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Pressing velvet

nisee | Posted in General Sewing Info on

hi, need to ask if anyone know where to get a needle board or is there some new info on pressing velvet seams.  It has been a long time since I have tried to sew velvet and I have all started to assemble all the bits and parts to approach my project.  I did have a needle board but it is long gone – what is new or anyone have advice             thanks in advance


  1. meg | | #1

    Have you tried Clotilde?


  2. jjgg | | #2

    how about Greenberg and Hammer

    1. nisee | | #3

      Sorry to be so late in returning to discussion.  Thank you, this site does carry what I am looking for - can't wait to start my project and found the back issue of "threads" that details tips for success. 

  3. nisee | | #4

    Thank you for your reply but I can not get any match on that site. I have had success with another site recommended . 

  4. stitchagain | | #5

    I have used a needleboard, but have heard that in some cases one can use a terry cloth towel!


    Has anyone else heard this?



    1. nisee | | #6

      I got that advice from one of "threads" back issue, and now that I have received my fabric from the online source ( also one of threads recomends) I see that a terry towel will work.  Thank you for answering  my inquiry.  I did get a source for a needle board from another person at this site.  So, if I need to I will purchase.  I am thinking this is the start of another great sewing adventure and I may try velvet again.      

    2. sewornate | | #9

      Since I seldom do sew on velvet I never bought a needleboard, but have used a piece of velvet for a needleboard.  (Much the same as you would use the terry towel.)  You can use a piece of the same fabric you are working on with the pile side up, of course.

  5. User avater
    Flax | | #7

    Hi Nisee,

    I saw your post earlier and while looking through a catalog for something else I ran across a needle board and remembered you.

    Solo Slide has a 5" x 13" for $65.95
    Atlanta Thread has the same one for $61.00

    If your order totals over $100.00 your shipping is free.
    Atlanta thread shipping is $7-9, I think...

    Anyway, another option is called Velvaboard. Never tried it, but I found it too at Solo for $19.95.

    In case the towel doesn't work...

    Edited 1/16/2008 8:48 pm ET by Flax

    1. jjgg | | #8

      Greenberg & Hammer has velvet boards in a variety of sizes

    2. nisee | | #11

      Thank you all I ordered the Green&hammer velva board.  Good price.  This is a very drapey velvet for a jacket and I treated myself to a new steamer w/tank iron last year so following tips from threads This should be the right tool.  Thanks again for intro to some new sights for notions!

  6. SAAM | | #10

    I have used both a thick towel and scrap pieces of velvet to iron velvet with good results.

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