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Conversational Threads

Pretty in Pink Prom Dress

ThreadKoe | Posted in Photo Gallery on

As promised, I am posting pics of Daughter in prom dress. Her jewels were her GreatGrandmother’s rinestone necklace, bracelet and pin on the bow.


  1. Gloriasews | | #1

    That's a beautiful dress on a beautiful girl - the jewellery was perfect, too.  You did a great job! 


    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #8

      Thank you all for your compliments.  Daughter thanks you also.  She had a wonderful time.  She loved her dress and said it didn't budge all night.  Arn't the shoes a hoot?  We found them at Winners for 30$ in the sale rack!

      1. AAC | | #9

        You both rock.  Bet Paris Hilton's mom can't make a dress like that for her.  She's got nothin' on you guys.  Made with love is best!

  2. jatman | | #2

    Hi ThreadKoe,

    That really is pretty.  She looks beautiful.  And the accessories are just right - even the shoes!  Nice job!



  3. rekha | | #3

    Lost for words; all I can say is that a well-sewn dress is enhancing the beauty of the girl

  4. AAC | | #4

    Pretty girl, pretty dress!  That hem must have been a bugger.  I like your choice of fabrics.  Is this the top you were concerned about?  It looks like a good fit to me.

    You've done a great job, you deserve to be proud of yourself.

    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #6

      Yes, that was the top I was concerned about.  Elastic is a wonderful invention.  The hemming actually wasn't too bad, just time consuming.  I hung the skirt, lining and overskirt for a bit over a week after steaming them well, then measured them for length.  I did not want to hem it while the dress was completed as it would be too heavy.  Then I did a fine hem by stitching and turning it up along the stitching line, stitching close to the fold, trimming, folding again and stitching again.  That was the over skirt, 5 full panels.  I used a 3 thread surged edge on the lining and under skirt to start the process to give a little more weight to the hem.  I used a stretched out polyester twill tape stay at the waist to support the weight of the skirt and keep the bodice up.  Also put in bra stays in the back.  Surged over both edges of a piece of selvedge for a soft but sturdy ribbon.  Worked like a charm. 

  5. SAAM | | #5

    Lovely! I hope your daughter danced the night away and had a fabulous time in her beautiful dress.


    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #7

      She said she danced her heart out and had a lot of fun! 

  6. rodezzy | | #10

    Oh yes, she is Pretty in Pink.  It is so lovely and you did a great job.  So sweet, just like a prom princess should look.  Awesome.  Thanks for sharing your photos.

    Edited 6/9/2008 12:22 pm ET by rodezzy

  7. MaryinColorado | | #11

    Your beautiful daughter looks like a princess in her lovely pink gown.  I'm sure she will always treasure the memories of her special evening, sweetened by having a part of her mother and great grandmother with her.  You did an incredible job on the dress and the fitting, love the subtle green ribbon too.  It looks perfect!  The jewelry and hairstyle really compliment the gown and I love those shoes!!!  Mary


  8. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #12

    Yes, Pretty in Pink!  Lovely dress, lovely young woman.  I love the classic styling of the dress, and the heirloom jewels are the perfect touch.  It brings to mind photos of my Mom in her formals back in the 50's with the full skirts and net overskirts. 

    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #13

      Thank you, that was the effect Daughter was aiming for, 50's movie star.   Cathy

  9. GailAnn | | #14

    The perfet prom dress.  Gail

    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #15

      Thank you GailAnn.  From you that means a lot.  Cathy

  10. sewelegant | | #16

    The most elegant dress at the prom, I am positive.  The more I look at it the more I like it.  You did a very nice job.  Thanks for sharing.

    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #17

      Thank you very much.  I think she really felt elegant.  That is a good word.  Cathy

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