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PES format?

user-209603 | Posted in Machine Embroidery on

What is PES Format?  I just got my new Babylock Esante and it came with a disk for my computer with 600 designs on it.  When I try to open it up it says it cannot open it because it cannot identify the PES format!  What is that?  Please help.  Thanks bunches!


  1. SuzerSTL | | #1
  2. jjgg | | #2

    PES format is the embroidery format that Babylock and Brother use with thier embroidery machines.

    On your computer you will need to have the PE Design software in order to open and view the designs. The disc probably goes straight into your machine and it will read it, but on your computer you need some form of software.
    You can download a trail version of Embird http://embird.com/sw/embird/newdown.htm
    it will open the designs so you can look at them

  3. ctirish | | #3

    Hi, I have the Baby Lock Ellure sewing/embroidery machine. I am not sure what your problem is, do you have a CD with designs on it, a card with designs on it or a backup CD or Diskette with designs on it.  There are a lot of designs on the machine itself. 

     I just checked on your machine.  You have USB connectivity, so if you have a PC and you have the USB cord to connect your sewing machine to your PC you are all set.  Once you connect the two machines (PC to Esante) you will be able to see all of the designs on your sewing machine. They will be viewable on the screen for embroidery, there will be the USB symbol on your screen and if you push on that it will connect the PC to the Esante.  You can do quite a bit of editing on your sewing machine itself. The USB symbol looks sort of like  the way a typical cactus is portrayed except it is on its side. Congratulations, the Baby Locks do beautiful embroidery.  good luck and enjoy. If you have any more questions let us know. I hope you bought your machine at a store that gives free classes on it.  jane

    1. zuwena | | #4

      I'm a little confused.  You started off talking about the Ellure and ended with the Esante.

      I just saw the new Ellure Plus and I am seriously considering it.  I don't think I need all that it has to offer but it has a great needle threader, which I will be needing soon and the stitches seem comparable to the Pfaff 2046, which I also liked.  I am so pleased to hear that you are happy with your Ellure (or was it the Esante?).


      1. ctirish | | #5

        Sorry about that... Sassysewer had mentioned the Esante in the first note and I got confused about what we were talking about. The Ellure I have does not have a USB hookup.  Today my machine is not working correctly, I was so frustrated with it. So, I did have another thought about sewing machines. I would take a selection of sample material to a dealer or several dealers and sew on each machine. When you look at sewing machines they always sew samples that are simple cotton and a lightweight denim.

        I would get several  pieces of the following:

        some good 16 oz denim - see if you can sew through 2 layers folded twice or  sew flat with 4-6 layers.

        Some really slinky material that is difficult to keep on the table.

        I would try some chenille

        Minkee fabric - it is a super soft new material

        interlock knits, single knit and maybe some burned out fabric

        I would see how the different machins handle each fabric and then try to decide on  machine.


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