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Conversational Threads

Paton’s Must Have Sweater

RhettaRic | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

I recently finished this sweater and just love it. The pattern runs quite small. I made the largest size, added a bit to the seed stitch and blocked it as big as I could.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2004/2335231420_3d0b9d0e3b_m.jpgRhettaRic (this is me playing with a photo editing thing)


Edited 3/15/2008 11:01 am by RhettaRic

Edited 3/15/2008 11:03 am by RhettaRic

Edited 3/15/2008 11:04 am by RhettaRic


  1. Palady | | #1

    Nicely done!  Did you use Paton's yarn?


    1. RhettaRic | | #2

      Thank you.  Yes, I did.  I bought a ton of it when Joann's had it at $3/skein online.  I like to use it for making clogs (slippers) that you felt, but had so much I decided to make a sweater.  I hope it doesn't pill too much. 

      1. Palady | | #3

        >> ... doesn't pill too much. <<   MO - When laundering, if hand is a bother -

        Inside out.  In a mesh bag.  Minimal agitation.  Soak period if deemed necessary.

        In the dyer for minimal time and then lay out to complete.  Better air dry.

        These doings should minimize any that migth happen.


        1. RhettaRic | | #4

          I'll probably do by hand.  This is their merino wool, so it can't go in dryer unless I want to give to a very wee person!  hehe  I know that from the clogs - I make them GIGANTIC and then wash in alternating hot/cold water and sometimes even throwing in dryer.  They shrink up incredibly and fit just wonderful.

          1. Palady | | #5

            Should have remebered the yarn was a Merino Wool.  My Senior Moments kick in now and again.

            Did you do the sweater on circ's?  Do you use cable needles?

            Your shoulder seaming looks invisible.



          2. RhettaRic | | #8

            I always use circulars - gave away all my straights except for double points.  But the sweater is done flat.  And I don't use cable needles either - it slows things down soooo much.  I think I used an Addi needle for this.  But I like my Denises too.

            What do you like to knit?

          3. Palady | | #9

            >> ... like to knit? <<  What ever strikes my fancy but for afghans.  Prefer to crochet those.

            At the moment most of my needlework is selective.  I have a sweater on my needles now.  For a twig that sprouted onto the family tree in Aug 2007.  I'm doing it as in a child size.

            Turned out to be a wise decision.  Sprained my right wrist after an encounter with a squirrel recently.  Being right handed, the happening has limited my doings.  Needle works and the like.  Suspect he'll be a budding branch by the completion.

            Mother tried to get me knitting, in the late 1930's, using straight Hero's.  Either it was because she was a task master, or whatever, I next picked up needles in 1949 to make socks as a holiday gift for someone who later became my husband. 

            On dpn's, with bobbins because they were argyles.  A labor-of-love to be sure, but complete them I did.  Went on to make him additional socks over the years.



          4. RhettaRic | | #10

            I am very impressed - I've never known ANYONE who has had an encounter with a squirrel!  I'm still waiting for some fertilizer to show up and help sprout some little twig in my family.  (So far my 29-yr-old daughter is single!) 

          5. Palady | | #14

            The twig who will receive the sweater is the son of a cousin.

            If it matters, both my children waited until their mid 30's to marry. 

            I'd just as soon avoid being startled by another squirrel.  I was mid step when the animal appeared across my path.  Down I went on my right!






          6. User avater
            Aless | | #18

            FWIW, I have a large box full of little sweaters/cardigans etc....Both of my kids(27 and 30) said"Don't hold your breath!" I archly replied that if that was the case, some little children were going to receive some very cute knitted clothes from someone they don't even know!!! Now I just knit small things for my own enjoyment ( with 2 forms of arthritis,my fingers,wrists,elbows aren't up to  knitting for me :- [[[  ).

            I still live in hope...I need to use my(extensive) littlies sewing patterns too! The irony of it all doesn't escape me.....

          7. RhettaRic | | #23

            I've learned that it's best to knit for myself - unless you let the recipient pick out the pattern, the yarn (and give you a sample fit sweater to use) you could end up spending hours, weeks, even months making something that they just toss aside.

          8. GailAnn | | #12

            The old saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach is SO wrong!  The way to a man's heart is throught wonderful handmade woolie socks on his feet.  No man in his right mind would ever give that up.  Gail

          9. Palady | | #15

            Ironically the socks done for husband were acrylic.  Worn with his civilian clothes.

