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Conversational Threads

proper outfit for the occasion

Crazy K | Posted in Gather For A Chat on

Hi……Did some snooping and see that you live in Texas.  We are midwesterners but are attending a graduation in June in Belton (Ft. Hood).  Can you give me pointers on how guests dress for such festivities?  I want to be comfortable but at the same time not be so under-dressed that I look foolish………..I can manage that without improper dress!

Any pointers would be appreciated.



  1. User avater
    JunkQueen | | #1

    Hi,I just replied to you on the other thread! Sorry didn't see this one before.Anyhow, knits or linens. Skirts with tees that you can dress up with some classy jewelry. Dress cool and for comfort. Sandals will be fine. You'll see all kinds of dress presented there, but you will fit in well with what I've mentioned. And as I said on the other thread, you'll need to consider mosquitoes. They will likely be there i droves -- unless the wind happens to be blowing...... Anyway, either bring or buy locally a good repellant so you can be comfortable -- there are some that don't shriek "chemical" on the market. I was in Belton just last week and it was snowing, but trust me come June, that snow will be but a dim memory as the air conditioners drone.I hope you enjoy your visit to our state and get a chance to see some of the lovely Hill Country where Belton is.

    1. MaryinColorado | | #2

      When I went to my son's graduation in 120 degree heat in Oklahoma, I wished I had brought an umbrella or sunhat, water bottle, and one of those fold up chairs and left the pantyhose at the hotel.  Standing outside waiting to watch the first part of the ceremony in that heat really wilted me!  Glad I had a jacket and neck scarf though, as the air conditioning was chilly during the indoor festivities and dinner!  I wore a beige linnen skirt suit with a tank top underneath and sandals with nice jewelry.  The younger people dressed more casually than us older folks, some of the young ladies wore cocktail type dresses.  Not Texas, but thought this might help.

      I recently was sent a "helpful hint" that carrying a fabric softner sheet repels mosquitos, don't know if that's true or not, but I intend to try it when I go to Missouri, Ark., and Ill. this Spring.  We've had success with Bullfrog brand repellants.

      Edited 3/17/2008 1:00 am by MaryinColorado

      1. User avater
        JunkQueen | | #3

        Your linen suit and tank top/shell sound perfect for the occasion. One can only appreciate Texas and Oklahoma summer heat after having been there! I promise if I were attending an afternoon outdoor ceremony, I too would have an umbrella -- or parasol as I think they were traditionally called in the old South.To emphasize ---- NO pantyhose. Go in sandals and bare legs. You can always use some 'no sun tanning agent' if you are self conscious about your legs being too white. I repeat. No pantyhose in Texas in the summer at outdoor activities. No slips if your outfit will let you. It is too hot and humid. I do hope Crazy K reads your suggestion. I'm thinking on the other thread she said the graduation was in the early evening, but I could be wrong -- I'm old and forget easily -- teeheehee......And I've used the softener sheets on my granddaughter who reacts immediately to mosquito bites. They really seem to help. This past summer I picked up some "odorless" repellant at Walgreen that worked well, too.

        1. Crazy K | | #4

          Thanks JunkQueen and Mary..........I was so hoping that casual was the case. .......mostly due to the extreme heat.  We've been to Belton a couple of times since the kids moved there but have had no functions to attend.  We were there a year ago in during the first 104 degree day and last December when it was chilly.  The 104 wasn't bad but the day we had that it was windy and not very humid.  They tell us that is not normal for there..........usually high humidity where everyone wants to stay indoors!

          The believe the ceremony for graduation is evening so I will remember the mosquito thing.......and if it's earlier I maybe haul a small umbrella along for shade.........and yes, a water bottle.

          Thanks so much...........you've been very helpful!


        2. MaryinColorado | | #6

          Do you rub the fabric softner sheets on her skin or is it adequate to maybe put one in your pocket? 

          1. User avater
            JunkQueen | | #11

            Mary, you can rub it on the exposed skin and then tuck the sheet in your pocket. I've been told by others that it did not work at all for them, so be sure to test it before being completely dependent on it.The cropped pants sound absolutely perfect, and there will be many people there in pants. Your grandson won't care one bit anyway as long as you are there. My grand son told me last week that I was beautiful "without makeup and just natural". He's 12. And wanted to go to Wal-Mart...... ;)Have fun. Glad I could be of some small assistance.

