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Quilt Design Wall

Mary_Beth_Brunston | Posted in Quilting and Home Decor on

I am finishing building out my new sewing room and have a great wall for my design space. What do I put my gridded fabric onto? I was going to use a piece of rigid insulation-1 12″ thick. but my husband says that is not the right stuff. any other ideas?


  1. Jd | | #1

    Mary Beth, have you tried using form core board? Office Supply stores or craft stores have it.

    1. Paula_Coplon | | #2

      *Not sure what you mean by "griddriddedic" but when I design I put a huge piece of felt on the wall and the fabric pieces just stick to it. It lets me change around the design easily and there is no need to pin - especially for complicated quilt patterns.

      1. Andrea_Vaughan | | #3

        *We used a product called "homosote", which has worked very well. It looked like pressed fibers or something, is gray and comes in 4x8 sheets. It is an insulation board [actually, my parents used it in our cabin in the 50's!], but the lumber company told us it is also used for bulletin boards. Unlike foam insulation boards and foamcore, it doesn't seem to break down around places where pins are frequently placed, i. e. eye & arm level & it has been up several years. We covered ours with a heavy canvas type fabric which was flanneled on the back, called canton cloth. I didn't want the grids. Most things do stay up without pins, but I use it a lot for working on clothing and once there is quite bit pieced it can be too heavy for just the flannel board effect. Also I'll fold a large piece of fabric to audition it, and so pin that up.Hope this helps.

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