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serger help

Shan | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I’m in the market to buy a new serger. I have never owned a serger before and since I am a beginner I have set my budget at $500. I have searched the web for surveys and reviews of different brands but have not had alot of luck. I am looking at the White Superlock 2000 ATS, Simplicity 4690 Savant LCD and the Janome MyLock 634D. I found all 3 brands on the internet at allbrands.com and am thinking of purchasing from there. If anyone has any experience with these machines or any input in general that they could share with me I would really appreciate it.



  1. karen_morris_ | | #1

    Shannon, there's a HUGE discussion of sergers under $500 in the Equipment & Supplies folder. I think you'll glean lots of helpful info by reading through this thread.

    1. Sarah_Kayla | | #2

      *I bought the White 2000 with my neighbor this summer - we both sew & live across the hall from each other. Andrea just bought her own. Neither of us anticipated how much we would come to depend on the serger. The White isn't a bear to thread. like any new piece of equipment it takes a while to learn it and to learn how it differs from a conventional sewing machine. Give yourself time to learn and permission to screw up. Aside from my own stupidity - I have found the machine to be reliable and Allbrands to be reliable as well. My only regret is that I dithered so long before buying a serger.Sarah

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