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Conversational Threads

Sew Stylish in Australia

Susannah | Posted in Feedback on Threads on


Has any australian subscriber received their copy of Sew Stylish yet?  I ordered mine in October, and note that it appears to have been sent to US subscribers in late January/early February.  I have sent a couple of emails to customer service enquiring about it, but have only had acknowledgements of the emails, no reply yet.

I am interested in subscribing, but would like to see the first copy before I do.  I think it might provide a nice complement to Threads (and hey, issue #130 arrived today, and it looks really interesting – especially the Kayla Kennington article). 

Any other Aussie subscribers (appart from Cherrypops) out there who have orderd a copy?  And has anyone received it yet?




  1. User avater
    susannah_sews | | #1

    Hi - just to follow up - I got a reply from customer service that explains the delivery system, and a follow up a few days later that clarified it even more. 

    "Thank you for your inquiry. Regular subscriptions are processed through our printing facility in Wisconsin. They are sent out in advance dependent on the shipping time (a combination of air/surface) to arrive prior to their on-sale date.

    Any additional item such as a book or replacement issue leaves from our distribution center here in Connecticut.

    The Sew Stylish book was not even due to begin arriving in U.S. homesuntil the second week in February. When anyone orders a subscription,the first issue always takes the longest and all subsequent issues arrive on a regular, bimonthly basis."

    Second email

    "The first issue of Sew Stylish was just going to be a special interestpublication, a one-time item. The response was so great that the publishers decided to make it into a four-issue subscription. So, that first issue was sent out when it was published at the same time for everyone who pre-ordered it.

    We are required to allow 10-12 weeks for delivery to Australia although most items arrive sooner. If your item left at the beginning of February, I would expect it to arrive in April. Please keep us informedas to the delivery status.

    It is hard to say if your local agent has ordered Sew Stylish as well. I am attaching our Australian/New Zealand distributor information in case you would like to contact them about a specific local carrier:

    Bookwise International Pty Ltd., 174 Cormack Road, Wingfield, South Australia, 5013, Australia; phone 61-8-8268-8222, fax 61-8-8268-8704; email [email protected].

    Please let me know how I can be of further assistance!"

    I was very pleased to get these two emails; it has given me a better understanding of how Taunton manages its business, and the reason why some things arrive quicker than others!

    I have subscribed to Sewstylish for the first year - even though I have yet to see the initial special publication - it will probably get here in the next week or two.

    Hope this information helps other Australian subscribers (cherrypops, it might be of interest to you!)



    1. Cherrypops | | #2

      Dear Susannah and Susannah_sews, ( you are the same person!)

      Thank you so much for your efforts in this matter and posting them. You were very well informed. (I have received shorter but similar emails from Customer Service).

      I too subscribed for one year for Sew Stylish without viewing the first issue.

      My Sew Stylish and some Threads backorders and Claire Shaffer's book will be here...yippee.(I ordered all at the same time, and have confirmation all are on their way).

      Kind Regards CherryPops.

      1. User avater
        susannah_sews | | #3


        Yes, I am the same person - and I don't feel any more schizophrenic than the next person!  (I am tempted to make a few more feeble jokes here, might might try to resist).

        Somewhere along the line I couldn't log in to gatherings, so I re-registered.  Now when I log in, my computer seems to randomly pick who I am, so I am either Susannah or Susannah_sews (maybe my computer recognises when I am wearing something new that I have created???)

        I am not sure what to do to bring the two sides of my on-line split personality together.  (or even if I need to?)  Computer savvy people such as yourself can of course realise I am only one person!

        Customer service were great with the information - they certainly do try hard, and if on rare occasions something slips (as with the deliveries to Australia last year) well hey, we are all human!  They certainly seem to have fixed the problem, as we all seem to be getting our "Threads" now!   (and I thought the last two issues were just corkers!)

        My next big project is a Chanel jacket - I have looked at the photos on the discussion thread about the three piece sleeve, have both the Claire Schaeffer pattern and the other vogue pattern used, plus articles in recent and very early copies of Threads to guide me.

        Over the weekend I will take  a big breath, get out my shears, and do some cutting!

        cheers (from both of us)

        Susannah (sometimes sewing)

        1. Cherrypops | | #6

          Can't wait to read more about your Chanel Jacket. Let me know which discussion you add your comments to or if you decide to start your own post in the relevant discussion header.


  2. Yvonski | | #4

    Hi from New Zealand.   I received the first copy of Sew Stylish in January.   I quite liked it and have placed an order for a 1 yr subscription.    

    If I have it in NZ, you should definitely have it in OZ!   But from the PRDU pages, I think that I also receive my Threads magazines far quicker than Australian PR friends.

