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Conversational Threads

Pictures Requested

rodezzy | Posted in Photo Gallery on

You asked to see me, so here we go.  A little Show & Tell from my guild too.



Rodezzy, Fiber Artist


  1. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #1

    Rodezzy, the dolls just made me smile. Thanks, I needed that. How wonderful to see you. Such a creative bunch of ladies you hang around with, my congratulations to them all. Cathy

    1. rodezzy | | #2

      Thanks glad to share my guild doings and such.

  2. katina | | #3

    The dolls are delightful! What fun, and how marvellous that you have such a lovely group to work with and be inspired by. Thanks very much for posting these.


    1. rodezzy | | #4

      Thanks very much, enjoyed sharing with my sewing and crafting sisters on Gatherings!

  3. Ocrafty1 | | #5

    You have to be the busiest person I've ever "met!" Sewing, knitting, making dolls....do you ever sleep!   Your dolls are gorgeous! 

    I'm working on another wedding.  Still not charging enough, but I am raising my charges immediately.  The word is getting out and I have 4 garments to make by the 14th of Sept....time to start charging what I'm worth!!  If they don't want to pay me....then they can go somewhere else....if they can find someone to do the work.  I'm tired of working for nothing....and I'm worth much more.  I'm still waiting for pix from my " large" bride.  When I get them I'll post them.


    1. rodezzy | | #6

      Thanks for the compliments, only the one doll in the white dress is mine.  Yes, I get about 4 to 5 hours most nights.  Sometimes I get a day or two of sleep and rest, because I don't do nothing!  giggle.  I just push hard when I do get started because I want it NOW!  giggle.  he he.  Working on a project for the Fernwood Park Fieldhouse right now.

      Yes, get what your are worth.  Looking forward to seeing that dress. 

      1. damascusannie | | #7

        The dolls were great, but this quilter really liked the two quilts pictured--they are both just wonderful

        1. rodezzy | | #10

          Thanks.  I wish you could come to the guilds Quilt Show in October. 

          1. damascusannie | | #13

            So do I, but you'll just have to go for all of us and take lots of pictures!

  4. Gloriasews | | #8

    Oh, Rodezzy - what a group of inspired women that you are part of!  The dolls are so cute & each one so different & the quilts are lovely.  Good for you all!

    I laughed at your comment to OCrafty1 about your lack of sleep sometimes.  I think you're part of the younger generation who want instant gratification, eh?  :)  I do know what you mean, though, when you're on a roll - you are eager to see the project finished - it's such a satisfying feeling.  Then, you can sleep without stress.

    Thanks again for the pics.


    1. rodezzy | | #11

      Thanking for all my members also.  They work hard and are so creative.  I wish you could be at the quild Quilt Show in Oct. 

      1. Gloriasews | | #20

        I wish I could be there, too, Rodezzy.  I think I'd even like to belong to your quilt guild :)


  5. User avater
    JunkQueen | | #9

    Rodezzy, as usual, you have me totally in awe. Those dolls and quilts are each quite wonderful. Such a talented group of ladies. You must just feed on each other's creativity. And the best part is that all of you look as if you having so much FUN!

    1. rodezzy | | #12

      Yes we do.  Thanks.

  6. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #14

    Thanks for a Monday Morning smile!  Those dolls are so cute, and all so unique.  You and your guild ladies are quite a talented bunch.  I really like the quilts too.  Thanks again for sharing your photos and your creative spirit with us.

    1. rodezzy | | #15

      Thanks and you are so welcome.  Love to share.

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #16

        Rodezzy, I keep thinking about the 2 quilts. Please, are there stories to the quilts? Cathy

        1. rodezzy | | #17

          Gwen loves to make quilts depicting images of African Americans in the past, present and in Afro-centric garments; and in African settings; as well as modern settings, as we all do.  This is one of her specialties.  She loves applique.  All of us in the group are depicting what is our lives.  Who is in our lives; as we see our lives culturally, along with traditional, abstract, floral and other quilt designs.

          Just like any other group depicts images of their past, present and/or images of their homeland.  Remember America is founded by immagrants.  Indians depict images from their cultural background, the same as any other group would depict images from where their ancestors came and the lives they lead in their life time.

          Adriannes quilt was the winner of our "Quilting in the City" theme quilt challenge.

          That is the theme of our Quilt Show in October "Quilting in the City".

          Edited 8/25/2008 2:07 pm ET by rodezzy

          Edited 8/25/2008 2:16 pm ET by rodezzy

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #18

            I just loved the fluidity of Adrianne's quilt being held aloft against the rigidity of the skyline.
            There is something about Gwen's quilt that speaks to me. I felt an instant emotional response to it. Very Powerful. Cathy

          2. rodezzy | | #22

            Wasn't that a great quilt.  It won first prize in our little "Quilting in the City" contest.

          3. Ceeayche | | #19

            Tres Manifique!

            Like one of the other posters indicated, you made me smile.  I'm watching the DNC, getting a kick out of the music selections--CSPAN is playing it gavel to gavel no pontifications.... and your dolls made me smile in the midst of it... along with some of the oldies but goodies they are playing.  Celebrate by Kool and the Gang and it was a fitting tribute to your dolls and the quilts.

          4. rodezzy | | #21

            Why thank you.  I was watching DNC also last night.  Very emotional, very very emotional.

  7. Josefly | | #23

    Love the dolls and the quilts. You and Miss Monique were dressed in coordinates, yes? What a great doll. How did you do the leggings for Miss M? Is that a printed fabric, or crochet?

    1. rodezzy | | #24

      Yes, we are coordinated.  I made my dress and hers from the same white denim.  Her legs were made from striped black & white fabric. 

      Thanks, I'm glad you like us - giggle.

  8. User avater
    artfulenterprises | | #25

    Rodezzy, I know you can take another note of praise! What an amazing and delightful group of visionaries you are associated with in your sewing group! Loved those wonderful dolls...all of them! And a special zowie goes to Gwen. The quilt with the dancing children is fabulous...I so loved the postures and attitudes...especially the graceful arms. Wonderful. Thanks for all your words of wisdom I see posted here!


    1. rodezzy | | #26

      Thanks, always glad to share with such wonderful people as I've found here.

  9. dressed2atee | | #27

    Awesome, simply awesome!!!!!

    1. rodezzy | | #28

      Glad you liked them.

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