This topic has probably been discussed before but i couldn’t figure out how to search the archives.
Question is what rotary cutter to buy- a gingher for about $50 or a laskers for about $12?
Does it make a big difference for an amateur sewer?
Thanks for any replies.
If you are only using item for personal use, buy the cheaper.
If you run a business and use regularly buy the best quality.
Check the availability of replacement blades
My cheap Fiskars rotary cutter has served me long and well, but I would check a couple of things before buying a new one:
Comfort: Hold it in your hand and press down on a hard surface for a bit to imagine cutting through thick fabric.
Replacement blades/alternative blades: You will need to replace the blades with use, and you may want to use a wavy edge or a perforating blade. Sometimes the replacement blades are interchangeable among brands, but sometimes they don't work as well. Make sure you can find replacements/options for the brand/size you buy.
Safety: Make sure the cutter has an easy and convenient safety system. Mine has a button on the top, away from the blade. Get into the habit of pressing that safety at the end of every cut! Also make sure to get a clear plastic ruler designed for rotary cutting, and a good-sized mat, and ALWAYS use the ruler for every cut.
You'll love your rotary!
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