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Conversational Threads

Searching for references

Mike_Korchinsky | Posted in Fitting on

I was recently on the island of Lamu in Kenya and
came across a young tailor who is self taught,
making clothing for tourists mostly, and who asked
if I could find him a couple of books he had been
told to get. I searched Amazon and Barnes & Noble
etc. and can find no mention of either book. I
suspect both are quite old, and perhaps out of
print but I’m also worried he might have spelled
the titles or authors incorrectly. If anyone can
give me a clue, I would really like to help him
out.”Pattern Designing” by Maches Devis. “The Art
of Fitting Gentlemens Garments” by Rue


  1. Mike_Korchinsky | | #1

    I was recently on the island of Lamu in Kenya and
    came across a young tailor who is self taught,
    making clothing for tourists mostly, and who asked
    if I could find him a couple of books he had been
    told to get. I searched Amazon and Barnes & Noble
    etc. and can find no mention of either book. I
    suspect both are quite old, and perhaps out of
    print but I'm also worried he might have spelled
    the titles or authors incorrectly. If anyone can
    give me a clue, I would really like to help him
    out."Pattern Designing" by Maches Devis. "The Art
    of Fitting Gentlemens Garments" by Ru

    1. Ceil_Moore | | #2

      *HI, Mike - I have found the Rueben Sytner title on bookfinder.com, a search service for out-of-print books; you're right, it is from the 40's, British, and 50 bucks. And probably priceless. You're very kind to help your friend in Kenya. Note: I accidentally typed bookfinders with an s, and got a totally useless search engine. Bookfinder singular is wonderful. Another note - I just bought a pattern drafting book that I found here for $35.00 (retail $72) and when I got it, it was stamped on the cover "Complimentary professional copy"! Hrummmpph! It's bad enough to pass along soap on a rope that you got for Christmas, but I paid real dollars for a book that someone got for free and gave away!! (Just kidding - I was happy to find it!)Best of luck, and keep checking this site.Ceil >^, ,^<

      1. Bill_Stewart | | #3

        *Mike, if you can't get the ones you are looking for, try Fairchild Publications - excellent references on tailoring - , and also try the advertisng pages in Threads and SewNews for a series by Master Design(?). I've seen them advertised in both places. Good luck.

        1. Paisley3 | | #4

          *I think I just saw the last book you are looking for at http://www.hamiltonbook.com in the needlecraft - sewing section.

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