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Conversational Threads

Room for Curtains from Tableclothes

rodezzy2 | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Posting pictures of the room to be made over, I believe this will make me get working.  Sorry for the fuzzy ones.  Ignore the “memorial” this folder has some other pictures on it from a memorial serive also.  My room is not called a memorial room.  giggle.  !!!!Or is it!!!!!!  hahahahahahahaha

Ooops I sent two of the same pic.  Sorry.  I’m getting there.  giggle.


Edited 11/22/2008 10:29 pm ET by rodezzy2

Edited 11/22/2008 10:30 pm ET by rodezzy2


  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    Can't wait to see the new dramatic look!  It will be divine in the red and chocolate.  I love those sconces too!  Mary

    1. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #2

      Thanks dear lady.  I'm up this morning and ready to go get my paint and paint that wall.  I have so many ideas swirling in this head of mine.

      1. MaryinColorado | | #3

        You are up with the birds this morning!  I bet you can't wait till the stores open! 

        1. User avater
          rodezzy2 | | #4

          Today I went back to the store and purchased longer tableclothes.  I'm sewing them tonight.  I've painted the one chocolate wall.  The picture is right after I finished painting.  It dried darker.  I love it. 

          1. Gloriasews | | #5

            You're on a roll!  You got a lot done toda - good job!  I hope you're not stiff & sore tomorrow.


          2. MaryinColorado | | #6

            Oooooooooooh!  It is just lucious!!!! 

          3. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #7

            Thanks I'm doing another wall today.

          4. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #8

            Marvellous Dahlin' just Marvellous!  What a difference.  This will certainly lift your spirits.  I love the colour!  Cathy

          5. KharminJ | | #9

            OOh ~ Yummy Chocolate walls!

            And I just love "old" apartment details like the arches, too. Have fun, and enjoy your hot bath after all that exercise!

            Bright Blessings ~ Kharmin

  2. Ocrafty1 | | #10

    Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!  You always have so many wonderfully creative ideas...and then you have the energy to follow through with them...don't know how you do it.


    1. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #11

      Today I took gold and copper glaze and sponged the walls.  The chocolate one and the one that was cream opposite it.  I love it.  Now I want to glaze the last two walls, but I'm too tired.  I've put up the curtains.  I haven' changed to the new linens yet, so I'm only giving you pics of the walls for now.  I have to put the bathroom towels and decorations up, then put all the finishing touches together.  I have to change out the cabinet fabric to match the curtains and redo the mantel.  I have a lot to do, so I'm going to take a nap now, so I can get busy later.  I've been up since 5:30 a.m.

      Oh, I did all of the faux finishing this morning.  I finished about 11:00 A.M.

      Edited 11/25/2008 1:59 pm ET by rodezzy2

      1. MaryinColorado | | #12

        It's magical!  Now that you've added your faery dust!  I love the old world look too.  Mary

      2. Ceeayche | | #13

        Rodezzy.  it's beautiful!!!! Work it my sista!

        Can't wait to see it when you've finished working that Rodeezmagic.

        1. User avater
          rodezzy2 | | #14

          Thanks.  I'm torn about doing that third wall.  I'm not tired now, I desperately want to do the third wall.  It feels so warm and comfy when I come into the room.  I just love it.  No more cream.  Now I want to paint the entry hall too.  It looks so bland.  I tell you once, you start, the next room cries out for some attention too.  Check out this picture. 


          Edited 11/25/2008 11:14 pm ET by rodezzy2

          1. Ceeayche | | #15

            I share your love of color.  I have have a wall that rises up four levels in my home and have painted a deep "dark salmon by benjamin more.  Though my late mother (of the white walls, white carpet fame) found it startling, it makes me smile as I hop down the stairs.  And it casts a sunny coral glow over everything. I haven't wanted to hang anything on these walls.

            And I didn't shy away from color when I chose the neutrals for the public areas of my home (kitchen, living, dining and den): Kitchen is sweet butter, living and dining are my "neutral" ashbury sand, den is august morning.  Oh and the soft furnishings are shades of green, red, and purple!  Most of the woods are deep hues (walnut, mahogony and cherry).

            Viva les coloures!

          2. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #16

            Ummmmm delicious color.  I think I'll do a deep read on the top have of my kitchen.   I've always wanted to do color.  I had a light lavender kitchen and dining room.  They opened up to one another.  I love that salmon.  Just awesome.  I'm so tired of white and cream.

          3. MaryinColorado | | #36

            A lady I knew had all white walls.  The ceilings were all either red or black.  She had lived in Turkey, Spain, and other exotic places and had really interesting furniture and accessories.  She was way ahead of her time in the decorating dept.  I loved going to her house and just looking at things.  Her daughter and I had many adventures. 

            Maybe you could paint the kitchen ceiling red?  Oh dear, you and that ladder, never mind!!!   I shouldn't have mentioned it, you'd need supervision!  Me and my big mouth. 

            Guess the kids are going to put in a movie so it's a good time to snooze.


          4. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #51

            The kitchen will be white and red.  So come on over and spot me on the ladder, with that red paint rolling across the ceiling.  I believe my land lady would say, "Girl, have you lost your mine?"  giggle.  "You painted the ceiling!"

          5. MaryinColorado | | #68

            Maybe you should pad the floor first for a soft landing just in case!  At least please have someone there with you if you paint the ceiling!!!  Me and my big mouth, now I'll be worried about you and that ladder!  Well, at least stay off the phone while you're up there next time!!!  Please!  We are such naughty antique little girls! 

          6. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #18

            OH MY!!!!   Cathy  (see me with eyes bugging out, jaw on floor)

          7. Josefly | | #20

            Very nice!

          8. damascusannie | | #21

            Gorgeous--rich and elegant without being cold.

          9. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #22

            Thanks!  Daring huh!?!

          10. damascusannie | | #23

            Yes, but it really works.

          11. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #24

            Thanks, it feels warm and cozier in there.  I can't wait until that third wall is done.  I have to cook, well I'm cooking as I sneak back and forth to this computer.  You guys are my company as I don't have anyone here. 

            I did create an obituary for a friend whose sister passed on Monday.  I'll print them up for the family tomorrow night, if I'm not in a stuper from eating turkey and the trimmings.  This will be my contribution to the family in their time of grief.  She was only 39 years old.  I feel so fortunate to have life.  A beautiful and wonderful woman has left us.  So young. 

            Well, don't want to depress anyone, but Happy Gobble Day, I can't wait to eat roast turkey, dressing, mac & cheese, beef roast, potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots.  I can't eat any green veggies because I'm on blood thinners.  But there is plenty to feast on.  I also have mushrooms to cook.  I'm going to make mushroom, turkey gravy.  And whole corn.  giggle.  I cooked some collard greens for my son.  I'm happy and blessed.  So very blessed. 

          12. MaryinColorado | | #25

            I love collard greens!  Yum!  He's a lucky guy!  I am sorry to hear of another young person who left us too soon.  God bless you for being there for her family! 

            I ran across this poem today, don't know the author:  Pueblo Indian Prayer

            Hold onto what is good.  Even if it is a handful of earth.

            Hold onto what you believe.  Even if it is a tree that stands by itself.

            Hold onto what you must do.  Even if it is a long way from here.

            Hold on to your life.  Even if it is easier to let go.

            Hold onto my hand.  Even if someday I will be gone away from you. 



