Here is a visual reason to do some kind of body-double…
Note the differences between Rosie and Sunny, both measure out to about my numbers… but shoulder slope, forward shoulders, sway back, HIPS!! are all different.
Sunny was made with arms. I thought that they would help with sleeve issues, but they get in the way more than they help, so now I need to figure out a way to remove them, with a view to making them re-attachable when needed. Any ideas?
Rosie is helpful with my smaller customers. She is great at holding up a prom dress to check the hem layers.
Very enlightening! Thanks for sharing with us, Becky.
Thanks, it is rather self revealing to post a pic of your duct-tape double! all the fluff shows! I hope it might help some others "get real" about their own shape! I am working on getting rid of the extra baggage, but until it is all gone this is the body that needs to be clothed (even if not always in my right mind!) HA!
How did you make your double? I have a dress form (sexy blue chocolate) whose flat, un-curvacious (i know, it's not a word, but it fits) natural measurements do not match mine. I tried altering her by fitting a swimsuit stuffed with fiberfill and other padding. It fits in the waist, but the bodice is terrible. Pleeease, tell me how you did that!
Sunny is the product of several hours of "giggles" and sweat while Alice wrapped me up in duct tape then cut me loose. There are directions floating around cyber-space for just how to do it. To finish her off I taped several "shirt-hangers" (from the launderers) together and taped a sturdy dowel to them to support the shoulders inside and to give some way to stand her up (the dowel fits inside the tube on the stand that came with Rosie, so they share it!). Then I stuffed Fiberfil around the support system and added a cardboard bottom to hold it all in and taped her shut! The neck is stabilized with a piece of leftover foam, cut to measure, stuffed in the opening and duct taped in place.
I probably should have taken photos of the construction process, I have probably forgotten some detail.... oh yes ... I used old shoulder pads inside to cushion the ends of the hangers.
Hope this helps,
How did you get Sunny that pretty yellow colour, as duct tape is usually grey?
Wal mart had several colors. We did the first 2 layers in cheap gray and then the top layer in the $ yellow stuff.
Thanks! I didn't know Wal-mart (or any store) had coloured duct tape - how festive! Maybe I'll rethink doing a new form in duct tape (in festive pink or turquoise)! Did you have to stuff very firmly to keep the shell firm or does it not become as firm as a paper tape form when finished?
About duct tape - Michaels carries coloured duct tape but they call it
"duck" tape (wouldn't you know it). It is inferior to the the silver kind, and will only stick to itself. I applied it all around my suitcase for identification at the carousel, and that works really well but now I see some others have picked that idea from me!
Thanks for the info - I'll check out Michaels next time I go. I'm glad you mentioned that it isn't the same quality as real duct tape - it may be a waste of $ to use to make a dress form.
If you are concerned with strength, use "Gorilla" tape for the under layers (2) and cover them with 1 layer of your favorite color.
Yes you do need to stuff it, the tape is not rigid. I had an old bed pillow that was rather lumpy from too many trips through the washer, so I riped the cover open and pulled the stuffing apart (un-lumped) for most of the stuffing. Don't pack it in rock hard or you might stretch the shape of your tape, thus defeating the purpose!
Be careful when taping the bust line, if pulled too tight the 'girls' will go flat on you!
Becky, thanks for ALL the information - I think I can do this! Again, thanks!
There was a Threads article many years back I think on drafting arms that removed.
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