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Conversational Threads

problems with xl6000

trotto | Posted in General Discussion on

i currently purchased a singer xl6000
i was having problems with the embroidery feature
it would not center the needle in the hoop when you turned it on
this caused entire design to be misaligned
sometimes it would sew the first couple of steps correctly
then misalign the next step
i sent the machine to singer to be repaired
they said the unit needed oiled
i have only had it a few months–this machine needs oiled?
anyway, just got it back–went to sew a design
guess what!! it does the same thing
it certainly is not repaired
i have contacted singer again, no reply yet
some have said the designs are flawed-some say they simply are too big
i have been told by singer, they are not to big
anyone have any thoughts?


  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    It sounds to me as if the machine is not set correctly, possibly at the factory.  Whoever worked on the machine may have been inexperienced or did not thoroughly examine the machine.  Don't let them drag thier feet until your warranty is outdated.  One of the most important aspects of embroidery machines is proper hoop alignment so as long as you set it up right, it should work perfectly and consistently.  We pay too much for these machines to get unsatisfactory reslults! 

    As far as unsatisfactory designs, this rarely happens and is usually freebie designs from an inexperienced digitizer.  I've been doing machine embroidery for over 11 years now, have never had an issue with commercial designs. 

    Your hoop size should be either stamped onto the hoops or on some of the literature that came with the machine.  Most designs state thier size on the package, they just need to be the correct "format" for your machine.  Mary


    Edited 6/10/2008 11:18 am by MaryinColorado

    1. trotto | | #2

      Dear Mary,
      Thank you for replying to my message. I have been sewing for over
      40 years, but only embroidering the last 5. I first purchased
      a xl150--loved the machine-no problems at all. My husband gave
      me the xl6000 for Christmas THIS YEAR!! I have had nothing but
      problems. I sent the machine to be repaired...it is not fixed!
      Same problems. I received an e-mail from them today. They are
      now telling me the problems are because I prewound the bobbin myself
      on the spindle provided with the machine incorrectly!! Can't seem
      to get through to them, THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE BOBBIN!! I have
      stitched out the designs I am having problems with so they can see
      just what is happening. Don't know if it will help because it does
      not happen all the time. I know it's not the design because it has
      happened with more than one design. I turned it on awhile ago to
      stitch more designs for them to see, and again, did not center the
      needle within the hoop! The also told me I was using too heavy of a fabric or too large of an article or I was not allowing enough clearance for my fabric to move. I did not start sewing yesterday,
      I know these things. I paid over $67 to ship the machine to them
      the first time, so I'm hoping they don't expect me to spend that again! The machine was bought in Dec 2007, I have plenty of warranty
      left...but, come on, the first repair should have done the job!
      Anyway, I'm still trying to solve the problem and I'm trying to
      work it out with Singer. Just wanted to know if I'm the nutty one
      or if these problems were actually something Singer should get on
      the ball and fix. Again, thanks for talking!! Debbbie

      1. MaryinColorado | | #3

        They should cover the shipping, because they didn't fix it right in the first place!  It doesn't sound like "operator error" to me, especially since you're not new to embroidering by machine. 

        I'm sorry you are going through this instead of enjoying your art.  Hope Singer will resolve it to your satisfaction.  Mary

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