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out of production fabric designs

ohiolily | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

does anyone know if there is a company that purchases end runs of fabric when a company discontinues a print color or designs?


  1. solosmocker | | #1

    When I was a teen, my next door neighbor was a textile artist and designed the fabric at one of the biggest textile factories in the country. She knew how I loved to sew. She would bring me home TONS of amazing sample fabrics or end runs. She said they just sat around in bins all wadded up. Fast forward some years and I worked in the office of a similar factory. Yes, there were bins of wadded up fabrics all over. Bins taller than my five feet. So she was right. And they let me take home all I wanted. They were never sold for "cloth" but were eventually sold to a rag guy who processed them into something else. solo

  2. Linda03052 | | #2

    There is a store in Manchester, NH that buys end-runs out of New York.  I don't know if you're close enough for that.  It's called Fabric Fix.  Very nice people, and  great fabric.  I'm also a member of a Yahoo group called FabricsandNotions.  Ressy, the moderator, runs a co-op.  She buys fabrics, many of them designer end-runs, out of Chicago.  Huge, high quality fabric at co-op prices.  And because the co-op is so large, she's often able to get amazing first-picks from large fabric warehouses.  It's a fun group of wonderful women (mostly women, that is), and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for fabulous fabric!

    Linda 03052

    1. kbalinski | | #3


      Can you tell me more about your Yahoo group?  I looked and saw a little information, but would like to know more.  Is the primary purpose to buy/sell fabric, or does it also serve the purpose of Q&A when you have issues, like here at Gatherings?  I'm always looking for other people who love to sew, so I'm interested!

      Just wondering...


      1. Linda03052 | | #6


        Sorry it took me so long to reply!  I just noticed that there was a reply to my post!  The primary goal of the co-op is to buy fabric.  The moderator lives just outside of Chicago, and since she's been doing this for a few years, is able to get VERY nice quality fabrics and end-runs.  It's a great group of women (just like this one is) and  every one of them is a fabricaholic!  The prices are what it costs her, divided by how many yards there are.  If she makes any money on it at all (and believe me, this woman puts in a LOT of work) it's nominal--it's not a business, it's a co-op.  And because of the sheer size of it, she's able to negotiate some great deals!  Yahoo Groups--Fabricsandnotions--worth a look/see!

        Linda 03052

  3. solosmocker | | #4

    I can vouch for Fabric Fix as I have shopped there too many times to count. I don't believe they have a website. You would have to go there but it is definitely worth the trip. The prices are great, the staff very knowledgeable, and the fabrics are killer. Now, I am guessing, but with a name like ohiolilly, you may be a little too far off for a casual drop in. But that store immediately came to mind with your request. solo

  4. Josefly | | #5

    Several of the online fabric sites list designer fabrics on their web pages. Emmaonesock comes to mind as one, though I think the prices are high there.

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