a winter top ( both are for after i give birth) am thinking along the lines of a special nursung top, we will see.

          Edited 10/21/2007 1:22 pm ET by rsolish

          1. solosmocker | | #55

            Raya, have you thought of purchasing on line? Many love it. I personally have done just a little. I'm a toucher and there is still an element of the unknown with on line purchasing. It may be worth a shot for you if you can't find what you need. When is the baby due? Are you using a pattern specifically for nursing? DD will face that clothing challenge as well so hopefully I can help her out some. solo

          2. rsolish | | #56

            i have thought about purchasing on line but 1. the shipping would be too expensive to Israel 2. i also need to feel the fabric and see the flow...
            thanks for the suggsestion. the baby is due in about a month and a half and didn't realy decide yet about the pattern, i do have a nursing one that my sister used and said is wonderfull.

          3. solosmocker | | #59

            Finished my jelly cupboard and since its in my sewing room and full of fabric I thought I would show you all. I have wanted to put this in the room since I finished it. DH and I love the color. It is Sherwin Williams "Sassy Green" and the inside is SW "Lemon Merengue". solo

          4. solosmocker | | #60

            Second try:

          5. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #61

            Solo, you are a woman of many talents!  I like the re-do of your jelly cupboard--so bright and cheery.  And everything is so neatly organized and displayed inside.  Good job.

          6. Gloriasews | | #64

            How pretty! (& how organized).  Is that your whole stash??  How do you keep it so small?  :)  Or is this just for "show"?  Ha Ha



          7. solosmocker | | #77

            That is definitely not my whole stash. Those are my hand dyed wools mostly, some dyed by me, some not. Also a few pieces of cashmere, so I guess you could call it my fantasy stash, the fabrics that I really think about seriously before cutting into. The good part is I have finally started cutting into them. I can always buy or dye more. My sewing room has a 3x12 foot closet that holds the rest of the stash. solo

          8. fiberfan | | #80

            What are your plans for the wools that aren't a solid color? 

            I rarely dye fabric a solid color and haven't dyed any wool fabric yet.  I have no problem thinking of ways to use my hand-dyed plant fabrics but seem to get a brain block when it comes to using a hand-dyed wool fabric.

            Joanne - so many ideas so much fiber, so little time

          9. solosmocker | | #86

            I recently made a bag out of a hand dyed wool that I felted and was really pleased with the results. So now I have all sorts of ideas along that line dancing around in my brain. The hand dyeds give so much more dimension to the bag. I also like to applique with them. Once they are felted it is so easy, no edge finishing, and its great pikup work. solo

          10. Gloriasews | | #85

            Ah - what a relief (that that isn't your whole stash in your cupboard)!  I was afraid you maybe were so organized that you only kept a few pieces on hand to use fairly quickly :)

            We will look forward to seeing the finished products, and, as usual, they will be beautiful!

          11. rodezzy | | #70

            did you paint it?  its lovely.

          12. solosmocker | | #78

            Yes, Rodezzy, I did paint it, but that was after sanding, two coats of primer, then two coats of paint, then a coat of urethane. I have always loved refinishing furniture and have been doing it now and then for years. This little cupboard was purchased in the 70's and was a very dark pine stain so I think it got a little update, ;).solo

          13. solosmocker | | #79

            Just wanted to say that the month ends soon and I have yet to make a bag. Today I finished a valance and pillow for DGD's new "big girl bedroom". That will go in the mail tomorrow and hopefully I will start something new, either some more smocking or a bag. Got to get going on those Christmas bags. DD could have the twins anytime between now and Christmas and I am by the phone at the ready. That could seriously cut into Christmas gift making but what wonderful excuse I will have! Keep you all posted on the babies. solo

          14. rodezzy | | #83

            Wow, yes it did.  That's a lot of work.  I commend you.  I have a room that I'm going to have to do at the end of November and finish A.S.A.P. for my youngest grand to use when she's with me.  That's more often now.  It's going to be fun.  She's nine years old and likes lots of color.  I'm so excited that she wants to help decorate.  We are going to see if we can do the "Decorating Cents" formula of a whole room makeover for "under $500.00".  So I may be updating some furniture as well.  I'm going to keep a copy of the steps you took in my file for reference.  It will depend on what I find and how much work the piece will need.

