Quilters – Some Advice, Please

I am not really a quilter, but I watch the Quilting Shows on TV and would like to try something that I have not seen demonstrated. If I made a little shape, say like a small Teddy Bear about four inches tall and I wanted to quilt it so that the body was attached, but the arms and legs hang free. How would I go about it? I want the back and front of the legs and arms to be able to be bent to look good on either side with maybe a little stiffener. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Hi, Lennie!
I am not much of a quilter either, but I have made some stuffed animals and dolls for the girls (and their girls).
I would make the legs and arms separate (sew with right side together then turn and lightly stuff or if you want them to lay flat use iron-on interfacing on both pieces)
Baste the arms & legs to the body, then applique the body to the quilt square, keeping the limbs free.
When you quilt the top to the backing be careful to move the limbs out of the way as you stitch.
Hope these general ideas help,
Thanks Becky,
I'll try to make a rough sample as soon as I catch up on my "uncluttering" since I am a Pack Rack trying to improve.
Appreciate your quick response.
I might cut out two bears, sew with wrong sides togeather leaving an opening to turn. Turn, press, stuff the arms and legs only. When attatching to the quilt block, I would stitch around all the areas I want to be held down first, maybe stuffing it trapunto style before completely closing it so both layers are protecting the stuffing and it is less likely to show through.
I would use a firm stabilizer or even better, a fluffy thicker interfacing so it holds its shape better. Wide satin stitches might hold the arms and legs down better in case it ends up being carried around by them. Then I would embroider or softsculpt the details. Another idea would be to make the bear body as above but make the arms and legs out of fleece or felt so they can flop around. Sounds like a fun project! Enjoy! sewnatural, Mary
Thank Mary,
You have a lot of good ideas about this project.
you can buy plastic joints which you put in the body and in the arm and then snap them together to 'fix ' them to each other, not suitable for a child who will rip it open but they make very good moveing arms and legs
Thanks Selina,
I was not familiar with the plastic joints. I am also looking at post binder screw posts (the type used on Photo Albums). I'm not sure what length I need.
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