          13. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #26

            Thank you, that was so beautiful and meaningful.  I'm stuffed like a turkey he he.  I can't eat that much because I haven't been eating much.  So at about 10:00 a.m. I had lattice apple pie from Jewel Foods with Haagen  Daas Vanilla Swiss Almond ice cream.  At 1:00 p.m. I ate turkey & dressing, candied sweet potatoes, mac & cheese, and jelled cranberry sauce.  I are some of the roast beef while I was carving it into slices.  I'm so full.  My son just called and will be over later.  I've had calls and text messages most of the morning.  I'll text others later.  Eat hardy!

          14. MaryinColorado | | #28

            I have to go help put dinner on the table now.  We're having devilled eggs, turkey, ham, cornbread/apple/pecan/sausage stuffing, potatoes, gravy, sweet taters, pumpkin pie and for me a store bought pecan pie.  and green beans. oh cranberries too.

            Enjoy your day!  Mary

          15. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #30

            mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm delicious.  Can I have a plate?

          16. MaryinColorado | | #33

            Sure, come on over, there's plenty!  I am stuffed and can barely move, maybe I'll think about desert later.  It all turned out great. 

            Last year we had plumbing problems and the plumber couldn't come until the day after Thanksgiving.  We went to Boston Market and got carry out. 

          17. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #34

            Me too, my son is over and is stuffed too.  what a bummer, that plumber.  Ooops I made a rhyme....giggle!


          18. MaryinColorado | | #35

            He ended up doing a great job and giving us some good advice too.  It was really expensive though.  You are a poet, dear Rodezzy! 

            I think I'll take a little nap now, if I can lay down without coughing my head off.  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

          19. Gloriasews | | #42

            You & Rodezzy are making my mouth water!  Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, too.  Yes, we have so much to be thankful for.


          20. Gloriasews | | #40

            That's a beautiful poem, Mary.  Thanks for sharing it with us.


          21. MaryinColorado | | #45

            You're welcome.  Mary

      3. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #17

        OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!  That is STUNNING!   Love it Girl!  It is warm and cozy and elegant all at the same time, a true work of art.  It changes the whole room.  Beautiful.  Way to go.  Cathy  (picture me with jaw dropping to floor)

      4. User avater
        VKStitcher | | #19

        The new color looks so rich!  And really sets off the crown moulding at the ceiling.  Nice job!  Isn't re-decorating fun?

  3. User avater
    rodezzy2 | | #27

    Stage 2 of redecorating.  Pics of what I've done so far.  The shower curtains are faux leather.  Not real.  Only $20.


    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #29

      Amazing how big of a change a little colour will make.  You have good taste my friend.  Cathy

      1. User avater
        rodezzy2 | | #31

        You like it?  It was a real change from all the neutrals I've used over the years.  This time I refused to stay in the safe zone, and refused to care how the average person would view my choices.  Not in a mean way, just wanted to express me all the way.

        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #32

          Like it???  I LOVE IT GIRL.  I think it expresses your personality as I have gotten to know you.  You are a creative, loving individual, and this home makeover is your personal space, and your have FINALLY decided to let YOU shine!  I think it is elegant and warm and wonderful.  You have done a super job on a budget as well.  It is absolutely devine!!!!!!   Cathy

    2. MaryinColorado | | #37

      It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...very hot mamma!  I love the black and red with that lovely tile.  Mary

      1. User avater
        rodezzy2 | | #38

        Thanks, I went from yellow and white to black, and now black and red.  And when I saw those faux leather shower curtains at Burlington Coat Factory, I snickered at the thought of them.  I bought two, I just gave my son the other one for his bathroom.  Yes, the tile in there is nice.  Black, gray and white are neutrals to me; you can pair up any color with them.  My son just left, he ate until he was leaning over.  I sent lots of food home with him.

        1. MaryinColorado | | #39

          I'll add brown because I hear it's the "new black",  and blue to those neutrals because they can be used that way too, I think it just depends on the hue or is it the tone, tint, whatever?  I confuse the terminology, oh well. 

          I discovered a new cough syrup, it's call Amaretto DiSanronno, he he he.  It smells like cherries and tastes good too. 

          I bet your son was tickled to get the other shower curtain.  What color will he put with the black?  Turquoise would be nice too. 

          My daughter and grand kids are getting ready to leave.   I didn't take a nap, we watched a movie instead.  I wanted to play Bunko but was too tired.  Maybe another day. 

          1. Stillsewing | | #48

            You have hit on my favorite Italian tipple. Hard to always find the real thing. Enjoy your festival!

          2. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #50

            Whats an Italian tipple?

          3. Stillsewing | | #59

            The dreaded drink!!! (lol) Just another word that we use this side of the Atlantic when describing alcohol.

          4. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #60

            Oh! giggle.  Can't drink that.

          5. MaryinColorado | | #67

            Yeah, what is a tipple?  Does it topple? 

          6. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #49

            Add brown where?

            That cough syrup sounds yummy, are you sure that is "cough" syrup, that name is suspect...snicker, giggle.

            I played mahjong and crystals 2 until late.  Like 11:00 a.m. took a bath, so didn't get to bed until about 12:00 midnight.  Sandra called to say to meet her for shopping at 4:30 a.m.  Need to get to Sears by 5:00 a.m. to get the Wii Guitar Hero for her grand daughter.  We did get it, and we shopped all day, eat breakfast at 10:00 a.m. had lunch at about 3:30 p.m. shopped some more then back to my car, home at about 6:00 p.m. 

            I'm sleepy, but I keep going.  I've made over my mantel, what do you think about this mantel, I am not sure ....  or the second picture, I moved Santa from in from of the picture, and what do ou think of the picture?



            Edited 11/28/2008 10:33 pm ET by rodezzy2

            Edited 11/28/2008 10:33 pm ET by rodezzy2

          7. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #52

            Couldn't get second picture on the same thread so here it is here....


          8. KharminJ | | #54

            Hi Rodezzy!Wow, have you been busy on your "week off"!I prefer having Santa away from the picture, but I can't tell what the picture is (too small on my screen). Is it a needlepoint or a quilt?The strong vertical lines in the wainscoting are echoed too closely for my taste - YMMV - by the size and shape of most of your decorations. A couple of possible "fixes" come to mind - find items that have more variety in height (taller or shorter) or shape (wider or rounder or both - I like the vase with branches a lot), vary the spacing more, and/or make the wainscot inserts dark brown to nearly match the rest of the wood.Most important, though, is that YOU love it ~ and that you get some sleep tonight (in your spiffy new bedroom)! giggle


          9. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #55

            The picture is a painting of a kimono with metallic silver for the lines of the article of clothing and soft colors in the background.  What does YMMV mean?  Yes, I plan to change the inserts in the bookshelves too.   Yes, Santa is better, out of the way.  I don't have any taller stuff, and I'm not buying anything else, I don't think.  I'll give it a thought and look around.  I haven't put up my tree yet, and I've got lots yet to do.  Thanks for your sage advise.

            Edited 11/29/2008 10:09 am ET by rodezzy2

          10. KharminJ | | #56

            What does YMMV mean?Oops!- YMMV is "Your Mileage May Vary" - a common qualifier used on a car forum I read. Essentially: "Here's what I did, and my results - your results may (or will probably) be different"A common resource for other size/shape/color/proportion decor-bits on the home-dec TV that I watch (another time-eating addiction!) is "your other spaces". (Oh yeah ~ You did say "I'll look around" - I need more coffee, I think!)I see the shape of the kimono, now that I know to look for it! Beautiful!Happy finishing touches! I'm off to the fabric mines shortly ... Everybody talks about "Black Friday", but "Black Saturday" is often just as busy, just a wee bit less crazed ...

            Bright Blessings! Kharmin

          11. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #57

            Thanks, have fun shopping.

