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Conversational Threads

Pattern like gorgeous dress on cover?

marijke | Posted in Talk With Us on

I really like the dress on the cover of the latest issue of Threads.  The pattern used is a vintage one and I have not been able to find anything like it.  Does anyone know of a pattern that mimicks that style?  Or one that could be made to look that way with fairly simple changes?

I am looking for something with a higher waist or empire waist and some room around the hips.  Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,



  1. starzoe | | #1

    Have you researched all the patterns available in the pattern books? Vintage patterns are all the rage now and so are the type of dress shown on the cover. I was looking through the pattern books at a fabric store recently and was surprised that so many of the dresses shown could be adapted to the cover one.The other thing that entered my mind is that women all over the sewing universe will be meeting each other in a variation of this dress! It is so attractive, unfortunately I am much too old for this but it would be sweet on an under 40, fit body.

    1. marijke | | #6

      Thanks!  I think I overlooked some options the last time I looked at the pattern books! (See the other 2 suggestions I got.)

      The Vogue pattern may require a younger figure, but I think the Simplicity one has enough coverage I could feel comfortable in it (and it will hide the mid-section which isn't what it used to be...)

      Thanks much for every suggestion. 


      1. Elizard | | #7

        I think a person on patternreview is offering the pattern used(but uncut), with loads of other patterns - but I have no idea of American patternsizing so I don't know whether it would work :)
        hop it helps.

  2. Teaf5 | | #2

    Simplicity 3777 is very similar; you can check it out online, and Simplicity are often on sale for $1.99 at Joann's. It seems to have a little more ease through the hips than the cover dress, which looked a lot like a pattern I used in the mid 1960s, but has the same interesting empire waist and tiny cap sleeves.

    1. marijke | | #5

      That's very close.  I hadn't looked at that one, didn't look beyond the frilly long-sleeved picture on the opening page.  But you are right, that does look pretty similar, although the skirt from Vogue 2942 is more like that cover dress, I think.  Maybe I can alter the skirt a bit to be less wide. 

      Thanks so much for pointing this pattern out!


      1. Teaf5 | | #9

        It was fun, looking through the patterns to find a similar one, and it kept me busy so that I wouldn't go out and buy more patterns for myself!If you make it, please let us know how it turns out and whether it would work for others with similar figures.

  3. user-60627 | | #3

    How about Vogue 2942, although it's sleeveless, its a pretty similar silhouette.

    1. marijke | | #4

      That's a really pretty dress!  I do need something with a bit more coverage, though, since I cannot go bra-less (or I'd have to build a bra into the dress?)  Very pretty silhouette.  Thanks for pointing it out to me.


  4. RhettaRic | | #8

    I thought the article said it's Vogue 6934, if it's the March issue.

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