    1. Cherrypops | | #5

      Thanks for letting us know your situation in NZ.

      January eh? You must be lucky. Did you pre-order online, like I did???

      Sew Stylish wasn't even made available to the United States until early February.

      This was noted in an email from Customer Service to both myself and the one above, which was sent to Susannah which she so kindly posted.

      My first issue was sent early February, due to arrive in April.

      1. Yvonski | | #7

        I think I ordered online!   I'm talking about the very first issue - has a royal blue sleeveless top on the front cover and "ripple effect" silk organza scarf on the back cover and this scarf was in a previous issue of Threads.   

        I have subscribed to the mag, but not yet received any more issues.


        1. Cherrypops | | #8

          Yes we are talking of the same first issue.

          Issues are available from Taunton Press around Feb/April/Aug/Oct. 4 issues for the year.

    2. User avater
      susannah_sews | | #9

      Hi Yvonski

      I'm jealous!  how come you got your copy in January, and at the end of march, I still don't have mine!!

      Did you experience the same problems as Australian subscribers last August/september with "threads" being sent very late?  Perahps Taunton use a different shipping method for NZ?

      Clearly, if you got your copy in January, then Taunton didn't use the same shipping method for NZ that Customer Service told me applied generally.   It can be a bit frustrating some times, because different customer service people seem to have different information.

      I hope it is worth the wait (although if it is merely going to be reprints of previous articles in Threads, I am not feeling very optimistic.  Maybe I will have wasted my subscription money.

      Susannah (and Susannah Sews)

      1. Yvonski | | #10

        Maybe America thinks NZ is on another planet and has to be sent quicker LOL.

        Just received my Threads 'May 2007 Number 130' and grabbed the plastic envelope out of the rubbish to see where it comes from.   It's weird it has paper labels (not stamps) and they look like they are put on in NZ.   One has New Zealand Post and the NZ Post logo.   The other has the full mailing address for the Auckland Mail Centre but also has written on it "SWISS POST DE NZ"  maybe that's an international code a bit like "par avion".     It has the Taunton Press return address stamped on it!   I think they must come in in bulk to our Mail Centre having been individually addressed in USA and our Post Office must then stamp them etc.        

        Maybe there are so many Australian subscribers that it is worth it for them to use a distributor but not worth it here!

        Also, I never had any of the problems with delivery that others talked about on PRDU.

        Hope I am not making you even more anoyed.   BUT, I think Sew Stylish is worth it for me, as I am returning to sewing after a long break and fabric and notions has changed so much and I need help.


        1. User avater
          susannah_sews | | #11

          Hy Yvonski

          My May "Threads" arrived on 8 March.  Plastic envelope, but I didn't check out the details, and now it has gone to landfill.  I am philosophical about the arrival of Sew Stylish - I am mainly hoping that I can use it to get my daughter to think about sewing.  She is quite excited about design, fabric etc, but has no idea of basic technique, qualities of fabric etc.  I have tried to negotiate making clothes for her, but she consistently selects fabric that is unsuitable for the style of garment (her selections are usually based on colour).  I hope that SewStylish might be a way for her to embark on sewing on her own, which would be much better for my health and temper!

          I gather you are a PRDU participant as well?  Aren't these forums fun!



          1. Cherrypops | | #12


            Have you read the members reviews both here and PRDU. I have and the majority is quite pleased with the magazine.

            I'm really looking forward to seeing what they are writing of.

            Patience is a virtue!


          2. User avater
            susannah_sews | | #15

            Hi Cherrypops

            SewStylish arrived in my letterbox yesterday.  A combination of a late finish at work, plus a meeting of our school council, meant that I was late getting home, and there was too much other domestic chaos to do more than have a quick glance. 

            (Main domestic crisis being that my 21 year old son, arriving back from Melbourne at midday and then departing in the middle of the afternoon to go to the west coast of tassie for work, had eaten a significant share of the beef curry I had prepared for dinner!  Walking in the door at 8 pm, opening the fridge and saying, "its ok, honey, we are having curry for dinner!" loses a bit of its impact when the casserole dish is half empty!)

            A quick glance at sew stylish was enough to indicate that, yes, quite a few of the articles/photos have appeared in Threads in the past.  I'm just hoping that they have been modified enough to give a fresh perspective, and are not mere repetitions.

            Has yours arrived yet?



          3. Cherrypops | | #16

            Hi there,

            Yes! Mine arrived today, Tuesday. I have only had a quick glance through. I went on my son's first kindergarten excursion today at at the beach and the rock platforms. I am very tired. Time to have a hot bath, dinner, story time for Thomas and then I won't be far behind. I hope to look tomorrow afternoon. The morning will be 'easter parade' at school.

