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Conversational Threads

online fabric stores? any luck?

BellaGabriella | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

The only two I know of – and they are catalog as well – are Hancock’s and Keepsake Quilting, but I haven’t bought from either. Anyone else know of any others they would recommend? Or any fabric stores in NH?




  1. BellaGabriella | | #1

    Well! I just did a bit more scrolling and found the "quality fabrics" thread. I'll poke around there!


  2. MaryinColorado | | #2

    http://www.equilter.com has quality fabrics and excellent customer service. Do a "search" in the top lefthand corner of their "home page" if you are looking for silk or rayon etc. as cotton quilting fabric is thier main focus.  I love thier Bali Batik rayons and they have alot of notions and books and mags too.  Mary

  3. sewingkmulkey | | #3

    I ditto equilter for excellence.  The owner, Luana Rubin, is a accomplished designer and chooses lovely fabric and has always given me superb service.


  4. damascusannie | | #4



    Fashion Fabrics is mostly garment fabric, Thousands of Bolts more novelty and quilting.

    I'm not recommending them, I just happen to know that they are out there.

    1. FirecrackerKTM | | #5

      Do y'all really buy fabrics online? I can't seem to picture a garment very well unless I can touch the fabric.

      1. damascusannie | | #6

        I'm primarily a quilter and am familiar enough with the different manufacturers of quilting fabrics to know who has good quality fabrics and who doesn't. I choose to shop locally as much as possible, because I want my local quilt stores to stay in business, but if I can't find what I need in the shops, I have no problems buying on-line. Many on-line retailers will send you a swatch if you ask them. If they won't, don't buy from them.

      2. fabricholic | | #7

        I've bought from Fashionfabricsclub.com and Manhattanfabrics.comIt's not the same as seeing it in person, but when your fabric stores are so far away, it's better than nothing. You have to blow up the pictures on line, if you can, and pay attention to the description of the fabric and how they would use it.

  5. Josefly | | #8

    I haven't ordered fabric online yet, but my sister-in-law recently ordered from denverfabrics.com, got some great silks on sale, and was extremely pleased when they arrived.

  6. kbalinski | | #9


    Above is a list of online fabric resources compiled by Threads.  I had a lot of fun clicking through the huge list and seeing what was out there.

    I've purchased fabric from http://www.trendyfabrics.com (lots of bargains, good quality) and also from http://www.gorgeousfabrics.com (also wonderful, slightly more expensive, great customer service).  Like you said, feeling the fabric really helps, especially when you have a specific garment in mind.  But there are lot of fabrics that all have the same feel and same use (boucle, denim, silk) that you may not need to touch.

    Good Luck,

    1. busybee | | #10


      Here in the UK our fabric shop options are reducing fast and I am forced to buy mail order or on-line. I too love to touch fabrics !! I have been very pleased with my purchases so far. I have just received some Slinky from Fabric.com and its gorgeous. No Slinky as far as I can see in UK. Have also bought from Sawyer Brook and EOS.

      For these companies its just not worth their while to supply inferior goods -everyone has to feather their nests the best they can these days, so dont be afraid to try them out. All the best Busybee.

  7. cookymom | | #11

    If you live in NH???, there are several very good quilt stores and one fabulous spot for fashion fabrics.

    The Fabric Fix in Manchester has bolt ends from many of the big garment companies.  It's different every time I go but they have some wonderful cloth.

    Sawyer Brook fabrics will send you samples before you buy on the net.

    I really like Quilted Threads in Henniker for their wonderful women and fabric collection.  I have about 4 projects made with their fabric amd every time I shop, I have trouble putting the fabrics together. Stacy and her crew help with the final 2-3 fabrics I select. 

    In Concord, NH there is Peggy Anne's Quilting on Main Street and they also sell over the net.

    Also the Golden Gese in Concord.

    Then there's the Portsmouth Fabric Company...so many wonderful fabrics and women.

    I have bought from Keepsake Quilting; fast service for their products.



    1. BellaGabriella | | #22


      Wow...I live 20 minutes east of Manchester, drive by Concord to go to work, and the only store I heard of that you mentioned was Portsmouth.

      I really need to get out more.



      1. Palady | | #23

        In NH there's also Martins ...  in Bedford.






  8. GailAnn | | #12

    Gave up on JoAnne's and Hancock's for the "dressmaking" type of sewing I like to do!  I've been ordering on-line from various places for about a year now.  Happy, pleased, and satisfied about 85-90% of the time.  So I think that might be the same as from the stores of my past............ 

    I made some whopping big mistakes even when I could see, feel, and smell the fabric for myself.

    Recently I've been looking for some Pendleton Plaids (in blues, reds, loden greens, and/or earth tones), to replace my knife pleated skirts of old.  I've been surprized how difficult that has been to find.  Even the Pendleton stores (On-Line) no longer seem to carry yard goods! 

    I resorted to e-bay. found some good things and some not so good things.  One nice big "shirt weight" wool plaid piece that will be marvolous when I get used to the brightness of the teal and raspberry colours.  I was expecting something a little more subdued. 


    1. Ralphetta | | #13

      There used to be a Pendleton outlet outside Omaha. They had mainly clothing but used to always have a few gigantic bolts of fabric. I believe you are in the Kansas City area so that isn't an impossible drive if they are still there. I didn't think to check their website to see if the place is still there.

    2. fiberfan | | #15

      The Pendleton outlets in Washougal Washington and Portland Oregon have some Pendleton wools as does the Mill End Fabric Store in Portland (NAYY).  I bought 2 large plaids from the Pendleton outlet in Portland the day after Christmas.  There is a picture of these fabrics and some others on this blog entry.


      1. dollmarm | | #16

        HI Thought I might jump in iffin' you all not mind !!  :~)  Mu hubby's cousin, Sheila and her mother-in-law, Darlene - quilt and they have a website where they sell quilting fabricadn etc.....  I told Sheila of this group and she is excited for me to share her site with you all.

        http://www.thequiltedcabin.comI come from a long line of sewing and my hubby's family as well and many are quilters.  You can learn all about them both and all that they sell by ck'ing out this site. Enjoy and let me know whatcha' think.  Take care & enjoy :~)



        1. damascusannie | | #18

          Hey--I've "visited" Quilted Cabin when doing some on-line browsing. Good fabric lines and reasonable prices.

          1. dollmarm | | #21

            I talked to my cousin, and her mother-in-law has been shopping for more fabric to display on the website soon.   :~)


      2. GailAnn | | #17

        Woo!  Hoo!  LOVE that plaid!  Gail

    3. damascusannie | | #19

      Why don't you overdye the plaid to tone down the colors? It's a quilter's trick, we can often rescue a fabric or quilt that's too bright by tea-dying.

      1. GailAnn | | #20

        Thanks, I think I'll give that a try.  Gail


  9. meg | | #14


    I used this vendor a few months ago in my search for a specific quilty fabric I needed to finish a wedding gift quilt. Their customer service is GREAT and I received the fabric in only 3 days. The store is in Nebraska and I live in Vermont - only 3 days to receive it and I ordered at 8pm my time.

    For garment sewing I am a huge fan of http://www.emmaonesock.com. She has great designer fabrics, good prices, and good service!

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