          12. KharminJ | | #58

            Oh No! I'm behind the cutting counter! And putting away, and straightening and finding and calculating and counseling... and... and...

          13. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #61

            You will survive!  giggle.

          14. KharminJ | | #62

            Thanks for the vote of confidence! grin!

            It wasn't "so" bad today - this is my second Turkey-Day weekend there - last year was just insane, but I'd only started about 2 weeks before - Black Friday was like my fourth day on the job. I've got my mellow on now most of the time (Corporate still gets my goat, though) and I really enjoy working with the customers.

            Peace and Joy! Kharmin

          15. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #77

            Wow, you worked on TDay!?!  You go girl!  Bless your heart.  We women do, do what we do, don't we!  giggle. 

          16. KharminJ | | #79

            Giggle, indeed! I had to read that line three times to be sure I got it! It sure is true, too. No, they haven't gotten that $$grubby yet that the store is open ON T-Day. But everyone must work some part of Friday and Saturday after! K

          17. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #69

            The Kimono picture is wonderful!  You have so many beautiful things to put on your mantle!.  Can you find gold or copper tablecloths to put in the front of the panels to match the new room? or are the fronts wood?  Maybe wallpaper with those colours or paint would work then.  Fabric covered boxes or painted boxes put under some of your lovely collectibles would add height to some of them If you wanted to vary the heights in your display.  Save some from your christmas gift exchange, you often get nice heavy ones to cover from packaging.  You can fill baggies with rice or sand to put inside the boxes to keep them from tipping over.  Something to think about.  Cathy

          18. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #78

            At Dollar Tree here in "Chi Town" I bought four red table runners.  There are two on the mantel, one on the table by the bed and the other one is covering the faux shelf (giggle - faux shelf) I made on the radiator.  I never have to use it because it is too hot in my apartment.  I'm going back to purchase four more to change out the cabinet inserts.  Those are hutch cabinets from a VP's office at the company that I got for free.  I made the mantel from two twelve foot planks of wood and stapled faux leather over, and hot clued chocolate fleece on the bottom.  Ta Da a mantel and faux fireplace.  I did this about 2004.  No, just two years ago.  I'm loosing track of time. 

            Thanks for all of your thoughts and advice.

          19. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #81

            I just Love dollar stores!  Looks like you do too!  Find the most amazing things in them.  That mantle is an amazing and creative use of the 'ol grey matter.  It looks so elegant the way you have that room all set up.  You certainly have talent my friend.  Cathy

          20. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #87

            I guess.  I've drooled over home magazines and looked and whimpered over those makeover shows for years.  This is the VERY FIRST time I've been able to actually do a room over.  I didn't even get to fully decorate my house when I had it.  Not enough money back when I was young.  I would paint and never have all of the fixings to finish off the room, or buy "one" piece of furniture.  Oh well, we all have had are hard times, and I'm not rolling in dough, I just have fewer expenses and dependents.  giggle!  What is "ol grey matter?" 

            I want a recliner, a stylish one.  Something that doesn't look like a recliner.  Modern and comfy.  Can't afford it now.  I need some book shelves.  The other room needs a futon, and purging.  The purging I can do.  giggle.  Oh well, blah blah blah!  giggle

          21. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #90

            tee hee, 'ol grey matter is the brain darling!  When you have a brilliant idea, you have been making good use of the 'ol grey matter!  Cathy

          22. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #92

            giggle, oh I see.  That's funny.  I guess I did, it's pretty grey too.  giggle

          23. MaryinColorado | | #66

            Very festive mantle, it's so long, wow, that's alot to decorate.  I love the Kimono picture, very unique and artistic, lots of depth, a great conversation piece.  I agree that Santa might be happier in another spot. 

            I don't drink very often, but a little nip now and then.  It really did help my cough!  he he he Mary

        2. katina | | #43

          Vibrant! Vibrant's the word that comes to mind, girl. Fabulous - you should be very proud of yourself. I adore red - as far as I'm concerned it's a basic colour.

          Enjoy it all in good health.


    3. Gloriasews | | #41

      Wow, Rodezzy, you've been working your buns off!!!  The chocolate walls have a nice, warm glow to them now with the glaze.  The curtains turned out perfect, but I can't see where you added to them.  The bedspread & pillows match nicely - oh, you'll feel so pampered when you go to bed, so you should sleep well.  The bathroom is very striking!  Yah, I just know you'll be attacking the hall & kitchen as soon as possible, eh?  You're really lucky to have such a nice apartment, with the arches, molding, textured plaster, etc. - & especially that the landlord allowed you to paint it as you wish - that would be heavenly! (As you can tell, I, too, am tired of white & off-white - but then, years ago, everything was painted in what we called 'renters' green', so I guess off-white is better). :)

      Then, you cooked that huge meal!  The nap must have given you energy plus!  Glad you enjoyed your dinner & I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.  You're probably not looking forward to going back to work on Monday, with so many projects on the go at home.


      1. User avater
        rodezzy2 | | #53

        I'll probably be glad to get back to work and sitting at a desk all day.  I've been up on my feet, running around shopping and working in this apartment for 7 days.  I'll get some rest at work.  I'm sleepy now, but I keep going.

        1. Gloriasews | | #63

          You're right - you'll get your rest at work, as you've been going like a madwoman all week!  Anyway, it was fun & you got a lot done - & the biggie is that you're happy with it all.  I've got to say, though, that you gals must be nuts to go shopping at 4:30 AM & keep going all day!  Why do Americans do all their Christmas shopping in one day?  (It seems like it, anyway, from what we see & read).  I'm just curious, as we Canadians don't do that - we just shop here & there & gradually get everything when it's on sale.  We certainly don't have the department stores opening at that ungodly hour (only electronics stores - they open at midnight sometimes, if they are getting something special in & only in limited amounts.  Then people - usually guys - camp out all night waiting for the store to open). 


          1. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #64

            Tradition!  It's become part of the Thnanksgiving tradition.  Some families plan their routes and disperse to the stores separately.  Others attack a certain store, some shop while one stands in the line securing a place before the line becomes a snake in the store.  Actually, sometimes it can be the only way to get some of the things they want, especially if they don't have the money at other times. 

            Others, its just the thrill of the hunt!  This is only my second time going in my entire life.  I went to share the experience with my friend who does this every year.  She's usually alone.  This time she had a friend to share the day with. 

            Edited 11/30/2008 11:00 am ET by rodezzy2

          2. Gloriasews | | #82

            Tradition?  I hate to be a party-pooper, but the stores probably started it :).  Thank heavens we don't do that here, as I absolutely hate waiting in long line-ups.  That's why I never go to our Boxing Day sales (Dec. 26) - as they are almost the same thing - big sales & everyone spending their Christmas gift money & gift cards - a crazy shopping day).  You're off the hook for craziness, if this is only your second time going - & I hope you had a good time, but, man, that would be a tiring day!


          3. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #85

            Now calm down Gloriasews, some people like doing this and they have a right, no need in you getting your snuggies in a twist over something someone else likes to do.  You made your choice and don't do it, so let those that do have there day.  It's sad that I heard a young man died at a Wal-Mart or Kmart just opening the door and was trampled to death.  But I'm not going to picket the whole America because of it.  Now just settle down.  Whew! 

            After all good or bad, everyone has a choice.  There's good and bad in almost everything.  My friend was able to get the toy at 1/3 the price its been and there was no fighting or scuffling over it.  I also heard on the news this morning that two men shot and killed each other over a toy, somewhere in America.  But those are isolated instances.  Human nature is like that.  Somebody has to spoil a good thing and there are always some dumb stuff going on. 