            Will write soon, CherryPops

          4. Jane63 | | #17

            My copy of Sew Stylish arrived yesterday to. Looks a bit basic but there are always hints to pick up. I haven't read it yet, just browsed. Cherrypops, I think you wrote to me yesterday re Stitches and living in Sydney but I can't find it today. Can you help?? I am also planning to make the Chanel Jacket, have the pattern, and the Threads magazine open ready but am a bit scared to start. My fabric is a bit like a tweedy silk and I am not sure if it will shrink into shape with the iron as was suggested. I am going away to the Gold Coast on the weekend and so it will have to wait for the moment.

          5. AmberE | | #18

            Glad to hear you all got your copies!

          6. Cherrypops | | #19

            Sew Stylish Get Red Carpet Ready, Summer 2007 arrived in Sydney 13th April.

            I thought I had time to finish reading the First Issue, expecting a 10 week wait, like I did with that issue and still do have the 10 week wait with Threads.

            This Sew Stylish arrived very early. I presumed it was AirMail but according to Customer Service they do not send by AirMail.

            Somebody, please explain why I wait 10 weeks for Threads and receive SewStylish much earlier. I assumed the same shipping distributor is used, therefore mailouts would arrive at similar times. I have emailed CS and am waiting on reply.

            CherryPops (trying to understand Taunton and thier Shipping methods).

          7. user-262611 | | #20

            Hello, I too would be interested in knowing how the postage works to Australia. I received my inital Sew Stylish one and am waiting now for the Red Carpet Ready one. I got all excited when CherryPops received hers but I still don't have mine. Before CherryPops received hers I too was expecting a huge wait.Please let us know how it works, and how long we should expect to wait after it is released in the U.S.Thanks very much, waiting very patiently (or trying to!),Leah.

          8. Cherrypops | | #21


            I will let you know what the response from Customer Service is. AmberE is the Editor in Chief ( i hope i got your title correct Amber) for both Threads and SewStylish.

            Unfortunately AmberE and her wonderful Staff cannot access the Customer Service System, ( I read that on besewstylish website).

            This is why I emailed Customer Service again regarding delivery methods to Australia.

            My previous post, should have been to ALL instead of Amber, Oh Well. Maybe she can help out again, it would be nice to find out why the different 'received' times.



          9. user-262611 | | #22

            Thanks very much CherryPops!

          10. user-262611 | | #23

            Hi Cherrypops,Just wondering, have you got a reply form customer service yet about your recent sew stylish magazine?I still haven't got mine. I suppose it's coming via sea... :)Cheers,Leah

          11. Cherrypops | | #24

            Yes i did!

            They Do Not send via Airmail.

            They do not know why the delay with Threads.

            They say because Sew Stylish is new there are fewer quantities to be shipped.

            Please read this member post :

            http://forums.taunton.com/tp-gatherings/messages?msg=6431.2. This is yet another email regarding mail outs to australia. this includes an australian phone number.


          12. user-262611 | | #25

            Thanks for that Cherrypops. I have just checked my mail for today and it has arrived!!! I am so excited. Off to have a read.I am so glad that it arrived earlier than I expected. I was all set to wait 2 months or so like they say for Threads (I haven't subscribed to threads yet - starting out with sew stylish).I can't wait for the next one already!! heheheCheers,Leah

          13. Cherrypops | | #26

            Thanks you for letting me know. It is a good one.

            Keep your eyes peeled for the patterns used in both issues.

            I was able to buy the pattern from the first issue from ebayAu. Last I checked seller still had one of the larger size, (14-22). I bought the small.

            I emailed Simplicity Australia about the patterns used in SewStylish and I posted their response here:



          14. User avater
            susannah_sews | | #27

            Hi Cherrypops

            My copy of SewStylish Red Carpet Ready arrived today.  I was a bit disappointed, as it includes a lot of reprints (with very little change) from relatively recent issues of Threads.  I ordered the Simplicity pattern used in issue one from http://www.sewingpatterns.com, and it arrived very promptly - my daughter was very taken with it, and is keen to have a go (with a bit of guidance).  I suspect she will be as taken with the main pattern used in issue 2, so I probably will be ordering that as well (there is no way she will want to wait until November!).




          15. Cherrypops | | #28

            Hi Susannah,

            Good to hear from you. Did you read the statement Amber posted regarding both Magazines?

            The pattern used in #2 is now available on Simplicity.com. No checkout as such on their site for Australians - To order online you need to provide your credit cards details within two separate emails, for security or Phone/Fax details.

            Keep checking sewingpatterns.com . I will.


