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Conversational Threads

Posting to more than one member

spicegirl | Posted in Talk With Us on

I probably overlooked this, but how do you post to just two or three members and not all?


  1. fabricholic | | #1

    Did you try to change the name in the space beside To: ? You know how you hit the arrow in the blue square and pick one from the list. I don't know that you can put more than one name in, though.Marcy

    1. spicegirl | | #2

      Tried that, system only allows one name.

      1. Cherrypops | | #3

        I have not found a way to post replies to more than one member at a time either.

        Have you found a particular forum which allows this?. I haven't.

        I presume it is the way this forum site is set up. Email your question to the Forum Admin, maybe their computer department/web creators can help.


        1. spicegirl | | #5

          I was trying to send a message to you and Mary in Co (just remember me as crabby patty!).  Sent to Mary only, but you got back with me before MIC.  Wasn't trying to eliminate you from the post - I was just too lazy to re-type the message and did not want to post to "all".

          1. Cherrypops | | #6


            I understood you not 'wanting to eliminate me' and as I was online before MaryinC I jumped in first.

            No, no I don't wish to remember you as 'crabby patty'. I do like your honesty! We all have days.

            Instead of retyping the message, here is what I do, provided the content is to remain the same:

            highlight the text (click before first word of text and drag mouse to the end of the last word.

            press CtrlC together (copy the text)

            continue with your post

            open a new reply post window for next member

            press CtrlV. (paste the text into)

            Saves time if message content is exactly the same.

          2. spicegirl | | #7

            Thanks.  I thought I had tried that, but maybe it was on another forum.  Will keep it in mind for next time.

          3. spicegirl | | #9

            Gotta explain "crabby patty".  I got it from the cartoon "Sponge Bob, Square Pants".  My husband can't stand the cartoon and my grandson enjoys kidding him about being a secret admirer of the character.  Crabby patties are the menu speciality at the bottom of the ocean.  Because my name is Patty, I use the phrase when I want to gently scold my husband or grandson.  Just wanted to share the joke!

            Spicegirl is my dog - liked the sound of it as a screen name - hope you didn't think I was into racy videos!!!

            We need some of those cute little smiley face icons.

          4. Cherrypops | | #10

            Yes it would be good to have smiley icons.

            I am with you husband on Spongebob. I haven't gained a liking for it. My son isn't too fussed. preferring the Simpsons.

            I actually took SpiceGirl as cinnamon or nutmeg. Thought you may be a great cook!

            Thanks for sharing .

            :) CherryP

      2. fabricholic | | #8

        Yes, wasn't sure if that is what you were saying. Sorry I couldn't help.Marcy

  2. Cherrypops | | #4


    If you want other members to view your responses, but you do not want 'all' in the 'to' field. click the down arrow to the right of the 'to' name list. The dropdown list gives you all members who have recently visited the site.

    If you do not want your post visible to other members on the screen, find the member from the drop down list and click the reply via email at the bottom of your posted message window. unfortunately you will need to type your responses one at a time.

    You probably know all that anyway. I was just making sure. No offence.



    Edited 3/7/2007 5:31 pm by Cherrypops

This post is archived.

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