            Thanks for your reply.  Great work.

          15. rsolish | | #87

            i finely did something on my oct. chalange- I re-lined my jacket! i can't wait to get back to the right size to wear it.
            love to you all

          16. rsolish | | #88

            a picture of the jacket:

            Edited 10/28/2007 4:37 am ET by rsolish

          17. GailAnn | | #89

            Love the colour!

          18. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #90

            This is a lovely jacket, Raya.  What type of fabric is it?

            I see a beautiful quilt in the background--did you make this also?

          19. rsolish | | #92

            thanks for the kind words
            i'm not sure about the fabric, some kind of woven. and no i didn't make the quilt, my granmother made it for me (as she does for all grandchildren and great grandchildren)

          20. solosmocker | | #91

            Raya, that jacket is very pretty. Relining is such a thankless job but a noble one. You did great. Think of all the extra wear you will get out of this jacket now. You should be very proud.

          21. rodezzy | | #93

            Awesome work, very pretty jacket.  Love the quilt behind it also.  I read ahead and found out the quilt was made by your grandmother.  I made my grand baby a quilt this weekend, but just 6 in squares.  Nothing so elaborate.  When I retire I will have time for such detailed work, and my grands will be old enough to appreciate them.  Not now.  (giggle). 

            When you have the baby, the jacket will be right there for you to wear.  Good Luck.

          22. celkalee | | #95

            Dear Solo, now you have inspired me! I have a piece like that, termed a chinmey cupboard by the salesman at the unfinished furniture store. DH just stained it and it is used to store phone books, notepads, etc near the telephone. I have always wanted to paint it a colonial red or black. After the holidays, I may do just that, you did such a great job.

          23. solosmocker | | #97

            thanks, Celka Lee. Refinishing furniture is really easy. It is just a matter of following the steps. I like to think that you can do a step a day and within a week you are done if you've kept at in. You can do it!I love G Street, to me the ultimate store. I have only been to the one in Rockville.

          24. Crazy K | | #98

            Well, the end of the month is just hours away and I have not completed one single thing of my challenge!!!  Well, maybe I've retained just a smidgen of sanity but that's about it.  Well, ....I did find a pattern for Auntie's apron and bought the fabric, washed and pressed it.  Bought a shirt to embroider for Uncle.  I guess that is something.  I had hoped to have more done but life gets complicated!  Daughter has now found a house..........closing and moving in two weeks.  Until that time I will be helping with childcare, etc.  Perhaps November will be a bit more productive for me!  Right now I'm glad I'm close to be able to help out.............after all, that's what moms are for!

            The best laid plans...............

            Crazy (almost) Kay

          25. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #99

            Well, if Plan A doesn't work, go on to Plan B...and C and D.....or ditch the plans altogether!  You daughter is so fortunate to have you close by--I'm sure she appreciates all the help you give her.

          26. Crazy K | | #100

            Thanks for the support.  Yes, she does appreciate it.  The sewing will get done when it is supposed to.  I've had to be flexible it seems most all my life so this is nothing new.  Guess that's the way I've stayed away from the 'funny farm'! LOL


      2. rodezzy | | #57

        Thats right K, family is so very important.  One thing about fabric and machines, they don't go away (smile).  I'm a firm believer in doing things in their own time, relax and do what you have to do first, your sewing will thank you, your have more fun doing it when it's not a job!

        1. Crazy K | | #58


  4. Tatsy | | #18

    October Challenge?  Get up and go to work.

    I may do one or two fun projects, but they will come to me at the spur of the moment on one of those bright days when everything falls into place.

    I've even given up on a fabric diet.  Sometimes retail therapy reminds me why I'm getting up and going...

