Rolled Hem: how-to in which Threads mag?

Does anyone know which Threads Magazine had the short explanation of how to do a hand sewn rolled hem? It may have been in the tips or question section. It was answered clearly and the illustrations were perfect. I used it on a scarf BUT I need a “refresher” on how-to for a shawl I need to finish by FRIDAY July 25 for a wedding. If you know, which Threads and what’s on the cover? OR is there a good website that shows how? Thank you!
Edited 7/20/2008 11:18 pm by momcat50
Try Issue #60. Aug/Sept, 1995
This is in the Index:
Cowl-neck scarf, rolled-hem, scarves and napkins
Additionally, there is an article entitled "Tame the Rolled-Hemmer Foot" listed in the Index.
Hope this is the one you are remembering.
Edited 7/20/2008 11:57 pm by JunkQueen
I will locate that issue. Thanks for the help!
You are quite welcome. Hope that's the one. Good luck with your project.
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