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Conversational Threads

pants that fit

user-77130 | Posted in Patterns on

I’m looking for a basic pants pattern along the style of LLBean or Lands End. Just your basic twill casual pants. I can’t seem to find one in the pattern books available at my fabric store. Is there some place that you can suggest?


  1. carolfresia | | #1

    Take a look at http://www.kwik-sew.com. They tend to have styles that closely follow those in ready-to-wear.


    1. user-77130 | | #2

      Thank you I'll check out the site. Hopefully I'll find other things of interest too.


      1. Tess | | #3

        This is a dumb question, but what is CHLOR-STOP? Where can you buy it? Is there a brand name? Is there a substitute? I have used chlorine bleach to "discharge" dye from various fabrics, sometimes successfully and other times not. I used vinegar. Is there a product to stop the negative ph action of the bleach?tess

  2. SkiNsew | | #4

    I looked at the site that Carol sent to you and I think you might find more info about Kwik Sew here



    Also I think many women find the Burda pants patterns to be the best fitting ones.

    Edited 6/8/2005 8:06 am ET by mare

    1. carolfresia | | #5

      Good heavens! Thanks for catching that URL goof. The other site doesn't have much of interest for this discussion.

      I personally like the fit of Burda pants, but I know that the Kwik Sew designers are more concerned with creating styles that parallel what you can find in American ready-to-wear. It's always worth looking at several lines, though, since you never know what you'll find.


    2. user-77130 | | #6

      Thank you for the site to Kwik sew. I did search the site and found a few patterns that might work. It's nice to know that there are places that still do "normal" clothing pattersn.

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