Original Domestic Sewing Machine For $$$
Original Domestic Sewing machine in a wooden case. Attacments included are as such:
Geist attachments in metal case with metal oil bottle
*Binder foot
*Braider foot
*3/16 Hemmer foot
*3/8 Hemmer foot
*5/8 Hemmer foot
*7/8 Hemmer foot
*Edge stitcher foot
*Tucker foot
*Ruffler foot
* Etc.
New parts that can be purchased at any sewing machine store are needed.
Asking price $500.00 OBO. Buyer must pay shipping and handling. I am located in Springfield, Illinois
Please call:
Donna (217) 528-3404
Merry Christmas
Just a heads up for you. You're not allowed to advertise anything for sale on this forum so they may remove your post.
I think you can on http://www.sewforum.com but check the rules first. Hope you find a buyer.
Merry Christmas! Mary
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