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Conversational Threads

Recent Discussions: Att: Amber & ALL

Digi | Posted in General Discussion on

Attention: Amber

If I were you …I would start charging for this website …and here is why:

The most active “threads” (pun intended) recently appear to be by a bunch of middle-aged, menopausal women (although they sound like a bunch of 5-year old cry babies), constantly complaining about the same thing.  The worst part, is it is the SAME PEOPLE …writing the SAME THING …over and over again …whining away until they get THEIR way …with no regard to the real reason this board exists.

For you women who constantly complain:  If you all don’t like the ad …or if it hurts your eyes …for goodness sakes, have the good sense to ignore it!  Are you all daft?  STOP BEATING A DEAD HORSE!  Obviously you have nothing better to do but complain.  When on earth do you ever take time to sew, cook something special for your family, do volunteer work, help a sick neighbor?

Are any of you aware that you could spend the same time making a prom dress for a girl who has no money to buy one or a mother to make one for her?  Have you ever thought of making darling little dresses for those little girls in your church who never have a new dress to wear?  How about knitting mittens and caps for children who have nothing warm to wear when another cold winter arrives?  Start a neighborhood sewing class – FOR FREE – so that our wonderful craft can be passed on and enjoyed by future generations.

It’s all OK to make suggestion or to comment ONCE on what bothers us.  But this has gotten out of hand.  LET IT GO!  And for those of you who have taken the time to suggest valid ideas for articles – good for you! 

As for the content of Threads Magazine:  I’ve never read one of them that I didn’t get a good idea or learn something …and I have been sewing for myself and other for nearly 60-years.  And while there are always some articles that are not of primary interest to me, I realize that the world does not revolve around ME.  This is a magazine for EVERYONE …not just me!  Didn’t we all learn (or should have) in kindergarten to SHARE?!

So please:  STOP COMPLAINING …and get on with enjoying your lives, and appreciating this service that Threads Magazine is giving to each of us.  It is an opportunity, girls;  use it and enjoy it for the purpose it was created.



  1. rodezzy | | #1

    Finally, hip hip hurray.....I agree.

  2. GailAnn | | #2

    Well DIGI, now, it would be interesting to know how many hours a month each one of us gives to organized charities and neighbors in need, wouldn't it?

    When I was working full-time, often up to 60 hours a week, keeping house, caring for my husband, and rearing my daughter, I still volunteered 2 hours a week.  (The equivilent of at least one 8 hour day, each month.) The fact of the matter is that no one I worked with volunteered LESS than that!  Plus the owner of our company expected each one of his employees to give one full day a year to the Salvation Army.

    So during my years in the market place, I gave 13 full days of work each and every year, to charitalbe causes.

    I don't work that much anymore, so just let me count up what I did LAST WEEK. 

    2 hours teaching Sunday School (4 hours preparing for that, which I won't count because that was for my own edification as well), 6 hours in the church office, 10 hours driving folks to doctor's appointments, waiting for them, and then driving them home. 4 hours baby-sitting for the child of an unwed mother.  1 hour helping out in a thrift shop.   At least 8 hours, in the evenings, knitting baby clothes for the children of unwed mothers.

    By my count that is 31 hours, and last week wasn't an especially busy week!

    Let's hear it ladies!  What you been up to lately?  I know many of you vollunteer that much and more.  I see it, right here, in my own little town.

    If we menopausal old crones decided to withhold our services, how many worthy charitable causes would cease to exist?  

     How many churches, alone, would have to close their doors if women over 40 stopped vollunteering thier time, thier talent, and thier money. 

    Most of us entered school to learn, and left to serve.  We did it without asking "What's in it for us?", because TO us, service is a privilege!  It's been a way of life, for us, since long before the "ME" generation pulled away from the breast!

    Some of us managed to do all this and raise a fine family of service minded children, as well.  My niece works full time for the Polycystic Kidney Foundation.   My daughter is a home health nurse and teaches Nursing at a 4-year private college.  I have another niece in the Army and a nephew in the Navy.   Servants, everyone of them.

    About charging for this web-site?  According to the House Rules, by posting here, we give to Taunton  the rights to the use our words crediting only our screen names.  That , my friend, is what is known as  "Valuable Consideration".

    I hope, Digi, when you are able to look back over the past 57 years of your life, you will see a vast legasy of good works, attention to detail, friendship, love of family and community, that I've seen here in the short time I've been around Threads.

    As for menopause...........It'll get you, in due time, my dear, in due time.  Gail

    1. jane4878 | | #3

      Gail Ann,

      Since Digi has been sewing for almost 60 years, I'd say she's either hit menopause or she's a medical miracle.  The complaining is getting a bit excessive and leads to a negative energy that isn't terribly productive--I think that's her point, not how many hours you need to volunteer.  This board gets on funks every so often and it wears thin after awhile.



      just take a deep breath..and let it go....




      Edited 6/4/2008 6:21 pm by jane4878

    2. dollmarm | | #5

      O U C H  and  W O W    to   all  stated here ! 

      I agree and disagree with much said !  This is a wonderful sounding board and some we like and some we do not like what is said.  This is what is great !!!  We would be terrible iffn' we all like the same and added the same. Yes, we do as human nature at times compain too much - We have to decide what is a compaint and what is a HEY there is a issue here that needs some attention and this my friends can be a very fine line. SO I pray with this all stated  - we can all to agree to disagree at how we handle our likes and dislikes.  However I am so totally with the no charge for this site  -  for you will lose more than you gain!  Many need this site - that if you charge, could not afford to learn and or share what we all have gained so so much from.  That loss would be greater than a cost gained. Yes, in each magazine there is always something that each one of us can ask WHY was that added; but a true delight to another !  Our knocks in life, even our broken bones and surgeries and hormonal changes makes us who we are.....GOOD, BAD, RIGHT, WRONG and or just pain different.  WE are truly wonderful creations and we all need to remember this as we share with one another.  I love you all -  for you all have enriched my life and helped in my sewing area and encouraged me in others and what a mess we would be iffn' we were not able to say truly how we felt - good bad, right wrong and or indifferent ! Hummmmmm......................   hubby called on his way, too we are having some bad rain storms so need to close for now take care and will yak soon !  :~) 

  3. MargieT | | #4

    I agree!  Can everyone stop complaining for a while and just enjoy all the great things on offer in Threads.

  4. User avater
    JunkQueen | | #6

    "So THERE!" she said as she stamped her foot, put her hands on her hips and flipped her hair. No, really, Digi, why don't you tell us what you really think? =8^o)

    Personally, I prefer to think of myself as a HotMama..... and yeah, it could be more from my menopausal condition than sex appeal, but it just sounds so much better than a middle-aged crone as Gail suggested, and I'm certainly not the *girl* you mentioned, either.

    Having managed the customer service department in a very large corporation for more years than I care to think about, I really didn't see any whining, I just saw concerns about content in a magazine we all love as well as the direction that magazine it is going. The worst thing that could happen is for faithful readers to remain silent. In my humble opinion only.......

    As for the obnoxious flashing Bernina ad, it's hard to ignore.

    And with that, I'll just say that we all have a right to our opinions, and I was happy to read yours. ;)~

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