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Old patterns for Barbie clothes

Jean | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

Back in the early 60s I made tons of really cute knit clothes for my daughter’s Barbie dolls. The  patterns were in one of the popular craft magazines of that era…Perhaps  “McCall’s Needlework and Crafts”?? I’d love to get my hands on them now that I have a granddaughter who loves her Barbies. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

Housework can’t kill you, but why take the chance? – Phyllis Diller


  1. Crafty_Manx | | #1

    I think I do; my Grandma used to knit and crochet Barbie clothes for me as a kid.  I will ask her for information about the instruction pamphlets.


    1. Crafty_Manx | | #5

      Ok, my Grandma says that she has found her old Barbie clothes books, so I will pick them up later this week after class and get you the information.  Sorry it took so long!!


      1. Jean | | #8

        Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. Looking forward to what Crafty Manx's Grandmother has saved! Another DF online is sending me some patterns too, so I hope to find my missing pattern(s), but any will do. Besides having a GD who is ga-ga over Barbie and her cronies, I hope to make some stuff for the school bazaar and use up some of my leftovers in my stash.

        Sorry I didn't get back here sooner. My Grandson built me a new computer after my last one crashed!  He managed to save everything I had on it too. He's my  hero--and he works for food!! 

  2. JudyWilliment | | #2

    Just today I was searching my local library catalogue for books of Barbie clothing patterns to sew, and one which came up in the search was published a couple of years ago, and was just knitting patterns.  I can't remember who wrote it, or what it was called, but if you go to your local library and do a search for doll - clothing - patterns, you might luck out.


    1. Jean | | #3

      Thanks Judy, I have those, it's a neat book,  but the ones I'm looking for were ancient. There was one coat with a fake furry collar that I remember specifically. I recently ran into one of my DD's school friends who remembered me making a coat like that for her doll. She said she was so thrilled with it...b/c her Mom didn't knit at all. I was surprised and pleased to hear it.

      1. rjf | | #4

        "Housework won't kill you......"

        I love it and I expect to live a long time.       rjf

      2. callie1 | | #7

             If you remember what the pattern looked like you should be able to create it.  When I was a kid I knitted tons of Barbie clothes without patterns.  They're so small it's pretty easy to see where to decrease, add, leave openings etc.  As for stitches, any comprehensive knitting book should have plenty to choose from. 

  3. Helene | | #6

    Hi, Check E-bay "knitting books" search. I look for certain knitting books that I collect and I see barbie patterns for auction often and ythey are quite inexpensive. Hope this will help  Helene

  4. spregitzer | | #9

    Jean-- I know exactly what you are talking about.  My mom is a master knitter, and I still have the marvelous tiny garments she made me for my Barbie. It must have been about 1962-6.  I have the coat with the 'fur' collar too!  She gave me all her old knitting patterns a while ago when on a cleaning spree.  I couldn't bear to part with them.  I will try to find time to dig them out today, and search for you.  Will get back to you if I can find them.  Thanks for the  trip down memory lane!

    1. Jean | | #10

      Thanks, Daisy. So glad to hear from you. Lots of nostalgia tied up in these patterns for me too. I'd love to have copies if you can find them.

      1. spregitzer | | #11

        I looked for those patterns on Sunday, but I didn't find them.  My mom is coming to visit this weekend, and I will pick her brain about it.  Let you know--Sarah

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