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printable patterns

allensew | Posted in Patterns on


I am new here and i want to ask for your opinion.

I want to sew a backpack for my little daughter. I found a printable pattern for it : http://www.sewing-patterns.org/99-back-pack-details.

What do you think about it? Do you buy printable patterns?


  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    Printable Patterns

    Well, I did not see a backpack with the link.

    Downloads will be several sheets of printer paper that will require careful trimming and taping together.  The trimming before pinning to the fabric will elminate cutting the "heavier than pattern tissue paper" with your good fabric cutting scissors.

  2. KBTsewer | | #2

     If you scroll further down the page you'll see that this pattern prints out onto sheets of A4 paper which you stick together.It comes with full making up instructions and costs $8 to buy. If you can buy your daughter a backpack cheaper than that then why waste money making one.

  3. User avater
    TaraSews | | #3

    This may be to late to post, I can understand wanting to sew your own vs buying, however I do think there are many free backpack tutorials on the internet too choose. You could easily find one and just alter it to fit your desire and who knows not even have to print a thing out. Here is one that does not have a zipper if that is not an issue you can add a princess applique from micheals I am sure.


    There are also 30 of them here! Any how good luck and let us know what you made.


    Oh one more I just found with a zipper and it is free tutorial and pattern:



    I have printed out patterns before it really does not take much ink at all, you can tell by looking at it if it will or not. My project for me was worth it, something you will have to determine for you.

  4. HelgaPataki | | #4


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