I live in a small city where there aren’t any college courses on pattern drafting. Can anyone recommend some good books or videos that would help me teach myself? I want to learn very badly and would greatly appreciate your suggestions!! Thank you in advance!
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There is a book in Clotilde called "How to Make Sewing Patterns" that looks good if you want to make patterns for yourself (i.e., not commercial). I don't have it, though, so I can't tell you much more than that.
But while you are waiting for those books and courses why not just try some flat drafting of a simple top? I usually start with two perpendicular lines (+), for example center front and bust. Then I'll use those reference points to measure out the side seam (width from center front line), shoulder (bust depth), neck base, armscye depth, etc... You can tweak details like shoulder slope and curve of armscye, neckline shape, etc... You may be able to come with an interesting, loose-fitting top with this method as I have done. Also, measuring clothes that fit you well helps. Experiment with old sheets and tablecloths! If you try it let me know how you do. And if you find a patternmaking book that is good, please let us know.
*I have Pattern Making by the Flat Pattern Method; 4th ed. by Norma R. Hollen. There is an 8th ed. out now with upddated material on the newest styles and fabrics.She starts with a comerical basic pattern to create a sloper. Then drafts patterns from it.Since the basic pattern fits me without much alteration, it has worked for me. This book was used at the University of Iowa at Ames. At least the 4th ed. was. I don't know if it is still used. But because it was a textbook, I found it easy to learn from.Chris.
*TammyHi, again. Just wanted to recommend to you to check out Sewing World's discussion on, I think it's titled "pattern making by the book". There is a lively exchange there about several methods and books, where to get them, etc...dawn
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