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searching for a print

cheesemonstr | Posted in Fabric and Trim on
Just wandered over from the Fine Cooking site and wondered if anyone can help me out.
My couches are in good shape, except for one cushion which has become worn… I found a tag and I think the fabric pattern is called Tatyana Plum. Does anyone have any idea if and how I might find some more of this fabric? I searched the name in Google and came up with nothing. I do have a bit of sewing experience, but have never searched for fabrics before and don’t know where to begin (besides hitting fabric stores on foot). Any help would be much appreciated.


  1. sanderson | | #1

    Can you contact the couch manufacturer? They should be able to at least give you the fabric brand.  Might take some serious sleuthing;  the left overs may be sitting at my wall mart mill ends pile right now. 

  2. User avater
    paddyscar | | #2

    You might find more information for your search on the underside of the furniture or under the cushions attached to the decking.  In very old furniture, this info was often attached to the framework and not visible from the outside.

    If you've had your couches long enough for a cushion to wear out, it may be a major search.  I would begin with the furniture manufacturer, but unless the fabric is still in use and easily recognized by verbal description, you would need the furniture style number and the name of the fabric.  Even then, you might not be happy with the 'same' fabric made with the newer dyes and fabric contents and lacking the long term air exposure that your furniture has had.

    A couple of options come to mind:

    1)  if your couch is against the wall, you could use the fabric from the back for new cushions, then cover the back with some upholstery dust cover or plain cotton of a matching colour.  It would probably be less expensive and time saving. 

    2) if your couch has loose cushions, you could search for a co-ordinating fabric and alternate with your current fabric on one side, and the new fabric on the other.  Inspect the rest of the cushions for beginning signs of wear before you start, so you don't end up doing a lot of work for nothing.  This could create an updated look, extend the life of the furniture and still save $.  You could even add to the 'co-ordinated' look by adding in some toss cushions using the two fabrics together or separately.

    If this is confusing or you need clarification, please feel free to send an e-mail.


    1. cheesemonstr | | #3

      Thanks for all your suggestions--some great ideas there. I'll let you know if I have any success!

      1. sewshable1 | | #4

        If you end up hoofing it after all, may I suggest looking in upholstery shops rather than fabric stores? They will more likely recognize the print and be able to order it for you.

        That being said: to do a fabric search go to: fabrics.net and follow the instuctions-you will get answers from vendors who have/might have the fabric you need.

        1. cheesemonstr | | #5

          Great! I sent off an online search. We'll see what it turns up.


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