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Conversational Threads

Recent Works section

Elisabeth | Posted in General Discussion on

I was happy to see that Threads is considering a Recent Works section in the magazine. I have admired and envied this feature in Fine Woodworking for a while and wished Threads would do the same. This is so inspiring to me, much more so than a contest. I wish I was working on something more interesting than alterations right now! Is anyone else excited about this possible feature?


  1. mem1 | | #1

    yes it sounds like a good thing especially if the process and the techniques are also described.

  2. SewNancy | | #2

    Not a bad idea.  I am concentrating on getting my pants pattern correct and so am not really doing any fun sewing.


  3. smr | | #3

    I haven't seen this type of section....what exactly is it????

    1. Elisabeth | | #4

      We readers can submit pictures and info about something we have made and have a page or two in the magazine dedicated to showing a few each issue. Fine Woodworking has this feature in the magazine and online which you can see here http://taunton.com/finewoodworking/pages/fw_readshow_home.aspI like the idea, it would be like a virtual visit to another sewer's world. It's insipiring to see what other like minded people are making. Creations don't always fit into the criteria of a competition which has been the way we get see others' works in Threads. Besides, to me competition means winners and implies losers which seems an unfitting method in the creative world.

      1. smr | | #5

        Thanks so much for the explanation....I would love to see something like this.  I agree with you on the competitions.  First I also don't care for the winner and loser idea, but also the fact that someone may just have an idea and wants to show it off.  I also think that the competitions, although some people may enjoy them, are limiting and tme consuming. 

        I always wonder what other people are doing and think it would make for a great new section for Threads.

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