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Purrfect Wearable pattern

ckells | Posted in Patterns on

hello to all of you–

I don’t know if this has ever been covered, I searched but did not find…. has anyone used Purrfect Wearable patterns? There is a pants pattern I want to try. The pattern is for all body types, Apples and Pears, and includes 3 leg widths. Sounds perfect to me. Also a kimono jacket looks interesting too. Thanks.


  1. PASDENOM | | #1

    Do you mean Purrfection patterns?

    1. ckells | | #2

      Yes I do, sorry about the confusion there. I used the name on my bookmark which was shortened it seems.

      1. PASDENOM | | #3

        I thought the spelling might be wny your search came up empty. Have you tried patternreview.com?

        1. ckells | | #4

          I found reviews of a few jackets and vests. They seem to be oversized which is fine. I'm a L on the bottom and a large M on the top, but I was wondering about a pants pattern. The photo shows a more tailored pant, but I was hoping to get some feedback on that pattern, #1038.

  2. mimi | | #5

    Yes, I have made several patterns from them, all successfully.  They tend to run a little large, sizewize.  You might want to make a muslin to get the size right.  Of course that is what I like best about them:  they think I'm a large as opposed to Vogue Patterns who think I am a GIGANTIC.


    1. ckells | | #6

      Yes I can appreciate that, I like to think of myself as curvy.

  3. Kilroywashere | | #7

    I have made the Purrfection kimono vest...  Let me see, five times???  I really like it, find it very flattering, and easy to alter to me.  That said, I cut it out with extra fabric at the shoulders and sides, finish the lapel, then pin-fit it to how I want in the shoulders and on the sides.  For me the shoulder cutting line is too steep, and the sides are too straight.  If you sew at a level where you are comfortable doing that - go for it - it is a wonderful pattern. 

    1. ckells | | #8

      It looks like a very flattering line. The shape and neckline are not too tailored and could work with casual cropped pants for summer in maybe linens. So you do the shoulders and sides after the lapel to get the degree of fit you want and then proceed with facings. A few posters have said that the patterns run large.

      Edited 4/11/2007 10:20 am ET by ckells

    2. mimi | | #9

      That's funny!  I find the shoulder a little too generous and the armhole a little too deep.  I've head to alter both to get the right fit.  But, having said that, they are very easy to alter and have enough interesting details to warrant making more than once.


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