            Like the woman who refused to give trick or treaters candy if they didn't vote for McCain.  Or the people that put poison and razor blades in candy and apples to kids on Halloween.  People fight over Christmas trees.  There are always some bad stuff going on, but lets stay on the happier side.  If you want to get up and spend a whole day shopping, whats the big deal? 

            All of us do something that somebody else doesn't like.  So just give us a big smile and let it go.  giggle love and hugs to you Gloriasews.  And the beat goes on!!!!

          4. MaryinColorado | | #89

            uh huh, and the beat goes on.....I used to love seeing the great costumes that Cher wore on the Sonny and Cher show!  I think she had the same designer as Carole Burnette did all those years...and the beat goes on....the beat goes on...

          5. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #91

            I absolutely adored Cher.  I watched her religiously.  She was so beautiful and loved her clothes.  I loved her music too.

          6. MaryinColorado | | #99

            She is an Icon and a survivor with all she's been through.  I liked the tv show. Not a big fan of their voices, though I really liked the music and lyrics.  I think she is going to have a special on tv soon.  She and Tina Turner were on a tv show together one day but I missed all but a few seconds of it, darn! 

             I did see Tina Turner the other night on the 101.  That woman is superhuman!!!  She can still perform like a 20 year old!  She sang, danced, and really put on a great concert over 3 or 4 days in a row.  I couldn't even handle going to concerts three days in a row, let alone performing the whole time.  I am in awe!  Those legs look just as good as they ever did too!!!  She looks incredibly young too.  She has the "secret of youth".

            We had so many great role models, strong independant women who survived and succeeded in spite of adversity and pain.  First Ladies, comedians, musicians, singer/songwriters, politicians, business leaders, activisits, actors, writers, reporters, artists, teachers, and the list goes on.  Mechelle Obama is certainly proving to be at the top of the list even before becoming First Lady. 

            oooooooooops, rattled on again, sorry.

          7. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #103

            And all of us are survivors through all of our trials and tribulations.  Each and every person here has their own survivor stories.  We are sheros and heros, right here, we are just not famous.  They are no different then us, we have the same stuff!  We all are talented, vibrant, beautiful, reliable, unbending, forthright and strong.  You, you, you and yes even you.  We're just not famous.  That's all.  And I don't want to be.  he he

          8. MaryinColorado | | #109

            You are always so positive and uplift our spirits!  I wouldn't want to be famous either.  I like my privacy and being free to wander.  A papperazi tail would pull my kite right out of the sky!!! 

          9. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #126

            Oh my Stars, just thinking about being stalked all the time makes me claustifobic.

          10. MaryinColorado | | #130

            BRRRRRRRRR! Me too!  Did you see that old movie, The Bodyguard?  That would be enough to scare me off, but what a body guard!  (at least there are some perks).

          11. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #132

            Yes, I've seen it lots of times.  Speaking of movies, I've got movies I haven't watched yet.  That's new for me.  But this computer is really taking up too much of my time, and I only have myself to blame ... giggle

          12. MaryinColorado | | #138

            Yup yup yup!!!  Computers are so addicting!  It's so easy to lose track of time and get "lost in cyberspace". 

          13. miatamomma | | #93

            I think that designer was Bob Mackey.  Your are right, he did design for both of them.  I think he sells a line of clothing on QVC now.


          14. MaryinColorado | | #98

            Yes, Bob Mackey.  Wouldn't it be fun to work with a designer with such a sense of humor as well as so creative!  There are so many pompous ones that would never consider doing that infamous shower curtain gown with the rod in it!  I bet there are some great stories behind all that ingenuity!!!  They laughter as well as the creative inspiration they gave us is such a great gift! 

          15. Gloriasews | | #94

            I'm sorry I got you in such a tizzy, Rodezzy.  I certainly didn't mean to, you dear soul.  My point was only that it seemed like a very tiring day.  I wasn't putting you down for going, as you enjoyed yourself & got some good bargains.  That was only my opinion, as I hate crowds & my knees just couldn't stand all the walking & waiting in line.  You're lucky you're still young & spritely :).


            Edited 12/3/2008 4:31 am by Gloriasews

          16. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #101

            Oh, sweet lady, I'm still in good humor.  I was wobbling by the end of the day.  It was very tiring, but so much fun with my dear friend.  We were giddy.  I'm trying to enjoy everything I can, while I can, for tomorrow is not promised.  So, I'm trying very hard to enjoy every day this side of heaven.  giggle.  luv and hugs to you.

          17. MaryinColorado | | #106

            That's a very insightful and, I think, healthy outlook, Rodezzy.  It sounds like a poem. 

            Edited 12/3/2008 11:06 pm by MaryinColorado

          18. Gloriasews | | #118

            I'm glad you got all that off your chest & are in good humour again :)  We have to let off steam once in awhile.  Glad to have you back, again. Haha.  You really needed that nice get-together with your friend - it always put the world right again.  Now you're heading to the weekend, so hang in there - only 2 days left - & you can get back to your decorating :)


          19. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #128

            I have so much to do, the entire rest of the apartment is out of order, until I almost hate to turn on the lights, giggle.  I'll be starting the other room tomorrow when I get home from work.  That way, if I stay up late, I can sleep in because I don't have any appointments for Saturday morning.  In fact I have to get the kitchen and sewing room in order because my cousin is coming from Waukegan late Saturday afternoon, and we're going to a house party that night.  So I have to get those two rooms together.  I'm washing between talking on the computer tonight.

          20. Gloriasews | | #136

            You're so organized, that you'll be in great shape by the time your cousin arrives.  Of course, you might be tired, too, but the party will perk you up again.  This weekend will go too fast for you, but you'll have fun, get rested up at work, & look forward to next weekend.  It'll all come together fine.


          21. MaryinColorado | | #65

            Not me, I hide from the big sales crowds and gather my presents throughout the year usually.  This year I am behind because the grandkids are more into things that warranties matter on.  Can't buy those too far ahead. 

            My son and dil were out at 4:30 on Black Friday and did get incredible deals, including a flat screen tv!  We met them for lunch after things calmed down a bit. 

            I went to a wonderful craft show yesterday with some amazing artisans and did a bit of shopping.  We wanted to buy a fake tree but the prices are outrageous, for $300.00 and up I can buy a live one and plant it in my yard, geez!  Who are they kidding?  Hope I find something affordable that's over 3' tall!!!

            Edited 11/30/2008 1:48 pm by MaryinColorado

          22. damascusannie | | #70

            Did you know that some stores sell their display trees every year after the holidays so that they don't have to store them? I learned this when our daughter worked for Menards. You can buy a really nice artificial tree that last week in Dec for about 50% off the retail price.Annie in Wisconsin, USA
            ~~Doodlestein Designs Quilt Patterns
            ~~Finely Finished: Machine quilting worked on a treadle sewing machine.
            See patterns, quilting, and National sewing machines at: http://community.webshots.com/user/damascusannie

            Edited 11/30/2008 3:59 pm by damascusannie

          23. MaryinColorado | | #71

            That would be great, I just might have to try that as I couldn't even find a decent price at the after Christmas sales last year.  I wish we had Menards here, I always go there when I visit my mother.  She loves that store so it's fun to take her and treat her to some nice things for her garden.  Thanks for the suggestion! 

          24. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #72

            I bought an artificial 4.5 cashmere pine in a pot today for $69.99. The reason most artificial trees are so expense, is because they last forever.  I already have an artificial tree at 6.5 ft and I've had it for five years already, but I wanted to make that mantel come alive.  I had some good advice concerning height levels.  So this is a tree I purchased today.  I didn't want to use my old tree anyway, this would be the sixth holiday using it, and this was a good excuse to buy another one and a smaller one.  I still haven't put any decorations on the tree, I just wanted to get a feel for the height levels I've chosen.  I moved the other stuff too. 


