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Pin fitting with pattern pieces

almost | Posted in Fitting on

I have tried (unsuccessfully) to pin fit the pattern pieces together and “try it on” prior to cutting to determine pattern adjustments.  The patterns either end up tearing or are way to stiff (depends upon the brand) to be able to perform with any accuracy.  What hints can anyone give me on how to accomplish this successfully.


  1. Elisabeth | | #1

    I was just thinking about those books with all the pictures of pin fitting tissue patterns on real bodies. I don't have any of those books probably because the pictures of that process seemed silly to me. You can trace your patterns onto something that won't tear or stretch out of shape and that will wrap nicely around the body. The lightest weight non woven interfacing is a good one. Sometimes JoAnns sells their own interfacing for 4 yards for 99 cents and that would be an inexpensive source. There is official pattern tracing paper sold at various places such a nancys notions. The more expensive is swedish tracing paper which is quite nice but maybe a little thick and nancys notions has their own which is lighter weight. I think you can get the cheaper stuff under other names and uses, maybe it is called soil separator paper for nurseries or landscapers?? It might cost less under that use. All of these you can see through,draw on, sew, pin, and try on and they won't change shape as a woven fabric would or tear like tissue. It does take more time to trace the patterns but you save the tissue original and you can make all your adjustment marks on your copy.

  2. HeartFire | | #2

    make up the pattern in muslin - buy it at Joannes with the 40%off cupon (I buy it by the 25 yd bolt) then you can make the ajustments in the muslin.

  3. mem1 | | #3

    you need to use magic tape to reinforce the seam allowance . you reinforce and then clip any curves. you can then use the tape to add in any bits of tissue paper which might need to be added in order to make it fit.. The majic tape is schottch brand and is particularly good.as it can be moved if necessary and I have also used vielene or a non fusable interfacing to tranfer the paper a pattern to and then pin fitted it .It is worth getting the "fit for every body book" by palmer pletsch.it is really good.

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