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Conversational Threads

Project Runway Canada

starzoe | Posted in General Discussion on

I have just finished seeing the above and it will be the last time I will bother with it. The designers were to make two bathing suits, one for the regular models and one for (wait for it) larger women. I was incensed by the attitude of a good many of the designers, as if they were asked to dress a gorilla, one of them pranced around with a 50D bra on and everyone fell about laughing.

I know it is just a show, and there is a lot going on we don’t see, but isn’t it politically incorrect to malign the elderly, the overweight and the mature figure? If not, it should be. This program is such garbage and I cannot understand why people who are interested in design watch this for direction. There is absolutely nothing to learn from this program. I knew that but Sunday night TV is woefully void of anything interesting.

However, all is not lost, I knitted half a hat watching it.

Edited 3/2/2008 11:18 pm ET by starzoe


  1. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #1

    I'm glad your evening wasn't totally wasted!  I like to crochet while I watch TV, so I can accomplish something instead of mindlessly frittering my time away.

    I've watched Project Runway only once, just to see what everyone was talking about.  I don't care for it either--but then, I don't care for most of the so-called "reality" shows.  Everyone is out for themselves, and they will do whatever it takes to win, no matter how it may hurt someone else.  As for Project Runway, I can't imagine that a real designer would be under such severe time restraints to design and construct a garment.  But then, I don't work in the fashion industry, so what do I know?  :-)

  2. solosmocker | | #2

    Last season they did a show with the Moms of the designers, switching them around so each designer DID NOT get their own mom. It was amazing to see how shallow most of the designers were. Now my feeling is if you can only make a rail thin model look good, you can't be that good of a designer. Some took the "mom" challenge seriously and did a good job but most were very shallow and made me glad I did not pursue that route.


    1. Beavette | | #3

      I watch the US project runway to see what crazy unheard of things they put the designers through. I was invited to try out for it from my alumni design school when they came to San Francisco but opted not to because of the ridiculous time constraints. I sew for real people with real bodies, and the models are not real world sizes. You are so right. To make anyone of any size feel beautiful in the clothes they wear is so much more rewarding.

      1. user-61024 | | #4

        I've been watching Project Runway since the beginning, and will admit, I'm addicted. Yes, there are times when I groan in frustration because they are designing for size zero women, but I look on the show as a way of nudging me outside my comfort zone. Yes, I can usually take all the time I need to create a project, and I'm usually working with fabric (not litter, or candy, or the other crazy concepts). But I'm enjoying watching the process of creation, and the light that goes on in each designer's eyes as they approach each challenge. I can't imagine working under those conditions, yet I suppose those designers couldn't imagine working the way I usually do - at 5:00 am in the morning in my nightgown and bathrobe, hair all askew, and coffee just getting hot. It's all a matter of perspective!

        1. Beavette | | #5

          I do enjoy watching PR as well, I would not have wanted to be one of the judges for the final show this past Wednesday, I thought all were very talented and all will go far.

          1. Ceeayche | | #6

            I thoroughly enjoyed this season of Project Runway (US).  Each of the designers this time was talented (particularly the final 4) and there was none of the mean-spirited stuff that turned me off the previous seasons.  (not sure why so many reality shows rely on folk treating each other badly as a plot).  And the challenges were really interesting:  pick a work of art from a museum and design an outfit around it.  Raid a candy store and use the pickings to design an outfit.  The finale was a blast.... and the winner was clearly talented... I'm way past the age where I find his clothing wearable-- but the young man could really sew!

          2. Ralphetta | | #7

            All three of the finalists had items I admired. Although I got tired of Rami's (sp?) draping every week, I thought they were lovely and wished he had included more in his final collection.In regard to the complaints about last year's challenge of sewing for the mothers...it seemed very unfair to me that some people had larger sized women and some had women with slim bodies that week. Maybe that was one thing that put some of them in such a foul mood. I hope that sometime in the future they are all required to design for plus-sized ladies. I really enjoy the show and find it stimulating. Their horrible efforts at designing for men, was even fun to watch.

  3. ineedaserger329 | | #8

    I watch PR (US) whenever my Bf isn't home....he says it's girlie......I have never been through design school, so I don't always understand what they are looking for.....but I think it's fun to try to sketch what I would do in each challenge.....I design mostly for me......definitely not  a size 0......and I lost 100lbs....then gained it all back, so I would never think of ridiculing ANYONE for their size or shape......something I would never want done to me..