          25. MaryinColorado | | #73

            Wow!  It looks so festive and Christmassy!  Is that a picture of 2 ladies dancing?  What is Santa standing on?  It's a little dark to tell but love the black and silver.  Your ceilings must go up forever girl.  Mary

          26. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #74

            The pictures on the wall are of a man and woman dancing.  Those are my speakers to my CD radio player.  I don't have anywhere else to put them, plus I like them there.  I finally decorated the tree and here it is...


          27. MaryinColorado | | #80

            Wow!  It looks divine!!!  It's really looking festive now! 

             Sorry, my computer screen is small so I couldn't see the pictures on the wall.  I tried to enlarge them, but they and the black on the speakers got blurry.  I was so curious about them. This picture came out better on my screen, thanks.

             My speakers are on my mantel too, the stereo gets better sound that way.  Yours are so sculptural, mine just look like boxes. 

            Imagine  Create  Enjoy   You sure did it girl!!!

          28. Gloriasews | | #84

            The tree is lovely, Rodezzy!  What a huge mantle you have!  Do you have a fireplace, too?


          29. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #86

            I made that mantel.  I bought two 12 ft. boards from Home Depot and bound them together with a bracket with screws on each end.  Then I wrapped it in chocolate brown faux leather and stapled it to the back.  I took some chocolate fleece and hot clued it to the underside to finish the other side. 

            Those two cabinet pieces are hutch book cabinets from a vice presidents office given to me when the company downsized in 1999.  I got them in 2002 and brought them home in 2004 or 5.  Can't really remember.  I just did the mantel last year.  The space between the cabinets is my faux fireplace.  I purchased the firescreen and faux logs from an estate sale for $25 or $35 dollars.  Can't remember for sure. The logs have a light fixture behine them.  But the cord is very old and I don't trust using it.

            Now, there you have it.  giggle.  I'm always doing something.  I tried to make some shelves and failed.  The wood is in the storage room.  giggle.  So, not everything I do comes out right. giggle ha ha ha ha You'll never know about all of those brain farts... ha ha ha ha ha

            Edited 12/1/2008 10:10 pm ET by rodezzy2

          30. Gloriasews | | #95

            You are such a handy person & get such great ideas that don't cost much.  You succeed at most things you do, & you'll find a way to make the shelves or find another use for the boards; I just know you will.  Good for you!  Can you put a new cord on your fireplace logs?  You did a great job of the mantle.


          31. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #102

            I've thought of that, but I don't like to mess with electrical stuff.  Not for me.  I'm thinking of some other fireplace displays I've witnessed on the decorating shows, and in books with candles, or lights, or flowers or something.  I'll be keeping my eyes open for a cozy solution.  I know I want light in some form.

          32. Gloriasews | | #119

            Can your son change the cord for you?  Yah, I know what you mean about fiddling with electrical cords - they can be very scary!  You'll find something for your fireplace soon, I'll bet.  Maybe white or red mini lights?  You definitely need some kind of light there, for sure.  Show us a pic when you decide.


          33. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #129

            Oh Wow, you just gave me a brain fart!  I bought some battery operated lights that I was telling MaryinColorado about from "Jewel" grocery store.  I can used those for lights.  Thank you Gloriasews, you solved the light problem.  No electricity, just batteries.  Good show girl.  I love you guys.

          34. Gloriasews | | #137

            Great!  The battery lights are the perfect thing!  Glad you could find them - & glad Mary told you where to get them at a great price.  Enjoy the ambience!


          35. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #145

            Oh sweet lady, I was the one who found them at Jewels.

            But while answering a thread to you, I got the idea to use them here at home to light my faux fireplace. I was about to take them back.  They were part of a brain fart in my decorating duties for my cousin's 50th birthday party table centerpieces in Feb. 

            Instead, after surfing the net for lighting ideas for her centerpiece, I found lighted ice cubes to put in the centerpiece wine glass to give it the sparkle of light on each table instead of candles that I am always afraid might cause a fire at such a large affair.  Plus I didn't want to use real glasses either, too expensive, I found plastic ones.  Then we are going to tape a petal to one of the chairs at each table, and whomever sits in that chair will get the centerpiece.

            She rented a space for her big 50 party and I'm making the centerpieces.  I will take a picture of the centerpiece for the tables (20 tables) when I get the lighted ice cubes and black ribbon.  The theme is black and silver decor.  This is my gift to her.  I'm buying all of the materials and putting them together.  I found round mirrors at the Dollar Tree store to use as the base.  The mirror can be removed from its plastic rim.  The wine goblets will be positioned with one upright, the other on its side.  Black ribbon will tie the stems together and the light ice cube will be inside the upright one and white rose petals will flow from the one lying on its side, on top of the mirror base.

          36. MaryinColorado | | #148

             She will feel so special having those cenerpieces created just for her!  The mirror will reflect the "ice" cubes lights, turning one glass on it's side with rose petals flowing, and tieing them togeather with the black ribbon is sheer genius!  Are you blushing?  ha ha  I love the idea of gifting the centerpiece to the person who sits at the chair with the rosepetal!  You really know how to put things together to create ambiance!  WOW!!!  This is a gift from the heart of Rodezzy that will give her cherished memories of her special day. I can just see it! 

          37. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #149

            The centerpiece is not my original idea, I just modified it, I found the idea on the web.  But she is very thrilled about the whole thing.  I love seeing people happy about something I give that I've made or put together.  It gives me joy to see the glint in their eyes, the smile on their face.  It puts love in my heart.  Got to get going.

          38. MaryinColorado | | #150

            It sounds so elegant, I love black and silver!  Mary

          39. Gloriasews | | #151

            Wow - what a different centrepiece!  That should look really nice & be a surprise for everyone, too, as probably nobody will have seen anything like it before.  Great idea!  Do post a pic of it when you're done.  With 20 tables to do, you're work is cut out for you, but it won't be difficult, will it?  Simple & elegant!  Lighted ice cubes - huh!  Who would have ever thought?  You're right - a fire hazard you don't need with such a crowd.  It's amazing the battery operated stuff you can get now (candles, tea lights, Christmas lights, etc.) - & now ice cubes!


          40. Ceeayche | | #155

            Rodeezy, The wine glasses with the ice cubes sounds like a great idea for the center pieces.  and like it's going to be a great party!  You're a wonderful cousin!

          41. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #157

            Thanks, she was here this weekend and loved the way I'm getting it together.  I have the plastic glasses and the mirror bases.  I have to get the black ribbon and I'm awaiting delivery of the ice cube lights.  Its great the things we can play with these days.  I love it.  I'm excited.  February is a little while off.  But if the days keep flying by like they have been, I won't notice the time.

          42. KharminJ | | #75

            Your mantle is looking better and better! And that tree is the perfect size. I like the side space, too. Creative use of the candleholders - with candles *and* red cones.Keep tweaking 'til you love it all!


          43. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #76

            Thank you, I'm so excited, I've done a little more tweeking as you say, even after I sent those pictures.  I'll take the last set of pictures, because I am finished in here. 

            Now I would be totally ashamed to show the "before" pictures of the storage room.  I used to look at those home shows where they come in to get people organized and think, "nobody has a room with all of that crap in it, all over everywhere." 

