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Conversational Threads

Pattern for Hospital Gowns

Lynn2 | Posted in Patterns on

I am searching for a pattern for hospital gowns.  I only located one from Simplicity (can’t recall the number), but it was not suitable.  I want to make some gowns for senior residences, but look more presentable – not looking like you are in a hospital gown, if you know what I mean.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  1. stitchmd | | #1

    Can you give a more detailed description of what you want. What features are important? Back closure? Over the head with knit neckband? Some detailing so it doesn't look like a plain wrap? What do and don't you like about the ones available?

    1. Lynn2 | | #2

      Thank you for responding back to me.  I am looking for hospital gowns that open in the back.  Something simple to put on, but I can dress it up to make the patients/residents feel like they are not wearing hospital gowns.  I don't think something with an elastic neck would be appropriate - more difficult to put on.  The only pattern that I located was open from the front, which really is not practical or look very nice for most patients, especially women.

      If you can direct me to any type of patterns with these specifications would be very much appreciated.

      Thanks and have a great day!


      1. stitchmd | | #3

        You can try using google to look for "hospital gown design" which brings up lots of sites, might find something inspiring there. I remember a gown called something like "No Moon" but can't find ####specific reference to it. Did find this article, which might have some ideas you can usehttp://www.cnn.com/STYLE/9811/06/hospital.gowns/For a basic pattern you can always use an existing gown and alter/adapt it with your own ideas. Nursing home residents usually have trouble keeping warm, so I think a warmer fabric would be good. A terrycloth or flannel gown to go to the shower room would probably be very popular. You also need to ask the laundry department what fabrics they can handle. I suspect the gowns are so thin because the are quick to wash and dry.

        1. Lynn2 | | #4

          Thank you so much for your assistance.  Very much appreciated.  I will check out the website.  In regards to the materials to use, etc., I was thinking the same.  I already purchased some pretty flannel, but not too heavy.  Others to come.  I will let you know my success with the website.

          Have a great day!


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