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Ladyemperor1 | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Hello everyone! I am new to this site so please forgive me if I make an error or two. I am looking for help in making pleats on a sink skirt. How do I measure for proper placement of the pleats? I am not an expert seamstress, but am willing and able to learn. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


  1. rjf | | #1

    LadyE,  What's a sink skirt?  That's a term I haven't heard.      rjf

    1. Jean | | #2
      1. rjf | | #3

        Boy! Am I dumb.  My husband wants to know if it's a mini or a maxi.       rjf

  2. carolfresia | | #4

    There are commercial patterns available that include sink skirts--I think Vogue has one that's got several versions (pleated, plain, gathered); the pattern also has a bunch of other bathroom accessories, if you're taking the plunge into home decor.

    Even though I'm familiar with these things, having recently seen the patterns, I too was puzzled by "sink skirt"--I wondered if it was some new, trendy style that I'm too old even to have heard about!


    1. Jean | | #5

      rjf and Carol.  I will confess that I had to Google before the coin dropped!  LOL.  I was thinking 'car wash skirt'--Now what??

    2. Ladyemperor1 | | #8

      I do not think that you are too old to know about these. They were popular a while ago and are making a come back. They not only liven up a dull space, but offer much needed storage space in a small bathroom. They are most commonly used on wallmounted sinks, but I have seen them used on smaller vanities that have become very worn and unsightly.  My Mother has wanted one for several years and since I have finally found time and the energy to attempt one, I thought that I would give it a go! My first attempt w/o a pattern was a bust. That is when I found out that I needed to add some pleats. I thank you for your interest and willingness to help.     LadyE

  3. rjf | | #6

    Now that I know what a sink skirt is, I can talk about pleats.  Usually you use 3 times the width of the object when you're pleating but sometimes more depending on the weight of the fabric and length of the skirt.  Then each pleat has one part showing and two parts folded in.  If ] is the edge of pleat and >>>>>> is the underneath part and [   ] is the part that shows from the front, your fabric would be marked like this:

                        ]>>>>>>[   ]>>>>>>[  ] etc.

    Fold on the ] and bring it to the [.  The >>>>are underneath.  Pin each pleat in 2 places and stitch across the top.   You could do box pleats similarly:

    ]>>>>>>[]<<<<<<[       ]>>>>>>[]<<<<<<] etc.          rjf

    1. Ladyemperor1 | | #7

      Thank you so much for the assistance. I am making this skirt for the wall-mounted sink in my Mother's bathroom. By having one on there, it allows for some much needed storage space. If you can remember the show , The Honeymooners, Trixy had one on her kitchen sink. I am only 41, but I remember seeing one on there. It may be a bit dated, but after watching some shows on HGTV, I believe they are making a comeback!   

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