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Conversational Threads

Rolling cart

katina | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I’m back in the States for a few days; no access to my copies of Threads. Some time ago a rolling cart with multi-colored drawers was featured in an article – I think it was about organizing a sewing studio. Does anyone know where to buy this?

Thanks – Katina


  1. Tatsy | | #1

    If it's got shallow (2")drawers in rainbow colors, I got mine at Jo-Ann's. The drawers are large enough for a full-size sheet of paper and are very handy for small items. I tend to use mine for jewelry makings.

    1. katina | | #2

      Thank you very much, Tatsy - I'll be off in search of a Jo-Ann's tomorrow.

  2. Ralphetta | | #3

    I found my carts at either Office Max or Office Depot. One of those places had some on sale in Sunday's paper. You might check there because I think they were cheaper than Joanne.

    1. katina | | #4

      Hi RalphettaThat's very good info to have - thank you very much. Will be cart shopping today.I'm awake (jetlag)but the stores aren't....

  3. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #5

    Check out the drawer systems for scrapbooking as well. They have long narrow drawers for paper. They are also good for sewing stuff as well. Cathy

    1. katina | | #6

      What a good idea - thank you.

      1. MaryinColorado | | #9

        Hancock Fabrics might have them too.  I bougth mine at Price Club/ Costco. I've also seen them online at http://www.nancysnotions.com  she's the lady from the Sewing With Nancy tv show on PBS, an excellent teacher and owns a shop in Wisconsin.  Mary

        1. katina | | #11

          Thanks, Mary. I'll check Target

  4. Gloriasews | | #7

    You could also check the hardware & auto supply stores, as the mechanics' tool chests are on wheels & have many different-sized drawers (they are usually metal) & different-sized chests.


    1. Ceeayche | | #8

      You may also want to try the big box stores.  They have a bunch of stuff on sale for back to school (outfitting dorm rooms and the like).  I did see the unit you referenced I believe it was at Target.

      Happy shopping and efficient organizing.

    2. katina | | #10

      Good suggestion, thanks Gloria

      1. Gloriasews | | #12

        Let us know what you decide to get (& are able to find).  Good luck.


        1. katina | | #13

          Thanks, Gloria - will do

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