            Well, I now have such a room.  I've tried to stay on top of it, but now it looks just like one of those rooms.  I only have a path now to walk from the door to the closet.  It's awful, and I can't stand it.  So that room is next!  I'll start tomorrow after work, getting all of the bags of old and outgrown clothes that I have been dragging from place to place, Out Of Here.....giggle!  I want to start the year with a clean and clear environment!

          44. Gloriasews | | #83

            Guess you'll have to come to Canada, Mary - our fake trees 4' tall & up start at $30-$40 at Michaels  on sale or with the coupon, or Sears, Home Depot, etc.  Your price was outrageous!  Even the trees with decorations & lights included are that price here.  Real trees start at $30 & up.  I love the craft shows, too, but some of the prices are quite high, but then, the crafters need to cover the time they spent making the articles.  Sometimes bargains can be had, though.  I can't believe it's December already!  Yikes!  Many things to do, & time is running out!


          45. MaryinColorado | | #88

            The prices were pretty high, but I'm sure the artisans are charged a pretty price to sell there.  It's an Arts and Humanities Center and always has lovely things.  I did get a few business cards from the sellers of items I hope to purchase in the future.  Their prices may be lower when overhead isn't as high. 

            My brother is a glass artist and prefers to sell wholesale to regular customers.  He's a social animal and loves the people, just not the overhead costs that absorb the profits. 

            Yes, I can probably drive to Canada and bring back a tree for less than they are charging here.  Ooops, the weather better be good, the only way a tree would fit in my little car is with the top down!  rofl at the visual on that one! 

          46. Gloriasews | | #96

            You'll find your tree yet at a reasonable price, I'm sure.  It won't be reasonable if you have to drive here in the winter :(.  You're so right about the artisan craft sales - the tables or booths are quite expensive - moreso than people realize, so the vendors have to make money to make the experience worthwhile.


          47. MaryinColorado | | #97

            I'm sure we'll find a tree, I'm going to be very stubborn though about the price!  I'd love to start decorating, but don't want to go through the Christmas boxes until I get a tree.  That would be double the work and I'm all for economizing my time too, hehe.

          48. Gloriasews | | #100

            For sure, don't open your Christmas boxes until you get your tree, or you'll just have a mess all over the place :)  It'll be messy enough when you start to decorate, eh?  Enjoy the hunt & the decorating!


          49. MaryinColorado | | #105

            I cant get away with messy boxes full of goodies around, the dogs would have a party and there would be nothing but confetti left! 

            Today Zoey noticed Topaz, the living room fairy, sitting on the shelf above the couch.  She spent most of the day trying to figure out what to do about it.  She tried to climb up the back of the couch from the arm.  She would jump down to the floor and sit there gazing at Topaz.  Every time she went into the living room, she'd go right over to make sure she was still there and look at her with her little head cocked to the side.  She jumped onto different chairs to get a better look. Topaz has flown over to the very top of the tv cabinet where she can observe the puppy from a safe distance.  Zoey is gazing up at her from the hearth.

          50. Gloriasews | | #120

            Zoey is as curious as a cat!  You'll have to not have anything hanging on the lower branches of your tree (when you get it) or she won't leave the pretties alone!  Just like having a baby in the house :)  It might be an idea to tie your tree to a corner or window edge, too, so she doesn't pull it down in her excitement.  We had a lab years ago who did just that while we were out for a short while - what a mess!!  Most of the ornaments were broken, & that was on Christmas Eve.  She was literally in the dog house after that!


          51. MaryinColorado | | #123

            You are right, so I'm thinking about getting a tabletop tree this year after all.  The gifts we have so far are in a big chest in the living room.  The lab saw me put them in there so he walks by it and sniffs.  He loves presents too!  I'll have to put Zoey on a leash when we start opening gifts or she'll have the paper all over the house.  I know it can be dangerous for her.  She is like a toddler always discovering new things.  I think she's the smartest pet I've ever had.

          52. Gloriasews | | #134

            She's keeping you on your toes, Mary.  Now the challenge is to keep yourself one step ahead of her (hard to do when you're on your toes, eh?)  Ha ha.  Obviously, she loves your house - it's full of fun, fun, fun - & pretty sparkly things!  You'll probably have to put her someplace when company comes, if you have a crowd, or the wee thing will get stepped on or tripped over.  On the other hand, she might howl to be missing out on everything.  Yah, you have your job cut out for you.  It'll be quite a Christmas at your house!  :)


          53. MaryinColorado | | #140

            she has a large open pen in my bedroom, I had to take her pet taxi out of it because she climbed on top of it and jumped out of the pen.  I put her in there when my little neighbor girls come over and tell them she's napping.  They think I'm a meany for making her take such a long nap.  The truth is, they are too rough with her and want to pick her up all the time /typical kid stuff, but not safe for a 5# puppy.  

            Zoey is great with people but as you said, she needs protection too.  Right now she is in her pen crying and it sounds like she's saying "mama"  HONESTLY, she sounds more like a baby than a dog!  She doesn't want to go to bed but that's where I'm headed now, sweet dreams!!! 

          54. Gloriasews | | #141

            You're right, Mary, she IS clever!  She'll settle for the night if you're in the room & you turn out the light - of course, you might have to hang your hand into her pen.  She isn't spoiled yet, is she?  Ha ha.  Sweet dreams to you, too.


          55. MaryinColorado | | #143

            She was fine and slept through the night when her pen was in the kitchen.  Switching it to my bedroom threw off her "bedtime routine" so for now it's a "war of the wills".  Maybe she needs a music box and a mobile to go with her soft bunny and blankies, ha ha!  no, she's not spoiled, much!  I have a harder time training little dogs.

          56. Gloriasews | | #144

            You're welcome.  Maybe you need a pet heating pad for Zoey or a ticking clock, besides the bunny, blankie, etc. :)  The musical mobile would just be too interesting for her & probably drive you nuts, as she'd be wide awake & you would have to keep rewinding it, so scratch that idea.  It's harder training small dogs because they're so cute & you hate to be too firm with them, as they definitely take it personally!  Those puppy eyes of hers will get you every time. 


          57. MaryinColorado | | #147

            She slept all night!  Yahoo!  I don't know if it's because she was so tired or because I bought her a new soft fluffy bed but yahoo!!!  (She would chew up a heating pad or that would be a great idea.  I will look for a clock, I love those loud ticking ones, thanks for the idea!  Mary

          58. Gloriasews | | #152

            Again, you're welcome.  Glad your baby finally slept through the night.  The fluffy bed must have been the trick.  Progress is being made!  :)


          59. MaryinColorado | | #153

            Yahoo, two nights in a row! 

          60. Ceeayche | | #156

            My DS is the "dog" person.  She swears by the crate method.  She has a english springer spaniel and Marty considers it his room.  It's enclosed and cozy (DS has a favorite blanket in there and a couple of toys).  It's in the sun room by the window and he tends to go in there unbidden throughout the day.  He used to sleep there all the time, but now he sleeps on the floor in DS's room.

            Good luck with your new family member!

          61. MaryinColorado | | #162

            Thanks!  She has a crate in the sewing room so she can go in there anytime.  We had to take it out of her big pen in the bedroom because she stood on it to jump out of the 3 foot high pen.  I was afraid she'd break her leg.  The pen is about 3ft x 4ft, she sleeps on a little bed with her fleece blankies, there's room for her toys and water.  It's a safe haven when we have too many people over, especially with young children.  I think the new bed did the trick, she slept all night two nights in a row.  She's a little love bug! 

          62. Gloriasews | | #158

            You're on a roll!  Good for Zoey!  She must be growing up, eh?  It sure makes your nights easier & more restful.


