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Pfaff 6270 Opinions Wanted

Linda_Lee | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I bought a new Pfaff 6270 in January & have a few more months in which to upgrade if I decide to. So far, the machine has been great. I’d like to know other peoples’ experience with the Pfaff 6270. Is is dependable, did I make a good choice, would you recommend it, how does it compare to other brands, etc., etc.?? Any and all info is welcome!


  1. Pat_Moore | | #1

    I have the 6250 which is the predecessor to the 6270 and I LOVE it. But, then I was upgrading from a 20 year old Kenmore. I've been very impressed by the control you have over it (seems like you can stop on a stitch). Anyway, I'm not sure what you want to know but I have been very happy with it.


    1. Linda_L | | #2

      *Thanks for your reply -- have you ever been tempted to upgrade or are you still satisfied with the 6270? I keep hearing how it's better to get the top of the line machine but don't really want to spend the extra $$$ unnecessarily. Any input you have would be appreciated.

      1. Linda_Lee | | #3

        *I was sure hoping for more opinions, advice, experience, etc. Anybody else have ideas to share??? Thanks in advance! Linda

        1. lin_hendrix | | #4

          *Hi Linda, I can't offer any advice on the Pfaffs because I had a rather bad experience with the line several years ago. However, I did buy a 1530 Bernina (next to top of the line) with a similar upgrade option. I loved the 1530 and thought it a superior machine... And the 1630 had a 9mm stitch width and some extra embroidery type stitches as well as some computer interface stuff. I traded up. My reasoning was that my sewing machine purchase is going to last a long time, my sewing needs may change and I'd like to have as many options open as possible. If trading up isn't too much more costly and the new machine has features that are worth it I'd vote to trade!--lin

          1. Pat_Moore | | #5

            *I must admit the thought of trading up has crossed my mind. But how to justify it... I still spend more time thinking about sewing than actually doing it. I think I like the idea of being able to design your own embroidery patterns, although I don't do much with the embroidery stitches. Maybe it's just human to want more, greedy bunch that we are.Pat

          2. Linda_to_Pat_M. | | #6

            *Hi! Well, I did upgrade to the 7570 about a week ago (after much agonizing over the price!) I think your comment about human nature is so true. Also, I'm like you, I think I read more about sewing than actually sewing!! Anyway, I LOVE this new machine!! Can't wait to learn all it can do. Just wish I could retire from working!!! Thanks for your replies. Linda

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