            He was in the military and felt he wore enough wollies in uniform.  Though some were synthetic depending on the season.


  2. damascusannie | | #6

    Oh, very pretty! I love a nice, classic cardigan with cables.

    1. RhettaRic | | #7

      Thank you, Annie.  Done just in time for the HOT weather.

  3. GailAnn | | #11

    Too beautiful for words!  Now if you just had a lovely grey wool challis bias cut skirt to go with it.  AHHHHHHHHHHH.  gail

    1. RhettaRic | | #13

      Thanks, Gail.  Funny, but my DH doesn't WANT any knit clogs/slippers!  He just wears his ole store bought socks.  Really, he doesn't know what he's missing!  I attached a photo of my most favorites.

      Edited 3/15/2008 5:17 pm by RhettaRic

  4. fabricholic | | #16

    Oh, I wish I could knit like that. It is so beautiful and so much work. Wow! I have been trying to learn how to make a little lace to put on a hand towel and got stumped with the yarn over. I looked it up and I think I know how to do it now, but the yarn looks to thick for this. I found it at Hobby Lobby.Marcy

    1. RhettaRic | | #17

      Marcy, if you go to http://www.knittinghelp.com they have videos for every aspect of knitting.  That's how I learned to knit - sitting in front of computer hitting the replay button!  It's funny how the yarnover can stump people - and it's the most common "mistake" people make when they find they have unintentionally added stitches!  I put that in quotes, because really we like to say there are no mistakes?? just design elements added.

      Edited 3/16/2008 10:34 pm by RhettaRic

      1. fabricholic | | #19

        I know about knittinghelp.com. I have their cd. Now, I just can't find a cotton yarn fine enough for this lace stuff. If I can find the pattern, I will send it to you so that you can see what I am talking about. Thanks for your help.Marcy

      2. fabricholic | | #21

        Here is the link to the lace on the hand towel. Do you know of where I can get fine yarn in cotton?
        http://home.howstuffworks.com/free-knitting-patterns-for-beginners5.htm Marcy

        Edited 3/17/2008 3:27 pm by fabricholic

        1. RhettaRic | | #22

          Marcy, how's this?  http://www.elann.com/productdisp.asp?NAME=elann%2Ecom+Lara&Season=&Company=&Cat=ALLY&ProductType=5&OrderBy=&Count=19

          Eeks.  Just looked at the color choices - not many. 

          OOOh  -- here's the best one:  http://yarn.com/webs/0/0/0/0-1001-1294-1323/0/0/1277/  LOTS OF COLORS AND PRICE IS GOOD



          I think it'll work.  I have to admit, I wasn't overly enthused with the idea of knitting a border on towels until I saw the pic!  They are great!  Now I've got something else on my list of to do!!

          Edited 3/17/2008 5:55 pm by RhettaRic

          Edited 3/17/2008 6:00 pm by RhettaRic

          1. fabricholic | | #24

            Thanks. I know when I saw the pictures, I thought it was beautiful, but I tried to use the Sugar N Cream yarn and it is too fat.Marcy

        2. starzoe | | #25

          Sport weight cotton is not scarce at all. Take the pattern with you to a yarn store (not Michaels or Wallmart). Might be an idea to phone yarn stores and ask if they carry sport weight cotton. Also, look at the Coats and Clark website. They carry lots of yarn, look for sport weight.

          1. fabricholic | | #26

            I tried the Lily Sugar 'N Cream and it is too fat and doesn't look good for this pattern.

          2. starzoe | | #27

            Actually, looking at the pattern I think that sport weight is too heavy although it is suggested. Do you have any crochet cotton available? It is not expensive and the good ones will look a lot better on towels.Buy the mercerised cotton, it has a sheen to it, is easy to knit and to crochet. I think some designers like to work with heavy yarns because it works up quicker, a finer yarn will look so much better. The pattern is worked lengthwise so you will be able to work this in any weight, although with a finer yarn it will probably turn out narrower.

  5. rodezzy | | #20

    Oh...my.....goodness!  What a great knitter you are.  So many patterns.  I will never make anything that interesting.  Beautiful work, just awesome.  Love it!

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