          63. MaryinColorado | | #163

            Oh yes!  It was so good to sleep all night.  she loves her new bed and lays right down, I cover her with her little pink fleece blankie and she stays there.  So now we're both having pleasant dreams.

          64. Gloriasews | | #165

            What a loving mom you are, tucking her in like that.  She really must like her new bed, to stay put for the whole night.  It must have a smell that she likes, eh? or maybe it's softer & more comfy.  At least you're getting a good night's sleep now, too.


          65. MaryinColorado | | #167

            It's wonderful to be able to sleep through the night again!  The bed is much softer and fluffier than her other one and has slighttly raised sides, it fits her to a T she curles right up and puts her head on her bunny.  I cover her up and she looks at me then shuts her eyes.  My little princess just loves it.  Yay! 

          66. Gloriasews | | #168

            Aww - how cute!  She actually puts her head on her bunny :).  Yah, she's a little princess, alright!  How wonderful for you that she's sleeping through the night.  We need all the sleep we can get with the Christmas projects to complete - & it's exactly 2 weeks from today to Christmas Day!  Yikes!!

            You had mentioned in another post that you're looking for an electric mattress pad.  Sears has them.


          67. MaryinColorado | | #169

            Thanks, I'll check Sears too.  I bought a lightweight down comforter on sale at Macy's, great price in store was cheaper than their online price too.  Yay!  It's working great, now I'm not kicking off the covers all night long only to get chilled and pull them back up. 

            Zoey's a sweetheart but needs alot of attention or she gets into trouble, this week it's chewing on electric cords, guess I need some bitter apple spray or something now.  It's always something with puppies and children.  Mary

          68. Gloriasews | | #170

            You'll like the down comforter - warmth without weight.  Enjoy!  Yes, it's always something with puppie & small children, but you're lovin' it!  Did you decide to hang your branches or did you find a tree?


          69. MaryinColorado | | #171

            I found an artificial tree for $30.00, 4 1/2ft. and put it on a round end table.  I have ivory and terracotta layered tablecloths and tree skirt with subtle sprigs of holly that I made years ago. It worked out perfectly so the puppy can't reach it.  hooray!  She's helping me type and exploring the papers on my desk. 

            I put evergreen garland on the mantel with pinecones.  Bits of silver, gold, copper, brass and glass for sparkle here and there now that I have a newfound appreciation for metallics. 

            My living room is very neutral brown, terra cotta, ivory, and blue, casual with kind of a modern twist on Northwoods decor with moose.  ha ha, yes Moose because they amuse me! 

            Eight days till Christmas?  Oh my, where did the time go?!!!

            Edited 12/16/2008 11:38 am by MaryinColorado

          70. Ceeayche | | #172

            Yikes!  8 days?  I haven't even fired up  the sewing machine!

          71. MaryinColorado | | #173

            I know!  I'm heading there right NOW!  I finished embroidering dragonflys with metallic wings on some purple batik, now I need to make them into appliques for on some pink longjohns and mail them off to Missouri!  Oh oh, also have to mail my Christmas cards!  Hope they get there on time! 

            I like your quote, I will try to "embrace my blessings..."

          72. Gloriasews | | #174

            That was a great price for your tree & just the right size.  Good for you!  Your decorated living room sounds lovely & elegant.  Since you like moose, you should check out the 'crafts' on http://www.countrywoman.com  magazine.  There is the cutest pattern (easy, too) to make a Krismoose tree ornament, so I am in the process of making 5 of them this year as little gifts & one for myself.  This pattern is a couple of years old, but I saved it with the intention of someday making it.  This is the year.  The pattern is still on the website, as it's been quite popular.


          73. MaryinColorado | | #175

            The only things on that website was Country Woman soap and milkbath!  He he he

          74. KharminJ | | #176

            Yer right, Mary!

            but http://www.countrywomanmagazine.com/ will get you there. Happy KrisMooses! (Moosi?!?)Kharmin

          75. MaryinColorado | | #177

            Thanks for thinking of me, have fun making those moose.  I'm making a pillow with an embroidered moose scene silhouette.  It has mountains and evergreen trees and a lake.  It will be on my couch year round.  Merry Christmoose to you and yours!

          76. Gloriasews | | #179

            Thanks, Kharmin - you beat me to it (giving Mary the correct website)!  Are you a Country Woman reader, too?  Have you also made the Krismoos(es)? :)  Merry Christmas to you!


          77. KharminJ | | #180

            Hi Gloria! No, I've never read the magazine, but it sounds interesting. It just seemed like a simple thing to "fix" the link ... As a matter of fact, I was just looking more closely at the Country Woman Magazine site, and I don't see anything that looks like it will lead to patterns - the only Search seems to be strictly for Recipes. So I guess "Tag, you're it" if you have the page link for them! Merry Christmas to you too! Be Safe and Warm, Everybody!Kharmin

          78. Gloriasews | | #181

            I had no trouble on the Country Woman website - all the stuff was at the top of the page, & crafts were listed.  Anyway, here it is: http://www.countrywomanmagazine.com = click on 'crafts', sign in if you're not a subscriber, & then click on 'moose ornament'.  If you Google the site, it's the second one (not 'links').  Hope that helps.  I have no idea what site you landed on from your description.

            Yes - we are definitely keeping warm, as it's -29C (-21F), with a -31C wind chill & snowing, so it's quite bitter out there, for the first day of winter.  Hope you have a great Christmas!


          79. MaryinColorado | | #182

            ooooooooo, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!  Perfect time to cuddle up with a warm blankie, hot chocolate, and some cookies!!! 

          80. Gloriasews | | #183

            Absolutely!  I made cookies todya & haven't even tried them yet - so thanks for the suggestion!


          81. MaryinColorado | | #184

            Did you enjoy treating yourself to the cookies?  Mary

          82. Gloriasews | | #185

            Yes!  Cookies were excellent :)  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, too.

            Happy New Year!



          83. MaryinColorado | | #186

            Thank You!  Happy New Year to you too!!! 

          84. Gloriasews | | #178

            I'm glad that Kharmin gave you the correct website - she must be another Country Woman reader.  I've not checked this site lately, as I've been too busy & will be for a few more days.  Merry Christmas to you!  Your moose pillow sounds lovely - do post a pic when you have time.


          85. miatamomma | | #104

            For years we had a very nice 8-ft artificial tree.  Two or three years ago we decided we were tired of decorating such a large tree so I got a 4-ft one at Target.  It was already strung with miniature lights and I bought small decorations to finish the decorating.  It sits on a low table with a Christmas covering and is very pretty.  It just goes back in the box and is so easy to store.  After 40+ years of putting up a big tree we decided it was time to downsize.  I think I only paid about $20 for it.  You might check out Target,


          86. MaryinColorado | | #107

            Thanks for the suggestion.  I'm struggling with the notion, as most of my ornaments are hand made or gifts that I treasure from loved ones.  I've given the children theirs from childhood.  I might just string some of them across the fireplace or window this year.  Any ideas how to incorporate them instead of on the tree?  Mary

          87. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #108

            Can you hang branches from the ceiling instead of a tree?  I have seen that done in a small small apartment that had absolutely no space for a tree, and it was magical!  They used hooks to hang the branches from.  They spray painted ordinary tree branches, they were not even evergreens.  They hung the lights and ornaments on the branches.  It was really really pretty.  The presents were placed on a table in the corner, that was decorated with a christmas tablecloth.  The branches only covered part of the ceiling, not the whole thing.  I have thought that even evergreen branches would be pretty.  Cathy

          88. MaryinColorado | | #110

            Oooooooooh that would be beautiful!  Thanks for the idea.  Watch out trees, I might be doing a bit of late season pruning!!!  I'll walk around the yard tomorrow and see what is possible.  I have an evergreen, but it gets dry quickly in the house, there are apple, plum, and crabapple trees and a #### willow over 12 ft tall, hmmmm....I could put some white glittery faux snow on them maybe?  Now you've got me scheming, he he..

