Is anyone else watching Project Runway this season? I keep tuning in and hoping it’s going to suddenly get better and resemble past seasons. In the past I watched in awe as designers created and sewed beautifully tailored jackets, coats, etc., (Jillian, Kara Saun?, Michael,)in just a few hours. This season seems to be all unimaginative, tacky, satin mini dresses with puckered seams and really embarrassingly lumpy hems.
I’m hoping that it’s just because of the rift with Bravo and that when they switch to Lifetime they’ll bring the magic back.
Is this bunch as bad as I think, or am I being too harsh?
Yes, I've been watching from the chair right next to you. These designers seem quite a bit less mature in their designing and constructing abilities. I keep hoping that there'll be a challenge which flips their switch to the "on" position. I sense that Tim Gunn is also underwhelmed.
A friend of mine gave up the minute that half of them grabbed tablecloths and garbage bags for the first challenge. She said, "Haven't these idiots ever seen this show before?" So many of them talk about being Retro and copy something from the 40's rather than creating something new. I am so disappointed and, like you, keep watching in hope it will return to its former glory. It's like watching a close friend with a terminal illness...I long for a dramatic recovery.It's only a TV show, but I enjoyed watching creative people use sewing in an artistic way.
I am surprised at the number of designers with the same design ethic and their seeming lack of ability to design for the challenges. It is the only show that I record and then stop everything to watch, but sometimes I feel like I am watching a train wreck. The challenges sometimes feel like reworked ideas from past episodes.
I didn't know it is supposed to move to Lifetime. When and why did that happen?
Does anyone know if it's on in Canada and, is so, what channel it's on?
Is it on Rabbit Ears? I do not have cable or Satellite. Cathy
It's currently on Bravo, and will be switching to Lifetime. The first 3 seasons are available on DVD, my favorite is the second season.
I agree, I think all the talent got used up on the last season. And every episode so far, the judges have kept the more obvious disaster and sent the more talented designer home. I was so frustrated watching last night...
Obviously, I'm a fan too.
Kristine in Michigan
I am a newbie to the show and have been catching up on youtube. so I am watching season 4 now. I watched the Aus. one first and really enjoyed it. Am wondering what some of those designers are thinking!?! Cathy
I've never been able to find it in Canada (I have satelite). The Canadian Project Runway was on Slice. Not a station I subscribe to. though I might for the duration of the show if it's on again.Jane
Hi Jane, nice to hear from you. I have not seen it on my rabbit ears. I am enjoying what I see on YouTube tho. I will have to be satisfied with that for now I guess. Cathy
I'll have to do the youtube thing too. I've been lurking, but haven't had much to say I guess. :^) I was on vacation the past 2 weeks and spent the whole time fighting with my 2 teenagers. I can't even get NEAR a computer half the time! (we have 2). The house is still a mess--the battle's been over cleaning up. If I'm there railing at them they do it, but as soon as I turn my back it desintegrates. I'm at work today and already my husband has let them off the hook. grrrrrr He sulks and then does it himself instead of making them do it, so he's trained them to be lazy.
"the happiest time of the year..."
I am beginning to be happy that part of my life is drawing to a close. As frustrating as teens can be, they can be awesome too. I miss the coming and going of my 3. DD3 has just informed me that she is going to move away and live with DD2. She is taking a year to work before College. She has decided to take the program at the College where her sister lives. (Good Choice, one of the best photojournalism programs.) So she will be well settled there before she starts. The 2 girls are as thick as thieves and it will work well for both I think. Leaves me suddenly with the Empty Nest a year sooner, but I am already making plans. Only downside is that DD3 was my neatfreak and I am going to miss that! YouTube has been fun, but I HATE having to search out each episode. Can't they figure out how to organize the titles for these things? GRRR Cathy
Project Runway Canada has had only one season, on Slice this past spring. Apparently they are filming the second season this summer in Ottawa (though why, I don't know - where on earth are they going to shop???). It has been advertised as coming this fall on Global, so hopefully everyone will be able to get it.
C & M Textiles I'll bet, have you ever been there? or Darryl Thomas? really the only upscale places. I shall have to take you Shopping! Cathy
SHOPPING????? I'm all for that!!! ;-)I've been to C&M (they also have a wonderful, huge store in Montreal) and to Darryl Thomas. I found out about C&M from someone here on Gatherings - I think there are a few members in the Ottawa area. If there is anywhere else to buy fabric, I never found out about it.
I have just found a new one, to me anyway, but haven't checked it out yet. Had the DH with me. Rockland Textiles has some good stuff. In the west end at about Moodie Dr, is another that carries good woolens,(it looks like a quilting/embroidery place from the outside) but have not been there for a while. For the life of me, I cannot remember the names of the places tonight. Must have been that strange yellow thing in the sky today-I think they call it the SUN! :) I haven't been to Darryl Thomas since they moved from Sparks Street. We gotta make plans, I think I have an almost complete list of anywhere to shop for fabric from Cornwall to Ottawa. Cathy
Yes, I agree that is annoying.
I comiserate with you. Maybe the boys "taught him" to do it for them! So frustrating~
Thanks Mary,
Boy (17) and girl (14) actually. And she's Daddy's little pet, so she gets away with a lot more then her brother. Ohhh! we're in the final countdown 'til school!
I watched my first episode of Project Runway on Youtube. It was the one were they had to design an outfit for Brooke Shield's show. Not really impressed--I thought the second place outfit with the leather belt was the best and that pair collaborated the best. That Daniel struck me as totally useless and turning on his partner after doing a pathetic job on the skirt. I'll have to check out a few more episodes. As with all of those reality shows--it lays bare how shallow people are (at least the ones on reality shows!)
I haven't seen Youtube yet, but guess now that we gave up Satellite TV, I'll have to check it out. I'll google it and see what's there.
The only thing I miss is Saving Grace, other than that, I won't miss flipping channels when I'm bored.
I gave up on Project Runway, it just seems so shallow now. I liked the first few shows, I'd love to see more of Uli's stuff, she is my favorite. Mary
I'm a fan! The last two episodes were by far the better and better. Jerrell, Terri, and Korto are the best in my opinion! It will get even better as they get rid of those quacy designers that don't have a clue----holla at cha boy! He is rediculous, none of his clothes are what real women would wear---that's just my opinion!
On another note: I love to watch them work on the mannequin---I was going crazy trying to figure out what the black tape was for. I have started using my mannequin more and more since I started watching the show.
Happy sewing everyone!
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