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Conversational Threads

Re: delivery issues and Talk with Amber

AmberE | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

Hello: I just want to remind readers that if you experience hiccups in deliveries that you should contact customer service, immediately, early and often. It’s their job to handle deliveries. While we like to stay informed, this community is not an arm of customer service. It’s a community to discuss the joys and puzzles of sewing. Please post any dire delivery concerns to the Talk with Amber discussion thread, so that I can give the matter immediate attention. Posts there go directly to my email.

Also, please note that all serious complaints on Threads content should be strictly reserved for the for the Talk with Amber threads, so that I can give these comments immediate attention as well and respond individually as needed. In addition, the focus needs to be constructive and solution-oriented. We all want Threads to be the best it can be, but the tone should be polite, considerate and respectful per our house rules. Discussions that contain negative, complaining and unconstructive comments will be archived in the spirit of keeping this community positive, supportive and sewing-focused. There will be a further update on house rules as we move actively to make this forum a pleasant environment for all that focuses on sewing. Please keep this in mind as you make your posts.


Edited 1/24/2007 5:14 am ET by AmberE


  1. katina | | #1

    Hello Amber

    Are there more special issues being planned for us to look forward to?

    Thanks for all your effort and input.


    1. AmberE | | #3

      yes, three more issues of Sew Stylish this year---the next up is Sew Stylish Red-Carpet Ready!

      1. katina | | #5

        No wonder you're so busy!



        1. AmberE | | #6


  2. Susannah | | #2

    Thanks, Amber

    Your suggestion that problems with deliveries should be directed to customer service, early and often, is excellent.   That is what I did with the problems with the Australian subscriptions last year, and it worked reasonably well.  Because it really was a fairly unusual problem, however, I don't think anyone realised the magnitude of the problem until a few people started to flag it in "gatherings".  The fact that you picked up on it also helped to identify that the problem was widespread, and not just a few subscribers. 

    Thanks for your invovlement in this discussion board, and I hope that we can all celebrate the positives, and have constructive discussion on things we would like to make even better!



    1. AmberE | | #4

      And thank you for all your help!

This post is archived.

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