          89. KharminJ | | #111

            Oh yeah! glittery snow! and twinkly lights! You may not have to buy a can of glitter snow, either, if you've got glitter and spray glue of some sort - done over a drop cloth or papers, of course. There won't be any "wear and tear" on the branches, unless you've got a house-bird that we don't know about - giggle, teehee. Kharmin, who is very happy in her cozy-sparkly-room-in-my-head right now!

          90. MaryinColorado | | #113

            You know, I just might do that in the studio and leave it up year round!  I found some LED "fairy lights" on faux branches to put in the windows.  Glittered branches on the ceiling would tie in well with a little fairy dust on them! 

            I'm not sure I dare to put even cup hooks in the living room ceiling though. 

            No house bird, yet!  I've got my hands full with the little puppy and the now regressing big yellow lab.  He's my big baby and feeling a bit jealous the last few days.  He doesn't realise how big he is and he wants to lay under my feet, it's a bit crowded here at the computer desk.  (I took the doors off of the walk in closet and use it as an office of sorts.)  There is a hanging rod on one side with UFO's and floor to ceiling shelves on the other side.  The desk in the middle with a bulleting board above.  I'm thinking of changing it back into a closet though.  I'd put the ironing board or cutting table in here instead.  Never enough free wall space!  he he he

          91. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #112

            That willow would work really well, and would grow back quickly enough to supply you for years to come probably.  I think the fake snow would be a lovely touch.  Nice thought!  Cathy

            You could even just spray the branches with clear finish and they would look like they were coated with ice! 

            Edited 12/3/2008 11:58 pm ET by ThreadKoe

          92. MaryinColorado | | #114

            That's a great idea to glaze the willow branches.  I've cut them down before and they do come right back in the spring.  They wouldn't weigh much so may be the best bet.  If I dare put holes in the ceiling of the LR!

          93. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #115

            Maybe there is another way of hanging them?  Can you put hooks and wire from wall to wall across the room or from one wall across a corner to another wall and put the branches across the wires?  The branches would disguise the wire, and they would not be very heavy.  Cathy

          94. MaryinColorado | | #116

            Thanks for the thoughts.  I could go over the wall with the large window and door and along the entryway.  The main focal point  full wall is ivory brick with the fireplace and I can't put holes there, the other one is open on both ends so it wouldn't work at all.  I'm trying to figure out how I could make this work as it's a great idea.  Maybe I could string wire from corner to corner at the top of the walls like an X? 

          95. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #117

            That could work.  I am trying to think of another non permanent way of putting up the branches, but my brain is tired.  Will have to sleep on this one I think.  So off to bed for me.  Will ponder this some more.  Cathy

          96. Gloriasews | | #121

            3M has those wall hooks in different sizes (off-white or brown) for different weights & they say they can be put up & removed without leaving a mark anywhere.  I think they're called Command hooks.  I got mine at Michaels, (haven't used them yet, as I got them for my thread racks, which I still haven't gotten to - my round tuit isn't working!) but the hardware stores would have them - around $5 each for the smaller ones that don't have a heavy weight to bear - more expensive ($8) for the heavy-duty ones, which mine are.  The branch idea of Cathy's sounds really innovative & would be such a surprise for your family & friends - should look lovely.


          97. MaryinColorado | | #124

            Thanks so much!  I'll check those out, might be "just right".

          98. Gloriasews | | #135

            They should work fine wherever you put them, Mary.  Just be sure you get the right size according to the weight of what you'll be hanging on them, so they're not collapsing under the weight.  Let us know how you decide to decorate.  The hanging branches do sound intriguing.


          99. MaryinColorado | | #142


          100. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #154

            Great idea for the branches Gloria!  between things happening here this busy family weekend, I have been racking my poor old brain for a way to string up those branches for Mary!  I had been thinking suction cup hangers, I know some of the picture ones hold a good weight, but the commandos would be better!  Thanks!  Cathy

          101. Gloriasews | | #159

            Glad to have helped you, Cathy.  Actually, the suction cups might work, too, but they'd have to be big & strong, as the branches just might be heavier than they look.  I have to unpack my sewing stuff (mainly, so I can start my Christmas projects & I've procrastinated long enough), so I can tell you if those hooks are called Command or Commander.  I'm sure the hardware store will know what they are if you ask them, though.  I bought the heavy-duty ones to hold my wooden thread racks - I think those hooks hold 30-35 lbs.


          102. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #160

            The suction cups were only the beginning of a half thought, a train wreck as it were.  I will have to check the hardware store for some myself!  They will solve a hanging problem for some decorations I want to hang in my kitchen.  Cathy

          103. Gloriasews | | #161

            Just make sure the wall is clean & the suction cups are moistened a bit - they adhere better, then, Cathy.


          104. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #164

            Thanks for the tip!  Have to get DH to haul the christmas boxes out tomorrow for me, and I will have time after work to go to the hardware store!  Cathy

          105. Gloriasews | | #166

            Good luck at the hardware store!


          106. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #127

            I found some little strings of battery powered christmas lights at Jewels for $1.99 each.  You have to use two "C" batteries, and they have an "on and off" switch.  You could light something that is not close to an outlet.  Do you have "Jewel" stores?

            Edited 12/4/2008 7:43 pm ET by rodezzy2

          107. MaryinColorado | | #131

            No, but growing up we had a Jewel T Man that came to houses to sell things.  I wonder if that's where the Jewel store started?  We don't have Menards either, so when I go to Ill. I always have to take my mother there and we have a blast buying things for her gardens.  I'll keep an eye out for battery powered lights.  Thanks, great idea!  Mary

          108. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #133

            It's a small set of lights....ten to be exact. I have a set on the mantel.  I have to buy batteries, but I refuse to go outside.  I don't need them right now any way.  It's really getting cold now.  It's in the teens.  I love winter though.  I love the holiday seasons and all the lights and decorations.  I love the new year, the thought of starting new again.  I love the holiday songs and the whole celebrating stuff.  I'll start running around and visiting starting saturday.  friends and family, kids and pets, all hopefully having a good time.  I am. 

            Edited 12/4/2008 10:11 pm ET by rodezzy2

          109. MaryinColorado | | #139

            That's our Rodezzy!  A ray of sunshine!  If we could bottle you, we'd be gazillionaires~~~You've got more honey than a whole hive of bees! 

          110. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #146

            Girl, stop the madness.  You all are the sweethearts.  I love your support for all the good people who need help and support here at Gathering. 

          111. miatamomma | | #122

            Mary--You could make a display of your favorite ornaments on a mantle or tabletop.  Use some "snow" so you have something to stabilize them in.  Large glass bowls filled with ornaments and maybe some tinsel of some kind are always pretty.  Go with the smaller artificial tree, you will love it.  I am sure others will have more suggestions.


          112. MaryinColorado | | #125

            Thanks for your input, so many possibilities!  Mary

    4. damascusannie | | #44

      Love it! You are fortunate to have such a great foundation in the architecture in the rooms to begin with and I think you are making just perfect decisions with your colors and details. Isn't it fun to re-dress a room?

    5. Josefly | | #46

      It all looks wonderful. The colors are vibrant and dramatic, but classy too. And your attention to detail - I love the ribbon on the towels. Nice touch.

    6. miatamomma | | #47

      Love your black/red color scheme with some white to set it off.  Good job!!


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