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Conversational Threads

Overlocker problems

Jazzidoodle | Posted in Teach Yourself To Sew on

Hi I have a new to me F&R (their generic modle like the SMD 855) which I am having problems with the lower lopper. It looks lovely until I turn the work over and this looks like the pretty shell like stitch you can do when holding the tension back and releasing it.  

I have taken the thread out of guides and replaced and this has not made a difference, can anyone suggest anything?


Thank you 




  1. marymary | | #1

    From what you describe, it sounds like you need to adjust the tensions.  Do you have a manual?  Most will show you how the stitches should look, depending upon the tension settings you select..  Adjusting one thread can affect the others. 

    What is F&R? 

    1. Jazzidoodle | | #2

      Overlocker problems

      yes I do have a manual for what it is worth.  It only shows the basics like tension to loose, then too tight but this happens all on its own without me touching anything but the foot pedal so I have a lovely consistant wavy line, too loose, too tight, too loose too tight etc.

      Frister and Rossmann sorry lazy! Its there generic model that lies between the Epoloch and Knitloch

      1. marymary | | #3

        Have you changed the needles?  Whenever my serger acts up, I always assume the worst and it is usually a blunt needle.  I change my sewing machine needles all the time, but forget to do it with my serger.  It does sound like there is something wrong with the tension, but it may not be caused by the tension disks.  What about your thread?  Are you using different weights and if so the tension needs to be different for each one?

        Why don't you contact F&R amd ask for help?  Can't hurt.  I looked on their website and they do have contact numbers.  It might be something simple or something that needs to be fixed on your machine. 

  2. stillsuesew | | #4

    It sounds like something that happens as the stitches cycle through.  It could be something keeping the thread from unwrapping from the spool smothly - some of it comes off properly and then something holds it back.  It could be something caught in one of the tension guides.  I would remove all threads and clean everything - including drawing something backwards through the tension disks - and then rethreading.  

    There are also machines that do this purposly  - creating a scallop stitch -could you possibly have a setting that does this and inadvertantly have it on?

  3. Pattiann42 | | #5

    Overlocker problems

    I would replace the needles with new ones.

    Then if the problem continues, try the following one at a time.

    Adjust the tensions - one at a time.

    Adjust the differential feed.

    Adjust the pressure for the presser foot.

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