    1. fabricholic | | #19

      Hey Guys,Guess what I did. I have saved my vacation to take one week in October and one in December. I am so excited and ready for a vacation. This is the first year I have been able to hold on to it this long. Tatsy, I know what you mean about October Challenge-get up and go to work. I am pooped. I have covered for just about all of our salesmen, so they could go on their vacations. My challenge is to hold on two more weeks.Marcy

      1. Tatsy | | #21

        Hi Everybody,

        Got more sleep over the weekend, got to see my grandkids, am getting caught up on paperwork, and got to visit my fabulous orthopedic masseuse who cranked on my shoulder, manipulated my neck and jaw until everything was back in place and the pain was gone.  Still don't see much sewing time until this weekend.  Tatsy

        1. fabricholic | | #22

          I've got to see a physical therapist on my vacation. Are they like Chiropractors? It's my neck. Hope you can sew, (without pain) this weekend.

          1. Tatsy | | #23

            A physical therapist is more like a physical trainer: they evaluate you and tell what exercises to do to build up your damaged muscles. My gal is a masseuse who has studied the interrelations among bones and muscles, etc.  She has all sorts of manipulations she puts my arms and legs through. Yesterday she worked on my neck, jaw, and face.  That was lots of "Stick your tongue out this way.  Look down.  Look up." I had no idea how much pain I was in until most of it went away. Today was Pilates and that took care of most of the rest.  Hope you're feeling better too.

      2. Lynnelle | | #34

        Hi All,

        Thank you again for your heartfelt, wonderful support.  I am still struggling, but in a better place than I was a couple of weeks ago.

        For October, my plan is to take things (life, work, sewing) one day at a time.  I made a skirt (picture forthcoming) but the hem isn't finished.  I haven't decided what I want to do with the hem.

        I made a knit top some time ago but never finished the edges.  The top is too short, so I decided to try my hand at bias bindings as finishes.  I think I got the hang of it, so I'll post a picture when it's finished as well. 

        Up next is my first pair of jeans.  I've cut out the pattern and am now tracing it onto paper so that I can make alterations.  I will be making a 'muslin' out of denim just to see if I can get the fit right and understand the instructions.

        Lastly is a poncho.  I've made this particular poncho before so it should be easy to make again.  This time, though, I am using a loose weave boucle' - a first for me.  I know I will have to bind the edges, so hopefully this will turn out nice.


  5. jane4878 | | #39

    Well I finally decided to stop lurking.  I finished the blouse, dress and Roman shades finally.  I've had a really heavy workload lately, I work fulltime plus spend a third of my life on-call for a hospital lab.  Let's just say I'm exhausted,but will have a very plump paycheck coming :^)  I'd trade the money for the sleep though.  I have an occasionally obnoxious co-worker and I was ready to strangle this person yesterday!  I have more stuff on the burner--not sure what to do next.

    2 armistice blouses for me (one mint linen, one lime dupioni)

    1 simple skirt (black silk broadcloth and burn out velvet on top--front and back panels over the underlying black skirt--supposed to be very easy pattern)

    PJ's for my 7 year old.

    2 winter capes for my 13 y.o. (royal blue melton) and me (grey EOS Italian boiled wool)

    little boiled wool jacket for the 7 y.o. (pink melton , dark red boiled "wool" blend)

    black boiled "wool" blend (more acrylic than wool I think, but very soft) jacket for the husband.

    I might just try to fit and cut out  the pieces and get them all organized.  I'd like to do the dupioni top and silk skirt for Xmas parties.  I'm getting foot surgery next week, so I'll be out of commission for awhile.  It's my left foot, so I should be able to sew after 10 days or so.  I just need to keep that leg elevated.

    I'd like to get my sewing room more organized as well.  An ongoing battle...


    1. rodezzy | | #40

      You do have a lot on your plate girl friend. 

      I keep hearing "boiled wool" and I don't think I have ever seen any in a fabric store, but I haven't been to a lot of different ones. 

      Good luck with the foot surgery and take it easy on your self.

      1. jane4878 | | #44

        I really like boiled wool--I bought an Austrian fulled jacket years ago.  It's very hard to find at a reasonable price.  Our local Fabricland had brought some in some that is a mixture of wool, acrylic etc.  so I scooped some up and then Emmaonesock had this incredible charcoal grey 100% wool coating weight boiled wool with a delicate black floral print on it and I broke down and bought some.  I even looked at buying wool doubleknit and fulling it, but looking at shrinkage I'd need twice as much and that's expensive too.  I'm turning into a dreadful fabric-o-holic!!  The cape pattern is very simple, so is the skirt pattern.  I'm chicken about trying to sew velvet burnout though.