    1. starzoe | | #9

      Women unfortunately are at a disadvantage (or think they are) about body size, but it is nothing compared to what old women face. It is a very good thing that women as they age become more their own person and more assertive. I think that I finally grew up when I turned fifty, and now that I am seventy-five I don't quail before anyone, neither my doctor, my lawyer or anyone in "authority". I dumped more than one doctor who talked down to me and I took one lawyer to arbitration because he was persistent in contacting me without my permission about a perceived (to him) legal situation, and kept charging me for it.I had a friend who knew me when I was in my late '30s through to my early '50s and she used to tell people "I knew her when she was a wimp".
      Well, I don't think I was ever a wimp but it brought me to realize that over the years I had changed.Now I am just happy trying to find attractive clothing styles that suit my age and attitude. It really does give a boost to the ego to know you are looking good.

      1. user-61024 | | #10

        I love your attitude! I'm 57, and feel the frustration of finding clothes that either aren't meant for a 20-something, or intended as a shroud! I've made many of my own clothes all my life, and sewn for other people, too. I love the ability to customize things. I'm forever clipping out pictures of garments I like in catalogues, then trying to reinterpret them....sometimes with whatever is in my fabric stash, always on a budget.

        As much as I enjoy Project Runway, I do wish they would create a show that designs for the real world - aging, sagging, overweight (that's me!) and with a limited budget. Now that would get my attention.


        1. LadyTaraC | | #11

          Here is an interview with Tim Gunn with some comments about Project Runway. http://featuresblogs.chicagotribune.com/entertainment_tv/2008/03/project-runways.html

           Also some behind the scenes info:  http://www.nypost.com/seven/11112007/tv/runway_confidential_715528.htm?page=0  

          Very interesting reads. Under the circumstances I think these designers do very well. I enjoy the show very much and it is pretty much one of my only "must see" shows.  I also see that "Project" is spreading.  There's Project Runway Canada, Project Catwalk, and there is a Norwegian Project Runway as well.  You can see clips of it on youtube but it isn't in English.  Oh and Project Runway is going down under - Australia  http://www.tvtonight.com.au/2008/02/auditions-project-runway-australia.html . 

          1. user-61024 | | #12

            As is the case with so many programs, particularly "reality" shows, this whole thread of programming started with Project Catwalk in the UK. Some things are handled differently or better, as the program format rolls out in other countries.

            I would say Tim Gunn is perfect in the mentorship role. In the recent Project Runway Canada, the mentor was not up to the task, at all. I live in Canada, and was amazed to see that the store the Canadian designers shopped in for fabric in Toronto, was one I had actually been in! And still wear something I made from fabric I bought there.


          2. starzoe | | #13

            I never know if I am seeing current programs or not, last night there was a team of three - most of the outfits were horrible, but the concept was a good one, designing in the style of your favourite designer.Imagine that one guy never having heard of Yves St. Laurent! I think that was put in on purpose but it showed him up as an awfully ignorant designer.So, is it possible to design "as if" for yourself, taken that all those couture items are for perfect bodies which few of us possess? I am going to have to look into this, it has possibilities. I don't know if I have a favourite, will have to do some research, at least I know who YSL is!

          3. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #14

            I caught up on all the episodes! What a bunch! Imagine! How can you not know YSL! How can you design if you do not have a basic idea of who the top design houses are??????? Hello, can you follow basic directions? Design a collection based on the couture house influence. The clothes the one group did were definitely interesting but missed the basic instructions by a Mile. So far, my opinion is that there are a couple who are playing it too safe. They have made quality garments that are safe. And those risk takers are playing it too fast and loose with quality. The winners so far have not impressed me terribly so far. Yes they have been good. But not outstanding. They could do better. I am finding the whole thing rather lacklustre. Cathy

          4. jane4878 | | #15

            I was sad to see Baylor go--Kim is a cow and disorganized.  I just thought her bashing Jeff in front of the judges was in very poor taste. She had no excuse for making a dress that ugly.   I didn't like Genevieve's outfit at all--let's make this poor woman's butt look 10 feet wide by pulling the fabric in right under her butt cheeks!  I still really like Adejoke and Sonny.  Jeff and Baylor are too careful.


          5. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #16

            I agree Adejoke and Sonny are the frontrunners at this point, but I have not seen them take any great leaps as far as designing goes so far. Some good ideas but nothing really awesome....yet! Careful and safe is what is happening so far, and the risk takers are mostly gone, with their overambitious projects, for limited time. I guess time is a big limiting factor. Can't go to big or you run out of time for getting a good looking finish on the outside. I do not agree with some of what the judges are saying either tho. They are not pushing them to excell either! Cathy
            PS The other Runway judges on the other shows were much more brutal!

            Edited 2/26/2009 5:12 pm ET by ThreadKoe

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