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Scandinavia 400 Any Good?

WarmDove | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Hello Everyone,

I would like opinions as to whether I should pursue the Scandinavia 400  despite a problem that I saw. 

I recently tested a Scandinavia 400 which I believe in its previous life was the Rose. But to my chagrin it skipped stitches on a suede knit fabric.   I wanted to play around with the machine to see if an adjustment of some type would work but the clerk was adverse to my efforts.  Then the clerk’s boss directed to the floor model of the Platinium 950E.  Which was of course very expensive even at the discounted price.  But I was not allowed a demonstration on that machine.

I am a little suspicious of my treatment.  Why pay for more than I need? The Plat. 950 seems overly complicated to work. In the past, I have heard Viking machines were wonderful.  But I would like input on the whether or not, it would be worth my time to to evaluate the Scandinavia 400  at another store?  Does this machine typically have problems like this or other limitations?


  1. Betakin | | #1

    I don't know of any problems with the Scandinavia line of Vikings. One of my 3 machine is a Viking Intelude 445. It is now a discontinued model but can be purchased new on line. It is very similar to the Scandinavia line and almost a clone to one of the Platinum models. You might wish to check the on line reviews by owners of the Scandinavia models and other Vikings at PatternReview. These are the Vikings made in Sweden. Viking does carry models made elsewhere that are less expensive. You also might want to give the 400 another test drive. If you had skipped stitches on suede fabric it might have had the wrong type of needle for the fabric or the machine might not have had the correct tension or foot pressure adjustment. Also a Teflon foot came with my machine for leather and suede work. Sometimes a roller foot works better too depending on the fabric.

    Good luck to you and I hope you find a machine you love.



    Edited 2/26/2007 1:42 am ET by Betakin

  2. twoimps | | #2

    I'm not familiar with the Scandinavia 400 but I've owned 2 Vikings and highly recommend them.  It's probable that the skipped stitch is because the floor model needs adjustment, not due to any inherent problem with the 400.  However, given the treatment you received, I imagine you wouldn't feel comfortable purchasing any machine from that dealer.

    When I was researching new machines and visited my local dealer, I too was shown more expensive machines than I was interested in, although it was by the sales person not the owner.  As my old machine was a Viking, I was comfortable doing online research and reading user reviews before I decided on purchasing the Interlude 445 online without trying it out.  Had I been buying a brand I had never used, I would have needed to try several models to be sure I was making the right choice.  Patternreview.com is an excellent source of user reviews for all sewing machine brands.

    Hopefully there are other Viking dealers in your area.  I would hate to think that you missed buying a great machine due to poor business practices by that dealer.

    Good luck.


  3. NansiM | | #3

    I have a simple philosopy to such treatment:  If I can't try it, I won't buy it. Period.

    That goes double if no one in the store will demo it for you.  Even if the person is new or just not familiar with that model, they should be able to get someone in the place to help you.

    Unless you're the type who DOES read the manual and like the challenge of figuriong things out on your own, let them know you subscribe to the above philosophy.  If they don't try a little harder to help you (and therefore, their own business) then try another store.

    You should also inquire as to whether operator lessons are available if you purchase a machine.  Happy customers are the ones who go home excited about their new machines and want to use them!  Over 13 years in good dealership proved this over and over!

    Keep trying!

    1. WarmDove | | #4

      To all and NansiM, 

       I've decided to evalutate the Scand 400 at a different store.  Your assurances are well appreciated.  Thanks again.

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