        For sure I'm not going to get much of this done.  A lot are duplicates though, so once the pattern is fitted (the longest, hardest part it seems) it'll be less work.



        1. rodezzy | | #45

          Good shopping lady, and don't be chicken about the velvet burnout, just make a new post asking these wonderful ladies what to look out for and you'll have some excellent guidelines to get the job done I'm sure. 

          Halloween is around the corner and my grand daughter wants to be a princess.  Bought pattern this afternoon, will cut out tonight.  I have some fabric at home I believe will fit the bill.  Some lavender fabric I purchased for $1.00/yd table at Vogue.  It's thin, flowy and pretty.  I'm going to go back over there to find the see-thru stuff for the skirt over lay, sleeves and hat.  At least I won't have to purchase too much and the main body of the dress was on hand.  I have gold trims and other trims to choose from, so this should be done by the weekend the latest.  I measured her last night, she's grown since last spring.  Mostly up!

          Have fun making those clothes, don't you just love having the power NOT to look like everyone else? (smile)

          1. jane4878 | | #47

            Thanks.  I also sinned and bought several presser feet off e-bay.  I have a Pfaff Hobby and it can be tricky finding feet for it--they're narrower than the IDT Pfaff machines.  And, I bought some wool challis from Fashionista Fabrics.  I MUST  STOP!!!

            It's an addiction... :^))  It is nice to make your own clothes.  I live in a small town and everybody seems to end up with the same clothes and the same stuff.

          2. rodezzy | | #48

            No, not a sin but a blessing.  You are just like me.  Between one pay period I almost forgot to buy food and I was low, down to a couple chicken breasts in the freezer, I was so busy buying fabric, books, etc.  I was like GIRL, you got to buy food.  Luckily it's only me.  I've gone bonkers!!!!!  I had already paid my bills, so I wasn't entirely crazy.  Got to have somewhere to store my stash, see my stash, run my machines and drive to the store! (giggle)

            It's madness.  And the truth of it is, it's not like I don't have stuff at home enough to keep me business, I'm always looking for the next great project.  If I made all of the things I have post-it notes on in all of the books I have, I would never stop.  Although my stash isn't big enough to cover all of the projects, I do have enough to give it a good whirl. (giggle)

            Oh and yea, I lived in a tiny town when I was a young school girl and that was my jump start to sew also.  I made twin outfits for all school special occassions for me and my best girlfriend.  We still talk, she lives in Ohio w/hubby.

            Edited 10/18/2007 4:05 pm ET by rodezzy

            Edited 10/18/2007 4:09 pm ET by rodezzy

          3. fiberfan | | #50

            New fabric/supplies are different than ones you already have.  I like this quote from Dress a Day in September:  "The fabric I want to sew with has to hit that sweet spot: it has to be something I want to wear, yet not so incredibly gorgeous that I am too cowed to cut into it. ... Some fabrics, it is sad to say, fall rather rapidly; others have maintained an immunity to scissors and pins for years.   The worst is when fabric goes from too-gorgeous to too-NOT-gorgeous and misses the scissor-able stage altogether."

            Joanne - so many ideas, so much fiber, so little time

  6. celkalee | | #43

    Thank you, thank you for starting the October challenge! Since I have been following the challenge threads, I must say I have been more productive. I have one "car coat" to finish, then start the Christmas Gifts. Every year I swear (literally) that I will get this done early...we'll see. This year I'm doing Pillow cases for friends. Everyone has so many pillows on their beds these days so I thought I would do some cutwork embroidery on some lovely white batiste for everyone and maybe a little lace trim. By the way, the cutwork is via Embroidery Machine, no time for the hand-made stuff!!! I like to do these little sets, wrap them with a pretty silk ribbon. Good for bridal showers, birthdays etc. I am working on a Thanksgiving and a Christmas table runner for myself. I picked up a cute little Singer Featherweight and have it set up in my kitchen so I can cook and sew at the same time. To many steps back and forth to sewing studio and all the food burns!  This is also the time of year that I study what classes the local quilt shops will be offering starting January. They fill quickly so I must plan ahead! Good luck to everyone with their challenge projects! Aren't we productive?     

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