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Conversational Threads

only slightly sewing related

MarieCurie | Posted in General Discussion on

Ladies of the forum, I know I’m not all that regular here at Gatherings, but I’d like to let everyone know that my beloved husband returned safely from Iraq a few weeks ago.  There are no words to tell you how wonderful it is to have him home.  The slightly sewing related part is that since he is home this year, we get to go to the St Barbara’s event.  She is the patron saint of the field artillery, and her day is 6 Dec.  The branch color for FA is red.  I am up to my eyeballs in Vogue 2481 in garnet red silk taffeta, and I am going look like a million bucks on the arm of the love of my life.


  1. Susan -homedecsewing | | #1

    Dear Marie, thats wonderful news that your husband made it back home safe to you, God has Blessed you both !

  2. sewluving | | #2

    I'm glad he is home safe and sound.  WOW!!!!!! what a gorgeous dress you are making.  If possible post pics of you and your beloved all dressed up for the special event.

    Heather in Calgary

  3. lou19 | | #3

    Beautiful pattern. Have a wonderful time.

    Thanks for sharing your happiness.


  4. stillsuesew | | #4

    So glad to hear your husband is safely home. That is a sensational dress.

  5. meg | | #5

    Welcome home! Let us know how the construction of your dress goes and please, post pictures if you can.

  6. rodezzy | | #6

    I'm so happy for you and proud of him.  Please thank your DH for all he has been through for the people left home.  And you are going to be stunning in that dress, ditto on the pictures.

    Edited 11/13/2009 9:13 am ET by rodezzy

  7. Ceeayche | | #7


    Please let your DH know that I am sincerely grateful for his service and I thank you and your family for your sacrifice on behave of our country.

    And, between the glow from within and the fabulous dress, you are going to be one hot mama!  I can't wait to see the pictures.

  8. Josefly | | #8

    What a wonderful thing to share with us! Celebrate well!

  9. gailete | | #9

    So glad he is home and home well. I've had a brother and nephew(s) that took turns being over seas for most of the past 7-8 years. I can't imagine what it would have been like if my hubby had been gone. Hopefully everyone is now done with that. Please do show us your lovely dress when you are finished.

  10. miatamomma | | #10

    What wonderful news. I can't imagine how you can get your feet on the ground long enough to do any sewing.  One can hear the joy in your written words.  Pictures, please.

    May everyone who is waiting for a loved one to come home be as fortunate as you.


  11. decoratrice | | #11

    What wonderful news--thanks for sharing with us.  Please thank your husband for his service to our country, and for you, "They also serve who only stand and wait".  Wish I could remember who said that.  Have a great time in your red dress--and don't forget to make him something, maybe a fleece robe?

    1. MarieCurie | | #14

      There's not much I can make for my DH that he would really wear.  He dutifully wears the pajama bottoms I made for him several years ago that are WAY too big--before I knew how to fit correctly.  And every once in a while he wears the short sleeve beach shirt I made to match with our son.  My dream is to one day learn high-end tailoring and make him a suit, but he hardly ever wears one.  He's in such excellent shape, the coats he has from 15 years ago fit just fine, thanks.

      1. KharminJ | | #15

        AhHah! Perhaps with your improved skills you could re-make the PJs to fit better? When he's in the mood, please give him a big "Thank You and Welcome Home" hug from us, too. That red dress will be awesome - have fun! Bright Blessings to you both ~ Kharmin

  12. sewchris703 | | #12

    Just wanted to ditto what the other posters have already said. There are no words to convey what your dh and you do for the rest of us. The phrase "those who wait also serve" comes from Milton's "On His Blindness". It's the last line. http://www.sonnets.org/milton.htm#002Chris

  13. Ckbklady | | #13

    That's so wonderful that he's home!! Be sure to pass on to him my thanks for his bravery and generosity. And, hey, remember too that I'm grateful for those qualities in YOU as well- you share him literally with the world. That is generous and very brave of you.

    Bless you both, and go out and ROCK in the taffeta!

    :) Ckbklady

  14. User avater
    suesewing | | #16

    You are so blessed! I know what it is like to have a husband in the military. It is both an honor to know that he is serving and yet such a time of anxiety. Enjoy your time with him

  15. Cityoflostsouls | | #17

    How wonderful for you both and you will be beautiful with all that glow about you.

  16. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #18

    I am so excited that your DH has returned safe. You have mentioned in the past he was away. Don't forget to post a pic of yourselves, in your fab red dress! Cathy

  17. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #19

    "my beloved husband"..."no words to tell you how wonderful it is to have him home"..."the love of my life"...This brought tears to my eyes. It is obvious that he means the world to you. I'm so glad he has returned safely home.You will be stunning in that red dress!

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