I am having an incredibly hard time sewing the neckline of a Scrubs top. I’m using McCalls pattern 3253. I have reread the directions many times and I just can’t seem to make sense of it. I keep sewing the neckline on upside down or inside out. Does anyone have any tips or ideas?
Have never made this pattern before, but just saw that there are quite a few scrubs patterns reviewed on patternreview.com. There are usually some good tips, too. Good luck.
i saw the pattern but could not read directions. is there a separate piece of v-neck facing that sits on top of the finished garment? if so, you probably could just use that piece like an inside facing instead: pin neck trim onto outside of top, right sides together. just sew on, following the v. reinforce and clip right up to stitching on the center v. turn inside out, turn facing hem in once and press, then stitch down.
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