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Patrones and La Mia Boutique

KarenM | Posted in General Discussion on

I would love to subscribe to Patrones and La Mia Boutique.  Patrones is published in Spain and Amazon.com has a subscription available for over $400 a year.  Does anyone know of a subscription source that is more affordable?  I subscribe to Burda World of Fashion and it is only $70 a year.  The patterns in Burda World of Fashion are definitely worth the price and very fashion forward. 

I would also like to subscribe to La Mia Boutique which is published in Italy but I cannot find anything about it.  Does anyone know of a source for this magazine also?

If anyone is interested in Mrs. Stylebook out of Japan it can be ordered for the Kinokuniya Bookstore inside the Beaverton Uwajimaya Japanese Grocery for $62 a year.  The telephone number is (503) 643-4512

My information is based on U.S. dollars.


Edited 7/11/2007 2:47 pm ET by KarenM


  1. jatman | | #1

    Hi KarenM!  Try this website:


    hopefully that link gets you where you can see that they have both of those magazines.  You will probably need to contact them for prices that include shipping to the US (I think that's probably where you are?).  I've purchased single issues from them before and they are really quick to ship and friendly (and contacting them in English won't be a problem).  Still, I think a subscription for Patrones will be over $200 per year (they have a few different ways of ordering that one - you can get all 15 issues which include children's and large sizes or you can get 12 or 10 of your choice).  They don't seem to have any pricing info on La Mia that I can see so I can't help you on that one.   Also, I believe they only take PayPal.

    Thank you for the info on Mrs. Stylebook!


    1. KarenM | | #2

      Thank you for the information!  I am going to e-mail them today.


    2. JoesJez | | #3

      Hello Jatman, I was wondering if you knew if Knipmode a dutch pattern mag is still available?  I was in the Netherlands about 20 years ago and bought a few magazines then.  I really enjoyed them.

      1. jatman | | #4

        Hi JoesJez!  Yes!  Knipmode is still available.  I saw it the last time I was in the Netherlands a few months ago.  I will think on that for a bit - I may be able to find that one sold on a website, too.  I'll get back to you.


      2. jatman | | #5

        Hi JoesJez - this website appears to sell Knipmode but I don't know where they will ship to and I've never ordered from them:


        Also - this one seems to be an electronic version of Knipmode:





        1. JoesJez | | #6

          Thank you very much.  I am very intriqued by the Patrones magazines too.  I have never seen them.  Between Patrones and La Mia boutique, do you have a recommendation?

          1. B | | #7


            I have purchased Patrones & Patrones Talles Grande from Stoff-Art on e-bay Buy-it-now.  I believe it comes to about $15 for ground shipping signature required (2 months) and you can request air (10 days) for a few dollars more.  They take PayPal.  The Talles Grande has larger size models (not taller) which helps you see more what they look like on a larger sized person.  Very nice to look at with designer clothes.  I wish I knew more Spanish! Oh, yes, she includes a definition list of some of the Spanish terms!

          2. JoesJez | | #8

            You have been very helpful. I am just new to this site and its fun talking to other sewers.  I'm going to check out ebay right now!

          3. jatman | | #9

            Hi JoesJez!  Sorry to take so long getting back to you - I was out of town.  I would recommend Patrones over La Mia but that may just be personal preference.  La Mia has some intriguing things but overall I find that I get more use out of Patrones' patterns.  They seem to cover a wider range - from trendy to classic and younger to more sophisticated.  La Mia is a little bit more trendy than I am.  Hope that helps!


            Edited 8/2/2007 6:52 am ET by jatman

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