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Problem with a 2 in 1 coat

ghis | Posted in General Discussion on

I ,this is Ghis,I am back!!!My hubby gave me a beautifull coat from Jones of New York,it is a 2 in 1 coat with a little faux-fur jacket with sleeve on the inside and a long one on the outside that is like a raincoat with a (capuchon,remember I am french )and a soft belt.The problem with this, is the coat ­”turnes to the left and the sleeves also roll around my arms,PLEASE could someone tell me wath is wrong with that coat,I have tried everything to see what was wrong and could not pinpoint it Whaiting for the answer.Ghis


  1. Ckbklady | | #1

    Bonjour Ghis!

    My instinct tells me that either the sleeves were cut off-grain or that they are just too small for your arms. It being a raincoat I doubt that you would want to cut vents in the arms to reduce the twist, although that could be a stylish design feature. I'lll watch this discussion to see what others suggest for you, as I'm curious too.

    Bonne chance!


    1. User avater
      ghis | | #5

      thanks for your input Ckbklady,but I must say that the sleeves are not to small and I will check for the off-grain there could be something there.Ghis

  2. stillsuesew | | #2

    Or one set of sleeves was put in on the wrong side....

    1. User avater
      ghis | | #6

      I stillsuesew.I also though about that,and really something feels wrong with the sleeves.Thanks a lot.Ghis

  3. Teaf5 | | #3

    I am guessing that the nap of the fake fur pushes the outside jacket sleeve in one direction whenever the two rub together. Each hair on the fur is "pushing" against the outer jacket, and all the hairs are pushing in the same direction. It would probably work better if the raincoat was on the inside and the fur on the outside or just one layer was worn at a time. It is frustrating when beautiful designs do not translate into a wearable garment!

    1. starzoe | | #4

      I'm with you on this one
      I'm with you on this one (hopefully the original poster will find this, our new site is a misery to navigate!). I have a jacket made from heavy Malden fleece that is double-sided. The sleeves have turned-up cuffs. Each time I wear it, whether outside-in or inside-out, the cuffs creep up and I end up wearing a 3/4 sleeve jacket.

      1. User avater
        ghis | | #8

        Hello starzoe,like Teaf5 said it is really frustrating to get such an expensive coat(395.00 on sale) and not totally enjoy it.The look and design is very original and distinguish but I dont feel good in it.Because it was purchass on sale there is no way I can get my money back.However I wont despair I am sure I'll find a way to fix it.Thanks to all of you that gave me all sorts of input.GHIS

    2. User avater
      ghis | | #7

      Tank you Teaf5 ,what you are suggesting is very plausible,I will surely look into it.Ghis

      1. starzoe | | #9

        At the very least, please consider writing to the (preferably) CEO in charge of that brand. Be friendly but firm, you never know what might come of it. Send a picture of you wearing it.

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