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Conversational Threads

Serger yarns/threads…

rekha | Posted in Talk With Us on

First, I think there should be a new category:NOTIONS

I have found only one message from MaryinColorado who suggests that woolly thread should be used only for loopers.

My manual makes no suggestions about threads to use for the needles and the loopers. I appreciate that the threads have necessarily to be thinner than the sewing machine threads to keep the seam from being bulky. I also know from past use that woolly threads are very difficult to use on a sewing machine.

What I would like to know is the range to be used for needles which are compatible also for the loopers, or does it not matter?



  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    Did your Serger Secrets book arrive yet?  There is extensive information regarding various threads from pages 17-23.  

    Maybe the reason I have more of an "urge to serge"  than to sew, is it feels as if there are less hard and fast "rules". 

    For basic serging, all you need is serger thread cones for the needles and loopers.  When you want more stretch such as with lycra swimsuits, use wooly nylon in one or more loopers.  Wooly nylon also gives more coverage in a rolled edge if you are not getting satisfactory results with adjusting the "differential feed".  I generally only use Wooly Nylon in the Upper Looper, but it can be used in both. 

    Experimenting is the best way to discover what threads "play well together" and how they alter the resulting appearance and function. 

    The reason you don't need a zillion (or decorative) stitch patterns with a serger is because changing the settings and threads on each stitch will give you a completely different result.  It still feels like "magic" to me.  Mary

    1. rekha | | #2

      Nope, the book is coming from the States from a reseller so it takes what it takes. I just noticed in the pages between dutch and greek sections the threads required on the needles and loopers for each fabric type. Sorry.

      From what you write the stretch thread is never used in the needle threads.  I will experiment, but I am waiting to take my DVD to a friend's to watch as I don't have one - just a luddite

      1. MaryinColorado | | #3

        You do alot of critical thinking, like I do.  I enjoy the questions you pose on your posts as well as the great responses from everyone here!

        As far as the video, I suggest that you focus on the 3 & 4 thread overlock first.  Go home and play with the machine.  You will be able to switch it to rolled hem by following the manual, I think.  Get comfortable with this.

        Always put your threads under the presser foot and hold onto them when you start to stitch. 

        Listen to the  machine.  If you hear any clicking or weird noises, stop!  Check your threadpaths and maybe rethread the whole machine.  This is the most important thing to do, in my opinion!  (Usually why people break or bend thier loopers).

        I use a tiny flat mirror to see where the needle holes are.  Practice changing the needles to different positions as per the screen instructions for different stitches.

         Then watch the video again and learn about the coverstitch/chainstitch.  I tried to absorb all the information at once.  I think it would have been much quicker and less complicated to learn it in steps.  (That's why the dealer's classes were split into two levels). 

        The main thing is to remember that the lower looper thread always goes over the top of the upper looper thread as you thread it.  It is important to follow the rule of threading order.  Start with the upper looper, then thread the lower looper, then the needles.  If you start with a different colored thread in each position, you will learn how they interlock more quickly.  This will help with adjusting tensions for a balanced stitch.  The serger thread is finer so you will get nice flat seams with no bulkiness.  Mary

        1. rekha | | #4

          Thank you for sharing your valuable experience with us, Mary. I am itching to get started but will have to wait to watch the DVD before getting my hands on the machine. Usually I don't read instructions; like children I have a play with the new toy and if I have difficulty I look in the manual.

          1. MaryinColorado | | #5

            I hope this new toy will bring you years/decades of enjoyment!  It is certainly my favorite "toy" of all!  Can't wait to hear of your escapades with it.  Mary

          2. rekha | | #6

            I hope so too. Thanks for the encouragement

          3. pinkit | | #7

            Hi Rekha:  Mary is right.  When I got my new 936 she suggested that I watch my DVD/Tape before beginning a class. Learning the basic stitch set up for the 3-4 thread overlock will give you a good base to start from.  I didn't see any variation in the tread use until we got to the class for flatlock and then she had us try some pearl #8 cotton in the upper looper and then we only wound a ball of the cotton over the regular serger thread already on the stand.  You probably would not want to try this on your own right away.  As Mary said stay with the regular serger thread to get familiar and use basic colors to see if you can deciper where the stitches belong.  Good luck!  I know you will love it.  The serger has so many possibilites it is amazing.

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