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Conversational Threads

Project Runway Canada

jane4878 | Posted in Gather For A Chat on

Did anyone watch Project Runway Canada the other night?  It was on a regular network, so I finally got to see it.  I agree with the winner, but it was a toss up for the worst.  The contestants don’t seem particularily catty.  I’m not experienced enough to know whether or not the dresses are properly made. (I can pick up the really good ones, but the bad is a blurr)  Hated the floral with the big blue lightening stripe as a one shoulder strap.  The challenge was to make a camo/ khaki high fashion outfit to be displayed in the National War Museum in Ottawa for a camo display in the spring.




  1. NansiSews | | #1

    Are you watching in Canada?  I have loved watching it here in the States.  Can we get the Canada version here?  I have cable with lots of choices, but haven't noticed that on the guide.  Of course I wasn't looking either, so now I'll search.

    Our version is held up in a network dispute, I think.  It used to be on Bravo and was supposed to move to Lifetime?? (that's a guess)  My daughter and I had a standing girls nite in to watch.  We sure miss it!

    Edited 1/29/2009 9:50 am ET by NansiSews

    1. jane4878 | | #2

      The first season was on Splice which I don't get.  But now it's on Tues night (or Wed) on the Global network and repeats on the weekend on Splice.  Probably not much help unless you can get either of those channels.   The American one wasn't shown on Bravo here (which I do get) reruns might have been on one of the home, garden, food channels.  I don't get that package.  Maybe I will subscribe--I'm not interested enough in most of those channels to warrant getting that package.



  2. Ralphetta | | #3

    I found season 1 of Canadian Project Runway on youtube and watched several shows this afternoon. Is this season 2? I was waiting until I finished 1 to see if 2 was on there. I'm thrilled to find it because I really, really miss the American one.

    1. jane4878 | | #4

      It's definitely at least season 2. I can remember the fuss over the winner of season 1 awhile back. I should take a look on Youtube as well.Jane

      1. Ceeayche | | #5

        ooooh goody I can get my fix until next season's US version comes on!  thanks!

        1. User avater
          Thimblefingers | | #6

          I don't have a TV so I've been watching it on the internet.  I just go to the Global TV website and catch the whole episode there, although on a small screen.  In fact, I just finished watching Episode 2.

          Edited 2/4/2009 10:12 pm by Thimblefingers

          1. NansiSews | | #7

            Oooh!  Thanks for that suggestion!  We don't get anything previously mentioned via our cable subscription ( which is one step up from basic, so I wasn't surprised).  But the internet we DO have!  Thanks, again.

          2. Ralphetta | | #8

            I watched all of the first season the other day on youtube.com. I haven't tried today, but I haven't been able to get any of the second season.

          3. Ralphetta | | #9

            Rats! I went to global and it said the video was only available to residents in Canada. I'm hoping it ends up on youtube..fast!

  3. krichmond | | #10

    Hi Jane:

    Another Canadian/Project Runway fan here.  I watched most of the first season and was quite impressed with some of the homegrown talent -- we have some very exciting and promising young designers out here!

    I watched the first show of Season 2, but missed the last few minutes so I have no idea who won or who was eliminated.  I was quite disappointed that Danio made such an abrupt departure.  He looked like someone who really knew what he was doing and I was looking forward to seeing what he would produce.

    I have watched most of the American Project Runway seasons also (and a season and a half of Project Catwalk - the British version).   The Canadian version is, well, not exactly watered-down, but the designers (at least personality-wise) tend to be a bit less flamboyant, slightly less inclined to be outspoken.  At this stage, it's kind of hard to tell them apart; I can't name a single one of them.  I am looking forward to watching the rest of the season though as the chaff gets blown away pretty quickly.

    Tah for now,


    1. jane4878 | | #11

      Adejoke Taiwo won episode one and got dumped on for her dress for Elisha Cuthburt.  Check out http://runway.globaltv.com/default.aspx for info.  I actually quite liked that dress--just didn't like the silver lame skirt--a fine grey wool would've been great with it.  Camille Prins was eliminated.

      Canadians are not as "flashy" as Americans.  It's not lack of personality, we're reserved and more polite.  I find the American version far too catty and rude for me.  Each country has it's own personality.  I wish Danio had stayed as well, but he could barely move.


      1. Ralphetta | | #12

        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY8p9CyfbPs&feature=relatedYeah! Season 2 is now running on youtube, so the nonCanadians can see it, also.

      2. jane4878 | | #13

        What did you think about this week? I'm glad Christie is gone--she was so insecure. Jeff was crazy to think he could do all that bias. Sonny is great; he was 2nd twice and now won. I didn't think his evening dress was too sexy for L'Oreal. It was funny when Iman said "it may be too sexy for L'Oreal, but it's not too sexy for me!" Heck I'd wear that dress if I had my 25 years ago body! And I'm really quite conservative. It blows my mind the time limits especially for buying fabric.Jane

        1. User avater
          Thimblefingers | | #14

          I loved the concept and style of Jeff's dress; but his design would have required considerably more time to complete than they were allotted.  I would have done it in a bright irridescent duppioni to complement the colours in his partner's dress, and sewn the strips onto a silk base rather than the muslin.  It had a lot of potential!  I would have liked to see it the way he intended it to be.

          1. starzoe | | #15

            And just what time limits do the designers have? The show is so fragmented, it is difficult to estimate.This is just entertainment, the viewers probably divided into those like us who like to see the process and the result but it's beyond me who would be in the other category. It's too bad that the participants are chosen because of their oddity and wierdness. They certainly are not chosen for their skills, except perhaps for a few who seem to have more on the ball than spikey hair and nose rings. I must say though that they all share one similiarity - they are all polite Canadians; you don't see rages or snarky ripostes and even in defeat they are polite and docile as they leave! I don't know if this is good or bad but it is certainly a statement of sorts. All in all, it's a pretty bland show as far as I am concerned. I have no idea who belongs to the names they keep dropping (and designing for) but then I am decades older than anyone on the show and am not the least interested or impressed by so called celebrities.

          2. jane4878 | | #16

            Elisa Cuthburt is really a B list actress. She was in The Girl Next Door. I never saw it but it's a teenage boys fantasy flick. She has a reputation of being a "Puck Bunny". Very into hockey and likes NHL players. I thought it was funny that they kept saying how classy she was. Ellen Page (Juno) would have been more fun--she's a very quirky person...and a much better actor. The quiet ones tend to be better--simply because they don't waste time. I like Sonny, Bailor (?) and Adejoke. Sonny can really produce and Bailor can sew like a fiend. I don't know who the judges are except Iman. Jason was very rude to Christie. She should have stood up to him--she was just soooo spineless. I wish you could see more of what they're doing.

          3. jane4878 | | #17

            I agree the concept was beautiful--but it seems they only have a day and a half to complete it. The amount of fabric was an issue too. The 45 minutes and $250 for 2 dresses would kill me! Threadco probably knows how much dupioni would be at Rockland. Good dupioni in Lethbridge is $40 to $60 per metre. That wouldn't go far enough for a bias floor length dress. Maybe they'll put out the pattern after.Jane

          4. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #18

            Have tried to stay away from Rockland Textile for a while. They also have a good range of prices, high and low. Have problems with going in for just a few notions and coming out with my budget blown and my stash a lot bigger, tee hee. Am trying to steer clear of fabric shops right now! So I can't give you good idea of the current prices, sorry. However, it is possible with the HUGE selection to come away with some pretty good stuff at reasonable costs, and they have a really good bridal/evening wear section. Cathy

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