        3. Ocrafty1 | | #16

          My son graduated from HS a couple of yrs ago, and I graduated from college 3yrs ago. We live in IN. Graduation clothes have gone much more casual. Wear something that you'll be comfortable in. Light weight, no pantyhose, sandals,....a shell, capri's, short-sleeved blouse/jacket, as long as it looks nice...My mother (age 70 at the time) wore nice slacks, a sleeveless top with a short sleeved blouse over it. If it is outside, you may want to find out if there is a seating area that is shaded, or if you can take some sort of 'parasol.' Pre arrangements can be made if you make them early enough. If it is indoors, and in bleechers...do be sure to take a 'stadium seat.' Those seats nearly tore me up and I'm only in my 50's! Indoor graduations are VERY hot, even up here...so I know it will be hot in TX.  You may want to take one of those little 'personal fans.' They aren't noisy and work pretty well.

          Most of all Enjoy your granddaughter's graduation. How wonderful for you to be able to share it with her!


      2. Crazy K | | #5

        Thanks, Mary!  I can't seem to figure out mutiple answers so I answered you along with Junkqueen in another post.

        Your suit sounds lovely.  I have some linen here.........I was going to make cropped pants.........maybe a skirt.  I do have to find out if we're climbing bleachers outside.  If so, the cropped pants may be more comfortable for me.  I don't do heights well and having a skirt flopping would just add to the visual scariness for me.........if that makes sense!  If I do the cropped pants, I can maybe dress things up with some nice jewelry and a pretty knit top.  Guess I would rather be too casual and not fall.  I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one in pants anyway.

        I do have to find out more about the evening.  Sue may know more by now..........are we outside, inside or both.  I know what you mean about the a/c.  Sometimes you go from the heat only to find yourself freezing............happens here, too!

        Thanks again!


        1. MaryinColorado | | #7

          Oh, I hadn't thought about bleachers!  Yes, the cropped pants might be best!  They would look very nice too.  I bought a foldup seat with a back at a sporting goods store to take to my grandson's basketball games.  It really helps!  (Especially since the grandkids carry it for me! ha ha)

          I almost bought some beige linnen with dark brown embroidered all over floral and vine print at JoAnne's yesterday but I wanted a more casual fabric so ended up with a Hawaiian rayon print.  Now I already want to go back and get the other too.  I think it would be nice to make a chocolate brown shawl or jacket to go with it. 

          It's so fun now that I have at least one pattern that fits me!  I'll tackle more fitting issues now that I've gained a bit of confidence on the simple sundress.  Quicksew 2787, the straps are wide enough to wear a bra with!  I might even get bold and make a short one!

          1. Crazy K | | #9

            I took a peek at your pattern........I like that! 

            I chuckled when I read that you would be the entertainment!  I guess I feel that same way..........rather be slightly inconspicuous than the center of attention.....in a bad way!!

            Waiting for spring, I am


          2. MaryinColorado | | #10

            Spring Fever!!!  We have had days in the 70's already this year.  Last night we had another snow storm, go figure!  I'd love to stay inside and sew in my cozy sewing room but have an appointment, brrr!!!

            Last year I wore a bright yellow and orange Hawaiian print pair of pants, top, and shawl to the Cherry Creek Arts Festival.  My brother said I looked like a butterfly and was easy to keep track of.  That was my bold move one time last year.  He was so complimentary. Now I am making a Hawaiian print dress, wonder if I will have the nerve to wear it?  It's good to stretch sometimes.  Normally, I prefer to wear more "quiet clothes".  Mary

        2. MaryinColorado | | #8

          Thanks, the linnen suit is very casual pattern, like a safari jacket with corded tie inside the waist and lots of pockets to hide the blubber.  The skirt is straight with a back vent but it's a good thing there were no bleachers!!!!  I would've been the entertainment!  Mary

  2. jjgg | | #12

    Early evening can often be the hottest part of the day around here. It often doesn't start to cool off till sunset (or later) and that can be 8pm in the summer.I"m in Houston where we also have to deal with the humidity, It's a lot drier up in Belton, but still blazing hot in the summer.

    1. Crazy K | | #13

      Thanks!  I knew DD has said she hates being outside in the summer...........it's a/c for her! Whatever I decide to wear, it will be cool and casual..........no pantyhose or heels for this chick!

  3. sewingkmulkey | | #14

    Crazy KTo answer your question I haven't attended a graduation since '95 but I assume dress is more casual since then. If the graduation is to be held outdoors it will be hot and muggy! If I were going to one outdoors I'd wear some nice lightweight slacks, shell and a jacket (3/4 sleeves) that would probably be taken off most of the time. You might feel more comfortable in a lightweight summer dress and if you do, I'd nix the hose and wear sandals. By all means take a fan!Karen

    1. Crazy K | | #15

      Thank you so much...............I think I'm beginning to dread the heat and humidity already!! ha Going sans pantyhose is right up my alley.........I don't even like wearing them here in summer and we're cool by your standards.  We do have high humidity at times tho..........

      Thanks again! 


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