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Pattern for a patchwork teddy bear

kettlecorn | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I have searched the WEB as well as I know how.  I am looking for a pattern to make  a memory teddy bear.  I intend to use men’s ties.

That is not my problem, I have seen these done in cats, dogs, bears, etc.

They seem so simple.  They are either one solid piece of fabric or at the most 2 sewn together.  There are no specific features such as eyes, ears, it’s just obvious what they are.

Anyone know where i can find a pattern for such a critter?




  1. sewelegant | | #1

    I have made the Carol's Zoo rabbit and do have a teddy bear pattern from her.  It was put out by McCall's, I think.  Look in the Clotilde catalog on line, she has been carrying these patterns for years.  They are just two pattern pieces and are stuffed loosely and look so cute and realistic when finished.


  2. User avater
    CostumerVal | | #2

    Oh gosh.  I have an old womens day magazine that has a bear pattern for every month of the year.  They are on 1/4" grid that you enlarge to 1".  There's a book that's been in Ollies for a very long time now that's all about making bears, also in 1/4" grid.  I would suggest that you check out your local library for a bear book or magazine first.  They are all 2 piece head and body (right and left side) 2 piece arm and leg, most with a sole piece; and an ear.  You could probably draft your own version after seeing a few.  I would hit the library first.

    It would probably be easiest to piece the fabric together and then cut the bear out, rather than cut up the pattern.  You can still applique something unique over the eye area and nose.

  3. Teaf5 | | #3

    Two great suggestions so far! 

    When I was desperate for a pattern (a last-minute gift, late on Sunday evening) I traced one from my daughter's stuffed bear.  I used waxed paper and a marker, taping a separate piece paper to each part the bear because I couldn't stand to put a pin into it.  My daughter stood guard over her precious teddy.

    I added 1/4" seams, and cut out the pieces.  The new teddy looked just fine, and the old one now has a "daughter" of its own.

  4. kettlecorn | | #4

    Thank you all for your input.  I visited several sites you suggested, didn't find EXACTLY what I was looking for , but I did find 2 sites with free patterns you might want to check out.


    http://www.PatternMart.com  for free patterns of all types

    THX again


    1. sewelegant | | #5

      Thank you, that site should keep me busy for a long time!  I browzed it briefly and look forward to a more indepth look.  Is the bear pattern you are looking for a flat bear with only a little plumpness?  I have seen many of these types around but do not have a pattern and I think the idea of copying another bear for the shape sounds like a good one.

      1. kettlecorn | | #6

        Well, I still can't seem to attach a photo of a cat that I have of the same type pattern.

        It is very full, almost the size of a regular cat.  I'll keep looking.

        Thank you,


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