          16. User avater
            susannah_sews | | #29


            I had a go at the simplicity.com site for the pattern featured in the first issue.  What a trial!  Couldn't cope with the multiplicity of steps (ordering from Vogue patterns is so easy!) so I went to sewingpatterns.com (on the recommendation of a friend) and it was much simpler! I've become part of the internet generation - I can't handle having to make a phone call to complete a transaction!

            Have you tried sewingpatterns.com?   Seems to be a pretty comprehensive site, good prices (particularly with the exchange rate as it currently is!) and they posted very quickly.

            I have read Amber's posting - but I do hope that there is a bit more on offer in Sewstylish in the future - some of the content is indeed excellent, but even though it is pitched at less experienced sewists, this isn't always apparent.  For example, the yellow dupoini dress included reference to a bubble hem - mentioning to gather the  dress onto the lining, but lacked the detail of how the lining needed to be cut differently to achieve the bubble effect.  My daughter, who is becoming much more aware of some of the dressmaking techniques but is still relatively inexperienced, noticed this deficit straight away. When I explained how I thought it would be achieved, she said "But not everyone has a mother like you to explain it!"




          17. Cherrypops | | #30


            I've been spending a lot of time today browsing thru sewingpatterns.com. Latest email - Simplicity half price ends Sunday US time + other companies are on sale. Still better than waiting months for Aussie arrival.

            Good to know Vogue is ok. I've been online shopping for a while now getting used to international shipping rates and best sites.

            I skipped the artice on the yellow dupioni. but i will re-read it now. I suggest you send your comments to the sewstylish site. http://www.besewstylish.com maybe they could help you out more. Feedback helps.

            Your daughter is right. Not every mum would be able to pick up on techniques required but not addressed in basic articles.

            I'm bouncing between both Gatherings and the blogs on SS.

            Hope your daughter enjoys learning more and more from you. She is lucky!





            Edited 4/28/2007 6:29 am by Cherrypops

          18. Cherrypops | | #31

            Threads 131 arrived in Sydney today April 30. Yippee.

            My 6 backissues arrived last week, order placed in Feb. Still waiting for one book. Backissues and books take longer according to CService.

            Hope the quick delivery times for Threads and SewStylish continue for us down under.


          19. vwren2 | | #32

            That article did specifically instruct to cut the lining differently, although it did not actually go into a detailed explanation of why. However, the info provided should allow the desired effect to be achieved, even without a mother to explain it. 

          20. Cherrypops | | #35

            Hi vwren,

            I initially skipped that dupioni article but re-read it after Susannah's comments.

            I  find that I am in agreement with you about the article's content.

            Thank you for adding your comment.

            Susannah is lucky to be able to share her advanced sewing knowledge with her daughter and also lucky to have an interested daughter. I didn't have that with my mother, and I doubt my son will be wearing dresses. He does have a hidden talent for fabrics, so there is hope he will become a designer... :)


          21. User avater
            susannah_sews | | #36

            oops.  Yes, you and Cherrypops are right!  I was going on my daughter's comments (she pounced on it before me) and, having actually checked it myself, it is there.  I agree that there could be a bit more explanation of why this is needed (for a first time sewist), but maybe we just need a reminder to readers to "read all steps first before starting any sewing"!



          22. AmberE | | #34

            You'll have to ask CS, as that's not our department and we can't be of any help to you in that area. Sorry, but I'm glad you have your issue!

          23. AmberE | | #33

            Customer service has all of these answers

          24. Cherrypops | | #37

            Just letting you know I have asked one of my favourite all under one roof, newsagent/bookstore/music shop/coffee shop "borders" to add Sew Stylish to their shelves. They have Threads and virtually every other crafty magazine. I hope they do. I will check instore again soon. CherryPops

          25. Yvonski | | #13

            How old is your daughter?  A couple of years ago Stitches ran a series of articles teaching young teenagers to sew.   It was very good.    Regarding wrong fabric for the style/pattern, I'm afraid that I still make that mistake frequently. I always mean to study the recommended fabrics for the pattern and then don't!!!!!!!!!!!

          26. User avater
            susannah_sews | | #14


            I recall the series in Stitches.  My daughter thinks that Stitches is too dowdy (because she only looks at the pictures, not the technical stuff).  In terms of matching fabric to patterns, a few years ago she picked out a reasonably heavy weight cotton drill (not quite denim weight, but fairly firm) and the skirt pattern she selected for me to make it up was designed for very lightweight fabrics (georgette, voile, silk - very floaty, with panels and godets).  She refused to accept my advice, and the only saving grace was that our neighbours daughter (only a few years older than mine, and perceived as a bit of a fashion guru) happended to be in the shop at the same time and agreed with me.  We ended up getting a pattern for a simple flared skirt (cut on the bias, simple side zipp) that worked very well.  I was so grateful that there was a more acceptable source of advice that acted as a reality check!


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